sentry_plus 0.2.0 copy "sentry_plus: ^0.2.0" to clipboard
sentry_plus: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard

This package includes a collection of community maintained integrations for Sentry.

Sentry Plus #

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This package includes a collection of community maintained integrations for Sentry.

Please note, that because this has integrations for file and network io, it depends on specific versions of Dart. Therefor, this package always raises the minimal required Dart version when there's a change in the file or network io API of Dart.

Automatic integrations #

Add all automatic integrations #

import 'package:sentry_plus/sentry_plus.dart';

Future<void> main() {
  // also works for SentryFlutter.init
  return Sentry.init(
    (options) {
      // other configuration omitted
    appRunner: () {
        // app code

File tracing #

This enables automatic creation of performance traces for most file IO. It includes traces for reading, writing, modifying and deleting files.

This is only available on non-web platforms.

import 'package:sentry_plus/sentry_plus.dart';

Future<void> main() {
  // also works for SentryFlutter.init
  return Sentry.init(
    (options) {
      // Add tracing for files
      // other configuration omitted
    appRunner: () {
        // app code

HTTP tracing #

Enable automatic creation of performance traces for HTTP requests for dart:io platforms.

  • This also works for the http and dio packages.
  • This also captures requests from Flutters widget

This is only available on non-web platforms.

Remarks: Make sure to disable performance tracing for the http or dio packages, if you're using them. Otherwise you're creating two traces for the same request.

import 'package:sentry_plus/sentry_plus.dart';

Future<void> main() {
  // also works for SentryFlutter.init
  return Sentry.init(
    (options) {
      // Add tracing for http
      // other configuration omitted
    appRunner: () {
        // app code

UnhandledEventProcessor #

This event processor marks all exceptions caught by Sentry as unhandled: true. This kinda goes against Sentrys typical usage of it, as unhandled: true means that the application did a hard crash, which Flutter applications typically don't do.

import 'package:sentry_plus/sentry_plus.dart';

Future<void> main() {
  // also works for SentryFlutter.init
  return Sentry.init(
    (options) {
      // other configuration omitted
    appRunner: () {
        // app code

Manual integrations #

dart:convert #

This repo includes some utilities to make it easier to add performance traces for conversion done by dart:convert.

import 'package:sentry_plus/sentry_plus.dart';

final List<int> data = [/* ...*/];
// call the extension method `wrapWithTraces()` on a codec or converter
final decoder = utf8.decoder.wrapWithTraces();
final converted = decoder.convert(data);

Design & support philosophy #

This code differs from Sentrys design and support philosophy:

  • This code doesn't try to be as backwards compatible as possible. This enables this code to make use of newer features.
  • This code doesn't try to stay free of dependencies. Low quality dependencies are still not allowed, though.
  • This code has no guarantees for API stability
  • When comparable features are implemented in (or moved to) Sentry, it will be removed from this package.
  • Features & integrations should be easy to integrate and use

📣 About the author #

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  • GitHub followers
pub points



This package includes a collection of community maintained integrations for Sentry.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


Apache-2.0 (license)


sentry, stack_trace


Packages that depend on sentry_plus