server_nano 1.5.1
server_nano: ^1.5.1 copied to clipboard
A light, very fast, and friendly http and websocket server written in dart.
server_nano #
A light, very fast, and friendly http/websocket server written in dart.
- Lightweight: Minimal footprint for optimal efficiency.
- Fast: Prioritizes performance at every turn.
- Friendly: Intuitive APIs tailored for both novices and experts.
🚀 Getting Started #
Installation #
To integrate server_nano
into your Dart project:
dart pub add server_nano
Basic Usage #
Here's a basic example to get you started:
import 'package:server_nano/server_nano.dart';
void main() {
final server = Server();
// sync requests
server.get('/', (req, res) {
res.send('Hello World!');
// async requests
server.get('/user/:id', (req, res) async {
// Simulate a db query delay
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2));
res.send('Hello User ${req.params['id']}!');
// websockets out-the-box'/socket', (socket) {
socket.onMessage((message) {
// rooms support
'connected', 'dev-group', 'User ${} connected to dev-group');
server.listen(port: 3000);
How fast is it? #
is designed to be as fast as possible.
Here is a test using wrk
to measure the performance of the server in a Macbook Pro M1:
@MacBook-Pro ~ % wrk -t 6 -c 120 -d 10s --latency http://localhost:3000/
Running 10s test @ http://localhost:3000/
6 threads and 120 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 1.83ms 4.60ms 93.28ms 96.85%
Req/Sec 17.12k 3.03k 20.57k 90.17%
Latency Distribution
50% 1.02ms
75% 1.38ms
90% 2.01ms
99% 28.34ms
1022096 requests in 10.00s, 212.49MB read
Requests/sec: 102164.16
Transfer/sec: 21.24MB
In this test, we have a endopoint that returns a simple json object.
// We compile the code with the command: `dart compile exe ./example/app.dart` and `./example/app.exe` to run the server.
Future<void> main() async {
final server = Server();
server.get('/', (req, res) {
res.sendJson({'Hello': 'World!'});
await server.listen(port: 3000);
To compare, here is the same test using express
, the most popular web framework for Node.js:
const expressApp = express();
const expressPort = 3003;
expressApp.get("/", (req, res) => {
res.json({ hello: "world!!!" });
expressApp.listen(expressPort, () => {
console.log(`[server]: Server is running at http://localhost:${expressPort}`);
@MacBook-Pro ~ % wrk -t 6 -c 120 -d 10s --latency http://localhost:3003/
Running 10s test @ http://localhost:3003/
6 threads and 120 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 10.23ms 30.90ms 542.87ms 98.17%
Req/Sec 2.99k 358.79 3.72k 89.92%
Latency Distribution
50% 6.24ms
75% 6.91ms
90% 8.13ms
99% 164.88ms
180310 requests in 10.10s, 43.85MB read
Requests/sec: 17848.16
Transfer/sec: 4.34MB
Holy moly! server_nano
could handle 101972.97 requests per second, while express
could handle only 17848.16 requests per second. That's a huge difference!
So, let's compare the performance of server_nano
with fastify
, a fast and second more popular web framework for Node.js:
const fastifyPort = 3002;
const fastify = Fastify({
logger: false,
fastify.get("/", (request, reply) => {
return { hello: "world!!!" };
fastify.listen({ port: fastifyPort, host: "" }, (err, address) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(`[server]: Server is running at http://localhost:${fastifyPort}`);
@MacBook-Pro ~ % wrk -t 6 -c 120 -d 10s --latency http://localhost:3002/
Running 10s test @ http://localhost:3002/
6 threads and 120 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 3.32ms 8.68ms 228.04ms 99.00%
Req/Sec 7.61k 707.93 8.25k 92.24%
Latency Distribution
50% 2.53ms
75% 2.65ms
90% 2.85ms
99% 11.75ms
458601 requests in 10.10s, 83.53MB read
Requests/sec: 45398.17
Transfer/sec: 8.27MB
Good job fastify! But server_nano
is still faster! 😎 (a lot faster)
Why to use server_nano? 🤔 #
- Performance:
is designed to be as fast as possible. - Friendly API:
provides an intuitive API that is easy to use. It is like express.js but in dart (and faster). - Websockets:
supports websockets out-the-box. - Middlewares:
supports middlewares to help you manipulate request and response objects. - Static Files:
supports serving static files out of the box. - Security:
supports https and has a helmet middleware to mitigate common web vulnerabilities. - Cross-platform:
is cross-platform and can run on ANY THING! - Open Source:
is open source and free to use. - Minimal Footprint:
has a minimal footprint for optimal efficiency. You can read the entire source code in a few minutes.
