share_link 0.1.0 copy "share_link: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
share_link: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard

Share links with target-specific content (such as utm tags) and user selection feedback

share_link #

pub package

Share links with UTM targeting parameters and feedback on the user-selected app.

This library allows sharing of urls using the platform-standard UI via OS integration. UTM targeting parameters utm_source and utm_medium are added in accordance to the sharing target the user selected. For example, if the user shares a link via WhatsApp, the utm_source will be set to "whatsapp" and the utm_medium to "social". If the user shares the link via email, the utm_source will be set to "mail" and the utm_medium to "email".

After a link was shared by the user (or not), this library provides feedback of the chosen target app. You may, for example, use this for analytics or to thank a user for sharing.

Android #

TODO explanation TODO screenshot

iOS #

On iOS an UIActivityViewController is used to share the link. TODO explanation TODO screenshot

Web #

On web it attempts to use the Web Share API if available, typically on mobile. If not, it falls back to a simple call with a mailto: link that contains the shared url. The latter method will add utm_source=mail&utm_medium=email parameters to the url.

Installation #

Add to your pubspec.yaml file:

  share_link: ^1.0.0

Import the library and call shareUri:

import 'package:share_link/share_link.dart';

final result = await LinkShare().shareUri(Uri.parse("https://some_link"));

Limitations #

Sharing of files, images or general text is unsupported. This use-case is already greatly covered by the official, community-supported share_plus package.

Limiting sharing to a specific (social media) app is currently unsupported.

pub points



Share links with target-specific content (such as utm tags) and user selection feedback

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, flutter_web_plugins, plugin_platform_interface


Packages that depend on share_link