simple_fontellico_progress_dialog 0.0.1 copy "simple_fontellico_progress_dialog: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
simple_fontellico_progress_dialog: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard


A simple progress dialog with custom icons.

Simple Fontellico Progress Dialog #

This package helps to render a progress dialog window with different types of loading indicator.

Instalation #

Include simple_fontellico_progress_dialog in your pubspec.yaml file:

    sdk: flutter
  simple_fontellico_progress_dialog: version

Usage #

To use this package, just import it into your file, create a new instance, pass the context as parameter.

import 'package:simple_fontellico_progress_dialog/simple_fontico_loading.dart';


SimpleFontelicoProgressDialog _dialog = SimpleFontelicoProgressDialog(context: context, barrierDimisable:  false);

void showDialog() async{ 'Loading...', type: type);
  await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));


Constructor #

Name Description Required Default
context Buildcontext to render the dialog True
barrierDimisable Boolean value to indicate barrierDimisable on dialog True

To show a dialog, use the show method, to hide it, use the hide method. Simple like that.

Properties used on show method #

Name Description Required Default
message String to indicate a message into the dialog True
type Simple dialog type (normal, threeline, multiline, refresh, hurricane, phoenix, iphone) False normal
width Double value to indicate the dialog width False 100
height Double value to indicate the dialog height False 120
elevation Double value to indicate the dialog elevation False 5.0
radius Double value to indicate the dialog border radius False 5.0
backgroundColor Double value to indicate the dialog background color False Colors.white