simple_frame_app 1.1.0 copy "simple_frame_app: ^1.1.0" to clipboard
simple_frame_app: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard

Flutter and Lua quickstart app scaffolding and standard library functions for Brilliant Frame development on Android/iOS

Flutter and Lua quickstart app scaffolding and standard library functions for Brilliant Frame development on Android/iOS. (iOS support intended but untested.)

Images #

frameshot1 frameshot2 frameshot3 frameshot4 frameshot5 screenshot1 screenshot2

Features #

  • Connect/disconnect via bluetooth (flutter_blue_plus package)
  • Send and display Sprites on Frame (from both pre-made image assets and also dynamically-sourced)
  • Send text for display on Frame (TxPlainText and TxTextSpriteBlock for Unicode/RTL)
  • Request and process JPG images from Frame camera (image package)
  • Automatically loads custom Lua scripts onto Frame on app startup, deletes them on app exit
  • Automatically loads sprite assets into Frame memory on app startup
  • Framework for custom typed message sending and receiving (pack/parse standard and custom message types) that automatically handles messages larger than bluetooth MTU size
  • Library of standard frameside Lua scripts (for generic accumulation of message data, battery, camera, sprites, text)
  • Conventions for the use of minified Lua scripts
  • Template for optional simple single-page phoneside Flutter app
  • Template for standard frameside Lua app

Getting started #

  • Create a Flutter mobile app
  • flutter pub add simple_frame_app
  • Follow the flutter_blue_plus instructions for modifying configuration files on Android and iOS for Bluetooth LE support
  • On Android, also append |navigation to the long list in android:configChanges to prevent app activity restarts on bluetooth connect/disconnect.
  • Copy template files template/main.dart and template/frame_app.lua to your project's lib/ and assets/ directories respectively (also see sample projects for examples of phoneside and frameside apps.)
  • Add assets to pubspec.yaml under flutter: assets:, both standard and custom, that you wish to send to Frame on app startup e.g. - packages/simple_frame_app/lua/camera.min.lua for a standard Lua library, or - assets/sprites/20_mysprite.png for an app-specific sprite. For the template frame_app.lua, add the following:
  - packages/simple_frame_app/lua/battery.min.lua
  - packages/simple_frame_app/lua/data.min.lua
  - packages/simple_frame_app/lua/code.min.lua
  - packages/simple_frame_app/lua/plain_text.min.lua
  - packages/simple_frame_app/lua/sprite.min.lua
  - assets/frame_app.lua

Usage #

Phoneside (Flutter/Dart)

// send some ASCII text to Frame
await frame!.sendMessage(TxPlainText(msgCode: 0x12, text: 'Hello, Frame!'));

// asking Frame to take a photo and send it back
var takePhoto = TxCameraSettings(msgCode: 0x0d);
await frame!.sendMessage(takePhoto);

// synchronously await the image response encoded as a jpeg
Uint8List imageData = await imageDataResponse(frame!.dataResponse, 50).first;

// send a custom message and value to the Lua app running on Frame
await frame!.sendMessage(TxCode(msgCode: 0x0e, value: 1));

// send a sprite to Frame with an identifying message code
var sprite = TxSprite.fromPngBytes(msgCode: 0x2F, pngBytes: bytesFromFileOrWeb);
await frame!.sendMessage(sprite);

Frameside (Lua)

-- Phone to Frame message codes

-- camera_settings message to take a photo
if (data.app_data[CAMERA_SETTINGS_MSG] ~= nil) then
    rc, err = pcall(camera.camera_capture_and_send, data.app_data[CAMERA_SETTINGS_MSG])

    if rc == false then

    -- clear the message
    data.app_data[CAMERA_SETTINGS_MSG] = nil

-- hotdog classification 0 or 1
if (data.app_data[HOTDOG_MSG] ~= nil) then

    if (data.app_data[HOTDOG_MSG].value == 1) then

        if (data.app_data[HOTDOG_SPRITE] ~= nil) then
            local spr = data.app_data[HOTDOG_SPRITE]
            frame.display.bitmap(450, 136, spr.width, 2^spr.bpp, 0, spr.pixel_data)

    -- clear the message
    data.app_data[HOTDOG_MSG] = nil

Numerous example projects can be found in the CitizenOneX GitHub.

Additional information #

This is a work-in-progress personal project with limited support and frequent breaking changes; fixes and suggestions with PRs welcome.



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Flutter and Lua quickstart app scaffolding and standard library functions for Brilliant Frame development on Android/iOS

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unknown (license)


flutter, flutter_blue_plus, image, logging


Packages that depend on simple_frame_app