signals 5.2.2 copy "signals: ^5.2.2" to clipboard
signals: ^5.2.2 copied to clipboard

Reactivity made simple. Do more by doing less. Supports Flutter and any Dart project including HTML/JS, CLI, Shelf Server, VM and more.

5.2.2 #

5.2.1 #

5.2.0 #

  • Update to signals_flutter 5.2.0
  • Update to signals_core 5.1.0
  • Sync core implementation with @preactjs/signals package
  • Allow mutations in computed
  • Share peek implementation for signal/computed
  • Inline various methods for performance

5.1.0 #

  • Update to signals_flutter 5.1.0
  • Fix #247 - element watcher causing effect cycle error
  • Fix #245 - unmounted widget causing error on context read
  • Adding InheritedSignalProvider and ReadonlySignalProvider for Flutter
  • Update to signals_core 5.0.1
  • Switching SignalsObserver to use log instead of print
  • Only setting SignalsObserver to use DevToolsSignalsObserver in kDebugMode
  • Changing SignalProvider default constructor to use create

5.0.0 #

  • Adding previousValue/initialValue to Signal
  • Removing SignalEquality
  • Deprecating ValueSignal in favor of Signal
  • Deprecating .forceUpdate in favor of .set(..., force: true)
  • Removing old deprecated methods
  • Adding more inline code documentation
  • ListSignal/SetSignal now extends IterableSignal
  • Fixing ChangeStackSignal getters for history/redos to return an iterable list
  • Fixing async signal isCompleted race condition
  • Adding createSignal/createComputed/createEffect for Flutter
  • Adding SignalsAutoDisposeMixin for Flutter
  • Update to signals_core 5.0.0
  • Update to signals_flutter 5.0.0

4.5.1 #

  • Fixing Watch in hot reload with auto dispose signals
  • Update to signals_flutter 4.5.1

4.5.0 #

  • Updating documentation comments
  • Fixing signals observer bug on effect
  • Removing previousValue from value signal
  • Add ability to remove an onDispose callback
  • Update to signals_core 4.5.0
  • Update to signals_flutter 4.5.0

4.4.0 #

  • adding overrideWith
  • fix autoDispose not passed in for some signals
  • fix equality not being passed in for some signals
  • fix for completed not being reset on async signal
  • Update to signals_core 4.4.0
  • Update to signals_flutter 4.4.0

4.3.0 #

  • Add valueNotifierToSignal, valueListenableToSignal
  • Update to signals_flutter 4.3.0

4.2.3 #

4.2.2 #

  • Updating signals_core package to 4.2.0
  • Update to signals_flutter to 4.2.2

4.2.1 #

4.2.0 #

4.1.0 #

  • Fix bug in auto dispose where signal dispose causes cycle
  • Dispose does not reset to initial value and will read the last value with a warning

4.0.3 #

  • Removing SignalsReadAfterDisposeError in favor of debug print warning

4.0.2 #

  • Adding SignalsWriteAfterDisposeError/SignalsReadAfterDisposeError for better error handling

4.0.1 #

  • Fix for listen causing multiple callbacks on non static methods

4.0.0 #

  • StreamSignal now will rebuild with signals are read in the callback to create the stream
  • Stream/Future signal both can take an optional list of dependencies to rebuild on
  • FutureSignal now extends StreamSignal
  • StreamSignal can now rebuild/refresh
  • StreamSignal can now pause/resume
  • Adding computedAsync/computedFrom for similar API to angular
  • Adding .set(..., force: true) to Signal/Computed to force a rebuild
  • Adding .recompute() for Computed to recall the callback
  • Adding autoDispose for Signal/Computed
  • Adding some helper signals not included in the default export
  • Signals for WidgetsBinding and SchedulerBinding
  • Signals for Theme/MediaQuery
  • TickerSignal for Flutter animations

3.0.0 #

  • adding readonlySignalContainer to be existing signalContainer API
  • updating signalContainer to allow for mutable signals
  • adding SignalEquality to allow override of ==
  • adding select for signals to return a computed value
  • fix memory leak on signal container
  • adding ChangeStackSignal

2.1.10 #

  • Updating signals_flutter package to 1.0.8
  • Updating signals_core package to 1.0.6

2.1.9 #

  • Updating signals_core package to 1.0.5

2.1.8 #

  • Updating signals_core package to 1.0.4

2.1.7 #

  • Updating signals_flutter package to 1.0.7

2.1.6 #

  • Updating signals_flutter package to 1.0.6

2.1.5 #

  • Updating signals_flutter package to 1.0.5
  • Updating signals_core package to 1.0.3

2.1.4 #

  • Updating signals_flutter package to 1.0.4
  • Updating signals_core package to 1.0.2

2.1.3 #

  • Updating signals_flutter package to 1.0.3

2.1.2 #

  • Updating signals_flutter package to 1.0.2

2.1.1 #

  • Updating signals_flutter package to 1.0.1

2.1.0 #

  • Moving core api from signals package to signals_core package
  • Moving Flutter extensions from signals package to signals_flutter package
  • Reexporting signals package to signals_core and signals_flutter packages
  • Depending on signals_core package 1.0.1
  • Depending on signals_flutter package 1.0.0

