simple_file_saver_platform_interface 2.0.0 copy "simple_file_saver_platform_interface: ^2.0.0" to clipboard
simple_file_saver_platform_interface: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard

A common platform interface for the simple_file_saver plugin.

2.0.0 #

  • BREAKING CHANGE: The platform interface API in now simplified into one single method saveFile() and an additional method downloadLinkBuilder() only for the web platform.
  • The new API takes a FileSaveInfo object which you may create it from either FileSaveInfo.fromBytes() or FileSaveInfo.fromUrl().

1.3.0 #

  • Return the path of the file saved instead of a boolean.

1.2.0 #

  • Add new platform APIs for the web implementation, and updates the download APIs.

1.1.2 #

  • Remove the mimeType parameter for the downloadFileByUrl() API.

1.1.1 #

  • Return non-nullable boolean.

1.1.0 #

  • Add new platform APIs for the web implementation.

1.0.0 #

  • Initial open source release.