simple_cached_future_builder 0.1.1 copy "simple_cached_future_builder: ^0.1.1" to clipboard
simple_cached_future_builder: ^0.1.1 copied to clipboard

A simplified FutureBuilder with basic caching abilities to not fetch new data on each rebuild.

A simplified FutureBuilder with basic caching abilities.

Created to solve three issues:

  1. Avoid the need to check if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.done && snapshot.hasData) for each FutureBuilder.
  2. Avoid the future method to be called on each build without manually storing it as a variable.
  3. Allow the value to be cached during a session for quicker retrieval.

Features #

  • Use the class to simplify the process of building a widget after some data have been fetched. Fewer lines of code will need to be written in the most basic cases.
  • Optionally: Cache the fetched data so that less calls will be made on build(), especially during development when you need to rebuild a lot.
  • Optionally: Manage the cached data either using the default manager or using your own class. Can easily be used with any database package to store the data more permanently.

Getting started #

Add simple_cached_future_builder as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

Usage #

Basic usage #

    future: get(Uri.parse(''))
            .then((value) => value.body),
    builder: (context, body) {
        return Text(jsonDecode(body)['activity']);
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Compared to a FutureBuilder, you will not have to return a widget while loading or if there is an error. You might in other words be able to drop a few lines of code that you might be repeating a lot (as was the case for me). To add a loading or error widget, see all options.

    future: get(Uri.parse(''))
        .then((value) => value.body),
    builder: ((context, snapshot) {
-        if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.done && snapshot.hasData) {
            return Text(jsonDecode(!)['activity']);
-        } else {
-            return Container();
-        }
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All options #

    future: get(Uri.parse(''))
        .then((value) => value.body),
    builder: (context, activityResponse) {
        var activityData = jsonDecode(activityResponse);
        return Text(activityData['activity']);
    onLoadingWidget: const CircularProgressIndicator(),
    onErrorWidget: (error) => const Icon(Icons.warning),
    cache: SimpleCache(
        tag: 'activitySuggestion',
        validFor: const Duration(minutes: 3)),
    cacheManager: MyCustomCacheManager(),
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Parameter Example Description
future get(Uri.parse('')) Required A future value.
builder builder: (context, activityResponse) => Text(activityResponse) Required A method that returns the fetched data. Must return a widget.
onLoadingWidget onLoadingWidget: const CircularProgressIndicator() Optional The widget to be displayed while loading.
onErrorWidget onErrorWidget: (error) => const Icon(Icons.warning) Optional A widget to appear if fetching the data fails or the value is null.
cache SimpleCache(tag: 'activitySuggestion', validFor: const Duration(minutes: 3)) Optional Cache the value for a period of time.
cacheManager BasicCacheManager() Optional A manager to handle the cache, for instance to manually clear the cache or to cache it between sessions.

Custom CacheManager #

The cache manager can be overridden to handle the cache in some other way than the default manager, BasicCacheManager().

class MyCustomCacheManager extends CacheManager {
  void clearCache() {
    // TODO: Clear database

  Future<bool> exists(SimpleCache tag) async {
    // TODO: Check if value exists

  void removeCache(SimpleCache tag) {
    // TODO: Delete cache

  retrieveCache(SimpleCache tag) {
    // TODO: Retrieve cache

  void storeCache(SimpleCache tag, data) {
    // TODO: Store cache
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Additional information #

Note that the default cache manager stores the data in a Map. This means all that the data will be cleared each time your app is fully restarted.

Also note that this could potentially lead to high memory usage if you cache a lot of different large values.

The default manager is intended for temporary small data that does not need to be kept over different sessions. For all other usages it is recommended to use a CustomCacheManager. See the example/lib/main.dart for an example implementation using Hive.




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A simplified FutureBuilder with basic caching abilities to not fetch new data on each rebuild.

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#network #futurebuilder #cache


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MIT (license)




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