2.0.4 #

  • Fixing AsyncState on void signals
  • Fixing FutureSignal with void Future

2.0.3 #

  • Rename AsyncSignalState to AsyncState
  • Rename AsyncSignalStateLoading to AsyncLoading
  • Rename AsyncSignalStateError to AsyncError
  • Rename AsyncSignalStateLoaded to AsyncLoaded
  • Deprecate AsyncSignalState (and subclasses) in favor of AsyncState

2.0.2 #

  • Exporting AsyncSignalState for AsyncSignal state
  • Fixing FutureSignal reloading state not triggering

2.0.1 #

  • Fixing issue with StreamSignal on resetStream

2.0.0 #

  • Refactor AsyncSignal
  • Adding back FutureSignal and StreamSignal as AsyncSignal subclasses
  • Adding AsyncSignalStatesealed class for AsyncSignal state
  • Adding reload to AsyncSignal
  • Adding refresh to AsyncSignal

1.5.11 #

  • Adding disableSignalsDevTools to disable the dev tools extension in debug/profile mode
  • Adding getSignalListenSubscriberCount for testing
  • Adding getSignalWatchSubscriberCount for testing
  • Fixing watch/listen extension to dedupe signals by context
  • Performance improvements based on benchmark examples by context_watch
  • Adding debugLabel to effect
  • Adding unwatch, unlisten signals extension to stop watching a signal for watch/listen
  • Adding unwatchSignal, unlistenSignal and unwatchElement

1.5.10 #

  • Updating signal_devtools to 0.0.6

1.5.9 #

  • Updating signal_devtools to 0.0.5 which now works with hot reload (adding effect remove)
  • Signal watch and listen can now call the cleanup method on hot reload if any Watch widgets are used

1.5.8 #

  • Updating signal_devtools to 0.0.4 with graph view updated colors and debug label

1.5.7 #

  • Fixing Computed bug in debug mode
  • Updating signal_devtools to 0.0.3 with graph view showing effects
  • Adding toAsyncSignal for Future and Stream to convert to optional value AsyncSignal

1.5.6 #

  • Adding debugLabel to AsyncSignal

1.5.5 #

  • Adding reloading state to AsyncSignal
  • Adding reload to AsyncSignal

1.5.4 #

  • Fixing pubspec Dart filters on
  • Adding map and maybeMap to AsyncSignal
  • Adding listen to signal extensions for Flutter
  • Adding listenSignal for Flutter

1.5.3 #

  • Adding SignalsObserver and LoggingSignalsObserver
  • Updating signal_devtools to 0.0.2 with graph view and reactive values

1.5.2 #

  • Migrating TimerSignal to AsyncSignal
  • Fixing watch(context) calls inside Watch widget

1.5.1 #

  • Adding isCompleted and future to AsyncSignal to async methods to wait for a signal to complete

1.5.0 #

  • Adding AsyncSignal with helpers asyncSignalFromFuture and asyncSignalFromStream
  • Adding async example
  • Adding previousValue to signal
  • Adding reloading state to FutureSignal and StreamSignal
  • Deprecating FutureSignal and StreamSignal in favor of AsyncSignal
  • Moving forceUpdate to ValueSignal

1.4.2 #

  • Adding Timer to emit TimerEvent
  • Adding initial to StreamSignal to skip loading state and avoid emit null value

1.4.1 #

  • Adding sorted to ListSignal that returns new list with sorted values (does not mutate original list)

1.4.0 #

  • Deprecating MutableSignal in favor of Signal (abstract class)
  • Adding ValueSignal that can be used in a class and extended (similar to ValueNotifier)
  • Exposing all classes for value signal and future/stream (for lint issues)
  • Rename to to from in connect

1.3.4 #

  • Adding inject <<, & fork and | pipe operators on collections

1.3.3 #

  • Adding requireValue to FutureSignal and StreamSignal which return the value (non null) or throw an error
  • Switching Exception to Error

1.3.2 #

  • Adding connect to make it easier to connect a signal to a set of streams

1.3.1 #

  • FutureSignal now implements ReadonlySignal instead of Signal
  • StreamSignal now implements ReadonlySignal instead of Signal

1.3.0 #

  • Removing SignalWidget since it will cause unnecessary rebuilds if used at the root and too easy to use incorrectly

1.2.2 #

  • Fixing FutureSignal and StreamSignal in watch
  • Adding Watch and SignalWidget

1.2.1 #

  • Fixing computed and signal to work the same in debug mode as in release mode
  • Passing through debugLabel to all methods

1.2.0 #

  • Fixing public API and removing public classes (Computed, Effect, StreamSignal, etc.)

1.1.1 #

  • Migrated to single package signals from preact_signals and flutter_preact_signals

1.1.0 #

  • Updating preact_signals to 0.4.1
  • Updating flutter_preact_signals to 0.4.1

1.0.1 #

  • Updating preact_signals to 0.3.3

1.0.0 #

  • Updating preact_signals to 0.3.2
  • Updating flutter_preact_signals to 0.3.2
pub points



Reactivity made simple. Do more by doing less. Supports Flutter and any Dart project including HTML/JS, CLI, Shelf Server, VM and more.

Repository (GitHub)
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#signal #reactive #state #signals #rx


API reference


Apache-2.0 (license)


flutter, signals_core, signals_flutter


Packages that depend on signals