sendbird_notification_handler 0.0.1 copy "sendbird_notification_handler: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
sendbird_notification_handler: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

A handler to be able to get sendbird notifications for IOS and Anrdoid

sendbird_notification_handler #

A plugin that allows you to handle notifications from Sendbird in your Flutter app.

Motivation #

Push Notifications sent by Sendbird lacks visibility in the app. It uses FCM and APNS under the hood, On IOS you can't interact with the notifications or receive them in the foreground. On Android you can receive them in the foreground or when the app is launched by tapping on them using firebase_messaging, but they don't show in the background because Sendbird only sends a data message. This plugin handle the complete the missing pieces without having to write native code. It's designed to work side by side with firebase_messaging, not as a replacement.

What the plugin can do #


  • ✅ Receive notification when app is in foreground
  • ✅ Handle when a notification is tapped when the app is in background (Running)
  • ✅ Handle when a notification is tapped when the app is terminated

Android #

  • ✅ Show a notification when the app is in the background (Running or Terminated)
  • ✅ Listens for when a notification was tapped when the app is in background (Running)
  • ✅ Handle when a notification is tapped when the app is terminated

Getting Started #

add the following to your pubspec.yaml file:

  sendbird_notification_handler: <latest_version>
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Listen for notifications

Note: Push Notifications on IOS are received only on Physical devices, not on the simulator.

Notification Tapped when the app was running in the background. (IOS & Android)

import 'package:sendbird_notification_handler/sendbird_notification_handler.dart';

SendbirdNotificationHandler.onMessageOpened.listen((message) {
// Navigate to a chat screen

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Get the initial message that opened the app from terminated state. (IOS & Android)

import 'package:sendbird_notification_handler/sendbird_notification_handler.dart';

final message = await SendbirdNotificationHandler.getInitialMessage();

if(message != null) {
    // Redirect to the chat screen

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Listen for messages received in the foreground (IOS Only)

import 'package:sendbird_notification_handler/sendbird_notification_handler.dart';

SendbirdNotificationHandler.onMessageReceived.listen((message) {
// Show a snackbar, Update messages count, etc

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Use FirebaseMessaging#onMessage and check for sendbird object in Android

Show a notification when the app is in the background (Android only, for IOS it shows automatically)

This should be tested with a real message not the test notification from the Sendbird dashboard as It has a different structure.

import 'package:sendbird_notification_handler/sendbird_notification_handler.dart';
import 'package:firebase_messaging/firebase_messaging.dart';

Future<void> initBackgroundNotificationsHandler(RemoteMessage message) async {
  final isSendbirdMessage ='sendbird');

  if (!isSendbirdMessage) {

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This plugin wouldn't have been possible without the huge support from Trim


  • ❌ Show sender avatar in the notification
  • ❌ Add support for reply action
  • ❌ Add support for mark as read action

Contributing #

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.




Weekly Downloads

2024.08.04 - 2025.02.16

A handler to be able to get sendbird notifications for IOS and Anrdoid

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, plugin_platform_interface


Packages that depend on sendbird_notification_handler