serializable 0.4.0 serializable: ^0.4.0 copied to clipboard
generates a serializable class from classes using `source_gen` package
serializable #
This is a library that generates a serializable class from classes annotated with
or @Serializable()
Getting Started #
- Create a new dart project.
- add
dependency to yourpubspec.yaml
serializable: any
- create a file in
folder calledperson.dart
and put next code on it:
library example.person;
import 'package:serializable/serializable.dart';
part 'models.g.dart';
class SimpleType {
String id;
String name;
class Person extends _$PersonSerializable {
int id;
String name;
var someDynamic;
Map someMap;
Map<String, int> otherMap;
static final Map<String, SimpleType> list = {
'minutes': new SimpleType('58c42d14f17f33ec6e2020ad', 'minutes'),
'hours': new SimpleType('58c42d26f17f33ec6e2020ae', 'hours'),
'percent': new SimpleType('58c42d4bf17f33ec6e2020b3', 'percent')
class ClassWithMethod extends _$ClassWithMethodSerializable {
void sayHello(String name) {
print('Hello $name!');
- create a file in
folder calledmain.dart
and put next code on it:
import 'dart:convert';
import 'models.dart';
main() {
var p1 = new Person() = 1 = 'person 1';
// you can get/set attributes using bracket notations
print("p1['id']: ${p1['id']}"); // prints `p1['id']: 1`
print("p1['name']: ${p1['name']}"); //prints `p1['name']: person 1`
p1['id'] = 1; // will set `` to `1`
p1['name'] = 'person 1'; // will set `` to `person 1`
try {
} catch(e) {
print(e); // prints `FieldNotFoundException: The key "no_existing" doesn't exist on class "Person"`
// you can also use it to convert the object to/from Map
print('p1.ToMap(): ${p1.toMap()}'); // prints `{id: 1, name: person 1}`
var p2 = new Person()..fromMap({"id": 2, "name": "person 2"});
print('p2: {id: ${}, name: ${}}'); // prints `p2: {id: 2, name: person 2}`
// you can use it to convert the objects to/from JSON using
// `dart:convert` library directly
print('p1: ${JSON.encode(p1)}'); // prints `p1: {"id":1,"name":"person 1"}`
var p3Map = JSON.decode('{"id": 3, "name": "person 3"}');
var p3 = new Person()..fromMap(p3Map);
print('p3: {id: ${}, name: ${}}'); // prints `p3: {id: 3, name: person 3}`
new ClassWithMethod()['sayHello']('world'); // prints `Hello world!`
- create a file in
folder calledbuild.dart
and put next code on it:
import 'package:build_runner/build_runner.dart';
import 'package:serializable/phase.dart';
main() async {
await build(new PhaseGroup()
// In next line replace `example/*.dart` for the globs you want to use as input, for example `**/*.dart`
// to take all the dart files of the project as input.
serializablePhase(const ['example/*.dart'])),
deleteFilesByDefault: true);
- run
. Then you will see that the filebin/person.g.dart
has been generated and it will contains the next code:
part of example.person;
// **************************************************************************
// Generator: SerializableGenerator
// Target: class Person
// **************************************************************************
abstract class _$PersonSerializable extends SerializableMap {
int get id;
String get name;
dynamic get someDynamic;
Map<dynamic, dynamic> get someMap;
Map<String, int> get otherMap;
void set id(int v);
void set name(String v);
void set someDynamic(dynamic v);
void set someMap(Map<dynamic, dynamic> v);
void set otherMap(Map<String, int> v);
operator [](Object key) {
switch (key) {
case 'id':
return id;
case 'name':
return name;
case 'someDynamic':
return someDynamic;
case 'someMap':
return someMap;
case 'otherMap':
return otherMap;
throwFieldNotFoundException(key, 'Person');
operator []=(Object key, value) {
switch (key) {
case 'id':
id = value;
case 'name':
name = value;
case 'someDynamic':
someDynamic = value;
case 'someMap':
someMap = value;
case 'otherMap':
otherMap = value;
throwFieldNotFoundException(key, 'Person');
Iterable<String> get keys =>
const ['id', 'name', 'someDynamic', 'someMap', 'otherMap'];
// **************************************************************************
// Generator: SerializableGenerator
// Target: class ClassWithMethod
// **************************************************************************
abstract class _$ClassWithMethodSerializable extends SerializableMap {
void sayHello(String name);
operator [](Object key) {
switch (key) {
case 'sayHello':
return sayHello;
throwFieldNotFoundException(key, 'ClassWithMethod');
operator []=(Object key, value) {
switch (key) {
throwFieldNotFoundException(key, 'ClassWithMethod');
Iterable<String> get keys => const [];
- Finally you can run the file
. If everything is ok you will see next output in console:
p1['id']: 1
p1['name']: person 1
FieldNotFoundException: The key "no_existing" doesn't exist on class "Person"
p1.ToMap(): {id: 1, name: person 1}
p2: {id: 2, name: person 2}
p1: {"id":1,"name":"person 1"}
p3: {id: 3, name: person 3}