shamsi_date 1.0.3 shamsi_date: ^1.0.3 copied to clipboard
A Flutter and Dart package for using Jalali (Shamsi, Solar, Persian, Jalaali, شمسی or خورشیدی) calendar. You can convert, format and manipulate Jalali and Gregorian (Miladi or میلادی) date and times.
1.0.3 #
- ADDED fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch factory methods for Jalali and Gregorian (#24)
- ADDED test cases from Iranian Calendar Authority (#23)
- UPDATED copyright
1.0.2 #
- UPDATED copyright
1.0.1 #
- FIXED compareTo bugs about time data (#14)
- ADDED time getter for Date to acquire time data in Duration
1.0.0 #
- ADDED time information to Jalali and Gregorian
- CHANGED toDateTime and toUtcDateTime implementation according to time information
- CHANGED toString implementation according to time information
- CHANGED merged extension functions in main library
0.16.0 #
- ADDED hour, ..., microSeconds arguments to toDateTime
- ADDED toUtcDateTime
0.15.0 #
- CHANGED all date instances are comparable with each other
- CHANGED internal state management to cache julian day number
0.14.1 #
- ADDED distance between methods and operator
0.14.0 #
- ADDED extension methods for DateTime
0.13.0 #
- REMOVED dependency to Flutter
0.12.0 #
- MIGRATED to flutter 2 and dart 2.12
0.11.0-nullsafety.0 #
- REFACTOR factored out common methods on Date
0.10.0-nullsafety.0 #
- ADDED nullsafety support
- UPDATED docs
- RENAMED static min and max constants
0.9.1 #
- FIXED Jalali and Gregorian toString
- UPDATE example application
0.9.0 #
- CHANGED validation process
- ADDED DateException
- REMOVED isValid method from Date
- ADDED MIN and MAX static constants to Jalali and Gregorian
- UPDATED documentation
- ADDED and IMPROVED tests
- CHANGED library URI references
0.8.1 #
- FIXED docs
0.8.0 #
- ADDED null checking for constructors and factories
- ADDED null checking for most of the methods
- ADDED addYears, addMonths and addDays methods for Jalali and Georgian
- ADDED withYear, withMonth and withDay methods for Jalali and Georgian
- ADDED more tests
- IMPROVED date formatter
- UPDATED documentation
0.7.1 #
- FIXED docs
0.7.0 #
- ADDED addition and subtraction operators for Jalali
- ADDED add method for Jalali
- ADDED isValid, isLeapYear and monthLength methods to Gregorian
- ADDED addition and subtraction operators for Gregorian
- ADDED add method for Gregorian
- REFACTORED and ADDED more tests
- CHANGED toString() implementation
0.6.3 #
- ADDED Travis CI to project
- ADDED Codecov code coverage to project
- FIXED docs
0.6.2 #
- FIX a little issue with docs
0.6.1 #
- IMPROVED examples
0.6.0 #
- UPDATED project
0.5.5 #
- ADDED copy method
0.5.4 #
- Better documentation
0.5.3 #
- ADDED more tests
- ADDED fromJalali and fromGregorian methods
0.5.2 #
- ADDED comparison operators
- ADDED equals and hashCode
0.5.1 #
- ADDED Comparable to Jalali and Gregorian
0.5.0 #
- ADDED date formatter
0.4.3 #
- CHANGED internal package structure
0.4.2 #
- ADDED more test cases
- Refactored code and docs
0.4.1 #
- ADDED weekDay
0.4.0 #
- ADDED Date as super interface
0.3.1 #
- ADDED toDateTime
- CHANGED fromDate name to fromDateTime
- ADDED now factory
0.3.0 #
- ADDED fromDate constructor
0.2.1 #
- CHANGED static methods
- CHANGED monthLength to getter