shizuku_api 1.0.1 shizuku_api: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard
A Flutter Plugin that gives access to shizuku api.
shizuku_api #
A Flutter Plugin that gives access to shizuku api.
info #
- This plugin is built for my Playstore Application System App Remover,which is built to delete system apps(bloatwares) without root or computer.
- Im not good in Java/ Kotlin, Somehow done this plugin if you find any improvements? check out my github
Install #
flutter pub add shizuku_api
Requirements #
Shizuku app should be installed and running
- minSdk should be >= 24
In AndroidManifest.xml add this inside application tag
<application> <!-- other code> <provider android:name="rikka.shizuku.ShizukuProvider" android:authorities="${applicationId}.shizuku" android:multiprocess="false" android:enabled="true" android:exported="true" android:permission="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL" /> </application>
Usage #
check if Shizuku is running with this before using other calls
bool isBinderRunning = await _shizukuApiPlugin.pingBinder() ?? false;
Request Shizuku Access
- !! Shizuku should be installed and running
final _shizukuApiPlugin = ShizukuApi(); bool requestPermission = await _shizukuApiPlugin.checkPermission(); // triggers shizuku popup print(requestPermission); // if allowed returns true else false
Run Commands
- ! root environment(su) is not tested
- can run basic ADB commands (working fine)
String command = 'ls'; await _shizukuApiPlugin.runCommand(command); // returns all folders as List<String>