simple_fx 1.0.1 copy "simple_fx: ^1.0.1" to clipboard
simple_fx: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard

Easily apply basic filters to your images.

SimpleFX #

A Flutter package that allows to easily apply basic image effects (hue rotation, opacity, saturation, contrast, common filters and channel isolation)

Features #

This package allows to apply following effects to images:

Hue rotation #

Hue rotation filter rotates all of the image's colors around the hue wheel. Input parameter is the degree value of an angle. Any value can be specified, including negative ones (rotation by -90 degrees is the same as rotation by 270 degrees)

Usage example:

SimpleFX(imageSource: image, hueRotation: 110);
copied to clipboard

Result (on the bottom is an image with hue rotated by 110 degrees):


Brightness #

Brightness filter allows to make image brighter or darker. Input parameter is the percentage increase or decrease of brightness (so the range is -100..100 and default value is 0)

Usage example:

SimpleFX(imageSource: image, brightness: 50);
copied to clipboard

Result (on the bottom left is an image with brightness: 50, on the bottom right - with brightness: -50):

brightnessPlus brightnessMinus

Saturation #

Saturation filter allows to desaturate images. Input parameter is the percentage of an original saturation (so the range is 0..100 and default value is 100)

Usage example:

SimpleFX(imageSource: image, saturation: 50);
copied to clipboard

Result (on the bottom is an image with saturation: 50):


Opacity #

Opacity filter allows to add transparency to an image. Input parameter is the percentage of an original opacity (so the range is 0..100 and default value is 100)

Usage example:

Stack(children: [
                SimpleFX(imageSource: image2), //Hidden image
                SimpleFX(imageSource: image, opacity: 50) //Demo image
copied to clipboard

Result (on the bottom is an image with opacity: 50; hidden image can be seen through it):


Common filters #

This plugin allows to apply some common filters - grayscale, sepia and negative. They are implemented inside of a SFXFilters class. filter parameter can also take custom filter specified as a 5x4 matrix (for more information, refer to Flutter documentation)

Usage example:

SimpleFX(imageSource: image, filter: SFXFilters.negative);
copied to clipboard

Result (on the bottom is an image affected by SFXFilters.negative filter):


Channel isolation #

This plugin also allows to isolate channels of an image. channels parameter takes one of the filters implemented in SFXChannels class. It can also take custom isolation array - an array of 3 double values (red, green and blue) in range of 0..1, where 1 is full value of channel, and 0 is removal of a channel.

Usage example:

SimpleFX(imageSource: image, channels:;
copied to clipboard

Result (on the bottom is an isolated green channel of an original image):


Getting started #

This package requires no prerequisites, and can be used in any Dart application

Usage #

An example of SimpleFX filter with all parameters specified.

NOTE: filters are applied in following order: hueRotation = brightness = opacity > saturation > filter > channels

Stack(children: [
                SimpleFX(imageSource: image2,), //Secret
                SimpleFX(imageSource: image, 
                        hueRotation: 50, 
                        brightness: -50, 
                        saturation: 90, 
                        opacity: 80, 
                        filter: SFXFilters.grayscale, 
                        channels: SFXChannels.magenta) //Demo image
copied to clipboard





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Easily apply basic filters to your images.


API reference


MIT (license)




Packages that depend on simple_fx