shared_preferences_wrapper 0.0.2 copy "shared_preferences_wrapper: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
shared_preferences_wrapper: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard

A Flutter package that provides a simple wrapper for working with shared preferences. This package simplifies the process of storing and retrieving various data types.

SharedPreferences Wrapper #

A Flutter package that provides a simple wrapper for working with shared preferences. This package simplifies the process of storing and retrieving various data types, including strings, integers, doubles, booleans, lists, and maps in shared preferences.

Pub Version License

Features #

  • Store and retrieve data types like strings, integers, doubles, booleans, lists, and maps in shared preferences.
  • Easily update values within a map stored in shared preferences.
  • Check for the existence of keys in shared preferences.
  • Remove specific keys or clear all data from shared preferences.
  • Retrieve all shared preferences as a map.
  • Check if shared preferences are empty.
  • Encrypt/Decrypt sensitive data stored in shared preferences
  • Add or update multiple key-value pairs in a single batch operation
  • Add or remove listeners for shared preference changes

Installation #

To use this package, add it to your pubspec.yaml file:

  shared_preferences_wrapper: ^0.0.2

Usage #

Here's how to use the SharedPreferencesWrapper to work with shared preferences:

import 'package:shared_preferences_wrapper/shared_preferences_wrapper.dart';

// To apply encryption, set an encryption key, this has to be 16/24/32 character long

// Registering Listeners with callback function for when a shared preference changes
SharedPreferencesWrapper.addListener('key', () async{
  final updatedString = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getString('key');
  setState(() {
    text += '\nUpdated String Value: $updatedString';

// storing values
// note: refer to the methods section for methods that store other data types
await SharedPreferencesWrapper.addString('key', 'value');
await SharedPreferencesWrapper.addInt('int', 100);
await SharedPreferencesWrapper.addDouble('double', 10.0);

// Retrieve a string from shared preferences
String? retrievedValue = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getString('key');
int? intValue = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getInt('key2');

// access the batch data normally as you would, 
//take note of the data type stored to call the correct corresponding method
bool boolValue = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getBool('key3');
int intValue = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getInt('key2');

// Updating existing preferences in batch
Map<String, dynamic> dataToUpdate = {
  'key3': false,
  'key2': 100,
  // Update other keys as needed
await SharedPreferencesWrapper.updateBatch(dataToUpdate);

Please refer to the example code provided in the package repository for more usage examples.

Methods #

Shared Preferences Wrapper #

  • addString(String key, String value): Adds a string to shared preferences.
  • addInt(String key, int value): Adds an int to shared preferences.
  • addDouble(String key, double value): Adds a double to shared preferences.
  • addBool(String key, bool value): Adds a bool to shared preferences.
  • addStringList(String key, List: Adds a list of strings to shared preferences.
  • addMap(String key, Map<String, dynamic> value): Adds a map to shared preferences.
  • getString(String key): Gets a string from shared preferences.
  • getBool(String key): Gets a bool from shared preferences.
  • getInt(String key): Gets an int from shared preferences.
  • getDouble(String key): Gets a double from shared preferences.
  • getStringList(String key): Gets a list of strings from shared preferences.
  • getMap(String key): Gets a map from shared preferences.
  • getMapKey(String key, String mapKey): Gets a key-value pair from a map in shared preferences.
  • updateMapKey(String key, String mapKey, dynamic value): Updates a key-value pair in a map in shared preferences.
  • updateMap(String key, Map<String, dynamic> newMap): Updates a map in shared preferences.
  • mapContainsKey(String key, String mapKey): Checks if a key exists in a map in shared preferences.
  • removeMapKey(String key, String mapKey): Removes a key-value pair from a map in shared preferences.
  • keyExists(String key): Checks if a key exists in shared preferences.
  • removeAtKey(String key): Removes a key from shared preferences.
  • clearAll(): Clears all shared preferences.
  • getAllSharedPreferences(): Gets all shared preferences.
  • isSharedPreferencesEmpty(): Checks if shared preferences is empty.
  • addListener(String key, void Function() listener): Adds listeners for shared preference changes.
  • removeListener(String key, VoidCallback listener): Removes listeners for shared preference changes.
  • addBatch(Map<String, dynamic> data): Add multiple key-value pairs in a single batch operation.
  • updateBatch(Map<String, dynamic> data): Update multiple key-value pairs in a single batch.

Shared Preferences Wrapper Encryption #

  • setEncryptionKey(String key): Sets an encryption key to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data stored in shared preferences. CURRENTLY ONLY STRINGS ARE SUPPORTED. This means that when the key is set, it will be applied to only String data types when adding and retrieving strings.

Contributing #

If you have ideas or improvements for this package, we welcome contributions. Please open an issue or create a pull request on our GitHub repository.

License #

This package is available under the MIT License.

pub points



A Flutter package that provides a simple wrapper for working with shared preferences. This package simplifies the process of storing and retrieving various data types.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


encrypt, flutter, http, shared_preferences, synchronized


Packages that depend on shared_preferences_wrapper