sign_in_with_huawei 0.0.3
sign_in_with_huawei: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard
The Flutter plugin for Signing In with HUAWEI ID (on HarmonyOS)
sign_in_with_huawei #
用于 HarmonyOS 上华为账号登录的 Flutter 插件
安装 #
flutter pub add sign_in_with_huawei
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或者将其添加到你的 pubspec.yaml
sign_in_with_huawei: ^0.0.3
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前提条件 #
在开始之前,请先阅读 开发准备 和 华为账号登录(获取UnionID/OpenID)
使用方法 #
final response = await SignInWithHuawei.instance.authById(
forceLogin: true,
state: "any state",
nonce: "any nonce",
idTokenAlg: IdTokenSignAlgorithm.PS256,
// response.state
// response.authCode
// response.idToken
// response.openID
// response.unionID
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限制 #
当前插件仅实现了 华为账号登录(获取UnionID/OpenID)。
华为账号一键登录(获取手机号和UnionID/OpenID) 尚未实现,欢迎 PR