📘 API Reference: #
Server: #
supports a variety of HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS, HEAD, CONNECT and TRACE. The syntax for each method is straightforward:
server.get('/path', handler);'/path', handler);
server.put('/path', handler);
server.delete('/path', handler);
// ... and so on for other methods.
Where handler
is a function that takes in a Request
and Response
server.get('/user/:id', (req, res) {
final id = req.params['id'];
res.send('Hello User $id!');
The ContextRequest
class provides a representation of the HTTP request. It provides several methods and properties to help extract request information:
- header(name): Retrieves a list of headers for the given name.
- accepts(type): Checks if the request accepts a specific MIME type.
- isMultipart: Checks if the request's content type is 'multipart/form-data'.
- isJson: Checks if the request's content type is 'application/json'.
- isForm: Checks if the request's content type is 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.
- isFormData: Checks if the request's content type is 'multipart/form-data'.
- isFile: Checks if the request's content type is 'application/octet-stream'.
- isForwarded: Checks if the request has been forwarded by a proxy or load balancer.
- isMime(type, {bool loose = true}): Checks if the request's content type matches a specific MIME type. The
parameter allows for partial matching of MIME types. - contentType: Retrieves the content type of the request.
- hasContentType: Checks if the request has a content type header.
- input: Gets the raw
object. - query: Retrieves the query parameters of the request as a map.
- params: Retrieves the route parameters of the request as a map.
- cookies: Retrieves a list of cookies sent with the request.
- path: Retrieves the path of the request.
- uri: Retrieves the full URI of the request.
- session: Retrieves the session associated with the request.
- method: Retrieves the HTTP method of the request.
- certificate: Retrieves the SSL certificate used in the request (if applicable).
- param(name): Retrieves a specific parameter by name. First checks route parameters, then query parameters.
- payload({Encoding encoder = utf8}): Asynchronously retrieves the request's payload.
The MultipartUpload
class represents a file or data segment from a 'multipart/form-data' request. It provides methods to convert the upload into a file or JSON representation.
- name: The name of the upload.
- filename: The filename of the upload.
- contentType: The content type of the upload.
- data: The data of the upload.
- toFile({String path}): Converts the upload into a file. If
is specified, the file will be written to that path. Otherwise, a temporary file will be created. - toJson(): Converts the upload into a JSON representation.
The Response
object provides a variety of methods to help you construct your response. Here's a list of all the methods available:
- getHeader(String name): Retrieves a header by its name.
- setHeader(String name, Object value): Sets a header with a specific value.
- addDisposeCallback(DisposeCallback disposer): Adds a callback that will be called when the response is disposed.
- setContentType(String contentType): Sets the Content-Type header.
- cache(String cacheType, [Map<String, String> options = const {}]): Sets the Cache-Control header.
- status(int code): Sets the HTTP status code of the response.
- setCookie(String name, String val, [Map<String, dynamic> options = const {}]): Sets a cookie with optional parameters.
- deleteCookie(String name, [String path = '/']): Deletes a cookie by its name and optional path.
- getCookie(String name): Retrieves a cookie by its name.
