shaped_bottom_bar 1.0.0 copy "shaped_bottom_bar: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
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Fully customizable bottom navigation bar with multiple built-in shapes and support custom shapes also with built-in transition animations

shaped bottom bar #

A new bottom bar in Flutter! a shaped bottom bar. Choose your shape and your animation and let us do the work.

enter image description here Slide_transition_example.gif
fade_transition_example.gif rotated_transition_example.gif
enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here
enter image description here enter image description here -- --
  • Installation

  • Widgets introduction

  • Example

Installing #

Add this line to pubspec

	shaped_bottom_bar: ^1.0.0

Widgets #

ShapedBottomBar This the main widget that will create the bottom bar.

With just two required parameters you get a full bottom bar.

required parameters

  • onItemChanged function that trigger every time you switch between items

  • listItems list of type ShapedItemObject that will be rendered in the bottom bar

this will create a simple bottom bar without any shape with just a different color for the selected item

Other parameters

  • shape variable of type ShapeType enum contains all available shapes, by default it's set to None

  • shapeColor the color of the shape once it selected, by default it's null

  • customShape a CustomPaint type passed to the bottom bar to render a custom shape other than the built-in shapes, to use the customShape you need to set shape to ShapeType.CUSTOM

PS: if you are using customShape the shapeColor parameter won't have any effect on your shape.

  • selectedIconColor the selected icon color, by default it's white

  • backgroundColor the background of the shaped bottom bar, by default it's blue

  • selectedItemIndex the default selected item, by default it's the first one (index 0)

  • textStyle the text style you want to have on the items text (color, size, font family...)

  • animationType attribute of type ANIMATION_TYPE let you choose the animation type possible values: - NONE - ROTATE - FADE - SLIDE_VERTICALLY

ShapedBottomBarItem the widget that will be used in the listItems parameters in the ShapedBottomBar widget

This widget contains just four parameters.

required parameters

  • icon variable of type IconData it represent the icon that the item will get

Other parameters

  • text the item text, by default it's an empty text.

  • themeColor color that will be set to the icon. by default it's black

  • renderWithText by default it's false, this will indicate whether the widget will render the text or not.

Example #

this will generate a normale bottom bar without any shape.

		backgroundColor: Colors.grey,
		listItems: [
			ShapedItemObject(iconData: Icons.settings, title: "Settings"),
			ShapedItemObject(iconData: Icons.account_balance_outlined, title: "Account"),
			ShapedItemObject(iconData: Icons.verified_user_rounded, title: "User"),
			ShapedItemObject(iconData: Icons.login, title: "Logout")
		onItemChanged: (position) {
			setState(() {
				this.selectedItem = position;
		selectedIconColor: Colors.white

And the example below will generate a bottom bar with an hexagon shape

		backgroundColor: Colors.grey,
		iconsColor: Colors.white,
		listItems: [
			ShapedItemObject(iconData: Icons.settings, title: "Settings"),
			ShapedItemObject(iconData: Icons.account_balance_outlined, title: "Account"),
			ShapedItemObject(iconData: Icons.verified_user_rounded, title: "User"),
			ShapedItemObject(iconData: Icons.login, title: "Logout"),
		onItemChanged: (position) {
			setState(() {
				this.selectedItem = position;
		selectedIconColor: Colors.white,
		shape: ShapeType.HEXAGONE

Shaped bottom bar with hexagon shape

Use your own custom shape #

In order to create the shaped bottom bar with your own custom shape you need to use the parameter customShape with shape set to ShapeType.CUSTOM, as it shown below:

	iconsColor: Color(0xFF020750),
	listItems: [
		ShapedItembject(iconData: Icons.settings, title: "Settings"),
		ShapedItemObject(iconData: Icons.account_balance_outlined, title: "Account"),
		ShapedItemObject(iconData: Icons.verified_user_rounded, title: "User"),
		ShapedItemObject(iconData: Icons.login, title: "Logout"),
onItemChanged: (position) {
	setState(() {
		this.selectedItem = position;
textStyle: TextStyle(color:, fontSize: 15),
shape: ShapeType.CUSTOM,
customShape: CustomPaint(
	painter: MyShape(),

enter image description here *

Use built-in animations #

		backgroundColor:  Colors.black12,
		listItems: [
			ShapedItemObject(iconData:  Icons.alarm, title:  "Alarm"),
			ShapedItemObject(iconData:  Icons.menu_book, title:  "Menu"),
				iconData:  Icons.verified_user_rounded, title:  "User"),
			ShapedItemObject(iconData:  Icons.login, title:  "Logout"),
		onItemChanged: (position) {
			setState(() {
				this.selectedItem = position;
		shape:  ShapeType.OCATGON,
		selectedIconColor:  Colors.white,
		animationType:  ANIMATION_TYPE.ROTATE,

And the result:


pub points



Fully customizable bottom navigation bar with multiple built-in shapes and support custom shapes also with built-in transition animations

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference






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