shopify_flutter 1.0.5 copy "shopify_flutter: ^1.0.5" to clipboard
shopify_flutter: ^1.0.5 copied to clipboard

A flutter package that works as a bridge between your Shopify Store and Flutter Application.

shopify_flutter #

A flutter package that works as a bridge between your Shopify Store and Flutter Application.

How To Use #

Create a private app on your Shopify store. Please follow THIS DOC to get started with it.

While creating storefront api access token, makes sure to check all the api permissions as some queries and mutations require permission on objects like product tags.

First of all configure the ShopifyConfig like that:

void main() {
    storefrontAccessToken: '*******************',
    adminAccessToken: "shpat_*******************",
    storeUrl: '*****',
    storefrontApiVersion: '2023-01',

These are the five possible instances, each contains different methods which will help you with working with the Shopify Storefront API.

The goal is to make creating an mobile app from your Shopify website easier.

Shopify Auth
  ShopifyAuth shopifyAuth = ShopifyAuth.instance;
    Future<ShopifyUser> createUserWithEmailAndPassword({required String email, required String password})
    Future<void> signOutCurrentUser()
    Future<void> sendPasswordResetEmail({required String email})
    Future<ShopifyUser> signInWithEmailAndPassword({required String email, required String password})
    Future<ShopifyUser> currentUser()
    Future<void> deleteCustomer({required String userId})
    Future<String?> get currentCustomerAccessToken
Shopify Store
  ShopifyStore shopifyStore = ShopifyStore.instance;
     Future<List<Product>> getProductsByIds()
     Future<List<Product>> getXProductsAfterCursor(int limit,String startCursor)
     Future<List<Product>> getAllProducts()
     Future<List<Product>> getNProducts({required int n, required SortKey sortKey})
     Future<Shop> getShop()
     Future<Collection> getCollectionById(String collectionId)
     Future<List<Collection>> getAllCollections()
     Future<List<Product>> getXProductsAfterCursorWithinCollection(String id, int limit, String startCursor, SortKeyProduct sortKey)
     Future<List<Product>> getAllProductsFromCollectionById(String id)
     Future<List<Product>> getAllProductsOnQuery(String cursor, SortKeyProduct sortKey, String query)
     Future<List<Product>> getXProductsOnQueryAfterCursor(String cursor, int limit, SortKeyProduct sortKey, String query)
     Future<List<Metafield>> getMetafieldsFromProduct(String productHandle, {String namespace})
Shopify Checkout
  ShopifyCheckout shopifyCheckout = ShopifyCheckout.instance;
    Future<Checkout> getCheckoutInfoQuery({String checkoutId})
    Future<Checkout> getCheckoutInfoWithAvailableShippingRatesQuery({String checkoutId})
    Future<List<Order>> getAllOrders({String customerAccessToken})
    Future<void> checkoutLineItemsReplace({String checkoutId, List<Map<String,dynamic>> checkoutLineItems})
    Future<void> checkoutCustomerAssociate({String checkoutId, String customerAccessToken}) 
    Future<void> checkoutCustomerDisassociate({String checkoutId})
    Future<void> checkoutDiscountCodeApply({String checkoutId, String discountCode})
    Future<void> checkoutDiscountCodeRemove({String checkoutId})
    Future<Checkout> createCheckout()
    Future<void> checkoutGiftCardAppend(String checkoutId, List<String> giftCardCodes)
    Future<void> checkoutGiftCardRemove(String appliedGiftCardId, String checkoutId)
    Future<void> shippingLineUpdate(String checkoutId, String shippingRateHandle)
    Future<void> checkoutCompleteFree(String checkoutId)
    Future<void> updateAttributes(String checkoutId, {bool allowPartialAddresses, Map<String, String> customAttributes, String note})
Shopify Customer
  ShopifyCustomer shopifyCustomer = ShopifyCustomer.instance;
     Future<void> customerAddressUpdate({String address1, String address2, String company, String city, String country, String firstName, String lastName, String phone, String province, String zip, String customerAccessToken, id})
     Future<void> customerUpdate({String email, String firstName, String lastName, String password, String phoneNumber, String customerAccessToken, bool acceptsMarketing})
     Future<void> customerAddressCreate({String address1, String address2, String company, String city, String country, String firstName, String lastName, String phone, String province, String zip, String customerAccessToken})
     Future<void> customerAddressDelete({String customerAccessToken, String addressId})
Shopify Blog
  ShopifyBlog shopifyBlog = ShopifyBlog.instance;
     Future<List<Blog>> getAllBlogs()
     Future<Blog> getBlogByHandle(String handle, SortKeyArticle sortKeyArticle)
     Future<List<Article>> getXArticlesSorted({int articleAmount, SortKeyArticle sortKeyArticle})

Above you see the instance on top and the possible methods and functions which you can use.


Everybody can contribute and is invited to do so!

Important: If you add a new field to a model please consider also adding this to every mutation/query that is associated with the model.

Example: Adding a new field to Checkout which is the webUrl, now you will need to go through the various queries/mutations and search for "Checkout" and add webUrl to each one of those. (adding a new field to a Model also requires you to update the fromJson)

pub points



A flutter package that works as a bridge between your Shopify Store and Flutter Application.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


flutter, freezed_annotation, graphql_flutter, intl, json_serializable, shared_preferences, url_launcher


Packages that depend on shopify_flutter