- attachment(String filename): Sets the Content-Disposition header to "attachment" with a given filename.
- mime(String path): Sets the Content-Type based on a file's extension.
- send(Object string): Sends a plain text response.
- sendJson(Object data): Sends a JSON response.
- sendHtmlText(Object data): Sends an HTML text response.
- sendFile(String path): Sends a file as a response.
- close(): Closes the response and calls any dispose callbacks.
- redirect(String url, [int code = 302]): Redirects the response to a specific URL with an optional status code.
Each method is chainable, allowing for a fluent interface when constructing responses. For example:
res.status(200).setContentType('text/plain').send('Hello, World!');
WebSocket: #
Server nano supports rich websockets out-the-box, with very useful features.
You can set up a WebSocket route by calling the ws
method on your server instance:'/socket', (socket) {
// Your logic here.
- send(message): Sends a message through the WebSocket.
- emit(event, data): Emits a message with a specified event type.
- broadcast(message): Sends a message to all sockets except the current one.
- broadcastEvent(event, data): Emits a message with a specified event type to all sockets except the current one.
- sendToAll(message): Sends a message to all connected sockets.
- emitToAll(event, data): Emits a message with a specified event type to all connected sockets.
- broadcastToRoom(room, message): Sends a message to all sockets in a specified room except the current one.
Room Management:
- join(room): Joins a specified room.
- leave(room): Leaves a specified room.
- sendToRoom(room, message): Sends a message to all sockets in a specified room.
- emitToRoom(event, room, message): Emits a message with a specified event type to all sockets in a specified room.
- getSocketById(id): Gets a socket instance by its ID.
- length: Provides the count of all active sockets.
- rawSocket: Access to the underlying WebSocket instance.
Event Listeners:
- onOpen(fn): Registers a callback function that triggers when the WebSocket opens.
- onClose(fn): Registers a callback function that triggers when the WebSocket closes.
- onError(fn): Registers a callback function that triggers when there's an error in the WebSocket.
- onMessage(fn): Registers a callback function that triggers when a message is received.
- on(event, message): Registers a callback function for a specified event.
- id: Unique identifier for the socket (hash code of the raw WebSocket).
- close([status, reason]): Closes the socket with an optional status and reason.
Middlewares: #
Middlewares allow you to manipulate request and response objects before they reach your route handlers. They are executed in the order they are added.
is a middleware that sets HTTP headers to protect against some well-known web vulnerabilities. Here's an example of how to use the Helmet middleware:
Headers set by Helmet:
: Helps in preventing cross-site scripting attacks.X-Content-Type-Options
: Helps in preventing MIME-type confusion attacks.X-Frame-Options
: Helps in preventing clickjacking attacks.Referrer-Policy
: Controls the referrer policy of the app.Content-Security-Policy
: Helps in preventing content injection attacks.
is a middleware that allows cross-origin resource sharing. Here's an example of how to use the Cors middleware:
Creating Custom Middlewares:
Creating a custom middleware is straightforward. Simply extend the Middleware
class and override the handler
class CustomMiddleware extends Middleware {
Future<bool> handler(ContextRequest req, ContextResponse res) async{
// Your custom logic here.
// Return true to continue to the next middleware.
// Return false to stop the middleware chain.
return true;
Listen: #
To start your server, call the listen
method on your server instance:
server.listen(port: 3000);
You can make your server serve over HTTPS by providing SSL/TLS certificate details:
host: '',
port: 8080,
certificateChain: 'path_to_certificate_chain.pem',
privateKey: 'path_to_private_key.pem',
password: 'optional_password_for_key',
Serving Static Files:
supports serving static files out of the box. Simply call the static
method on your server instance:
: Allows directory listing. Default istrue
: Allows following links. Default istrue
: Restricts access to the specified path. Default istrue
🤝 Contributing #
If you'd like to contribute to the development of server_nano
, open a pull request.
📜 License #
is distributed under the MIT License.