simple_audio 1.0.2 copy "simple_audio: ^1.0.2" to clipboard
simple_audio: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard


A cross-platform solution for playing audio in Flutter.

Simple Audio #

A cross-platform solution for playing audio in Flutter.

This project's goal is to be as simple as possible, meaning it offers the core functionality only (ex. play/pause). It also aims to be stable and relatively bug free.

I created this plugin for my music app so that I don't have to use different packages for different platforms (audio_service, dart_vlc). This made it hard to deal with bugs from different packages.

Features #

  • Simple API
  • Cross platform (Android, Linux, Windows, iOS, macOS)
  • Media notifications on all platforms to access controls (iOS and macOS use the control center)
  • Playback of local and online resources

Usage #

  • Add this plugin as a dependency in pubspec.yaml
  • Call SimpleAudio.init() in main() and configure as you need.
  • Instantiate a SimpleAudio object in your player controller.
  • Use the APIs provided in the instantiated object.

To see a sample player project, please check the example.

Setup #

Some platform specific things have to be set up in order for this plugin to function properly.

Windows/Linux #

No setup is needed for these platforms.

Android #

You will need to edit 2 files located in the android/app/src/main directory.


<!-- Add this permission. -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE"/>
  <!-- ... -->
  <!-- This is required if you want to be able to see the notification. -->

  <!-- This is required to interact with the notification buttons. -->


// ...
// Add these imports.
import android.content.Intent
import android.os.Bundle
import com.erikas.simple_audio.SimpleAudioService
import com.erikas.simple_audio.notificationClickedIntent

class MainActivity: FlutterActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?)

        // This line is optional. What it does is open your app when the notification
        // is clicked.
        notificationClickedIntent = Intent(applicationContext,
        // This line starts the SimpleAudioService which starts a foreground service
        // and creates a new media session.

iOS #

You will have to add a dependency to your Xcode project.

  • Open Runner.xcworkspace in the ios folder.
  • At the top of your project hierarchy view, select the Runner project.
  • Select the Runner target, go to the General tab and scroll down until you see Frameworks, Libraries, Embedded Content
  • Press the + icon and add the AudioToolbox.framework framework. Select Do Not Embed under the Embed column.

Add this to your Info.plist file located in ios/Runner:

  <!-- ... -->

macOS #

You will need to update the macOS build versions to 10.13

  • Open Runner.xcworkspace in the macos folder.
  • At the top of your project hierarchy view, select the Runner project.
  • In your Runner project, go to the Info tab and set macOS Deployment Target to 10.13
  • Select the Runner target and set the Minimum Deployments macOS version to 10.13



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A cross-platform solution for playing audio in Flutter.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


ffi, flutter, flutter_rust_bridge, meta, plugin_platform_interface


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