sentry_dio 8.14.1
sentry_dio: ^8.14.1 copied to clipboard
An integration which adds support for performance tracing for the Dio package.
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:sentry/sentry.dart';
import 'package:sentry_dio/sentry_dio.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
// ATTENTION: Change the DSN below with your own to see the events in Sentry. Get one at
const dsn =
await Sentry.init(
(options) {
options.dsn = dsn;
options.tracesSampleRate =
1.0; // needed for Dio `captureFailedRequests` feature
options.debug = true;
options.sendDefaultPii = true;
options.maxRequestBodySize = MaxRequestBodySize.small;
options.maxResponseBodySize = MaxResponseBodySize.small;
appRunner: runApp, // Init your App.
Future<void> runApp() async {
final dio = Dio();
final transaction = Sentry.startTransaction(
bindToScope: true,
try {
final response = await dio
.get<Map<String, Object?>>('');
transaction.status =
SpanStatus.fromHttpStatusCode(response.statusCode ?? -1);
} catch (exception) {
transaction.throwable = exception;
transaction.status = const SpanStatus.internalError();
} finally {
await transaction.finish();
await Sentry.close();
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