sector 0.1.0 copy "sector: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
sector: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard

A fast and intuitive 2D Grid API.

Sector #

A 🔥 fast (benchmarked) and 👍🏼 intuitive (idiomatic) 2D Grid API.

CI Coverage Status Pub Package Dartdoc reference

Getting Started #

Add a dependency in your pubspec.yaml or run the following command:

dart pub add sector

Usage #

Grid is the 2-dimensional equivalent of a List in Dart:

// Create a 2D grid with 80 columns and 24 rows filled with spaces.
final grid = Grid.filled(80, 24, ' ');
// Create a 2D grid from an existing 2D matrix-like collection.
final grid = Grid.fromRows([
  [' ', '#', '#', ' '],
  [' ', ' ', '#', ' '],
  [' ', ' ', ' ', ' '],

Check the bounds, get, and set elements:

// Check if a point is within the bounds of the grid.
if (grid.contains(0, 0)) {
  // ...

// Get the element at a point.
final element = grid.get(0, 0);

// Set the element at a point.
grid.set(0, 0, '#');

Iterate over the grid with rows and columns:

// Iterate over the rows of the grid.
for (final row in grid.rows) {
  // ...
// Expand or shrink the grid on demand.
grid.rows.insertFirst(['#', '#', '#', '#']);

Features #

  • Platform independent, works on the Web, Flutter, and Dart VM.
  • Idiomatically Dart, with a familiar and fully documented API.
  • Extensible, with a focus on performance and ergonomics.
  • Well-tested, with 100% code coverage and property-based tests.
  • Lightweight, with zero dependencies, minimal overhead, and benchmarked.

Benchmarks #

For a data structure like a Grid, it will almost always be faster to hand-write an optimal repsentation for your specific use case. However, sector is designed to be a general-purpose 2D grid that is fast enough for most applications.

Compared to a baseline implementation, Grid is roughly the same speed as a hand-optimized implementation, in JIT and AOT modes (within <1% difference).


Results on my personal M2 Macbook Pro, your mileage may vary.


$ dart run ./benchmark/baseline.dart
Allocate 80x24 grid(RunTime): 16.06649213472959 us.
Iterate 80x24 grid(RunTime): 19.974587703298372 us.
Removes the top row and adds at bottom(RunTime): 36.68761446674683 us.

$ dart compile exe ./benchmark/baseline.dart
$ ./benchmark/baseline.exe
Allocate 80x24 grid(RunTime): 13.26583125 us.
Iterate 80x24 grid(RunTime): 19.46614307164082 us.
Removes the top row and adds at bottom(RunTime): 41.7737068469836 us.


$ dart run ./benchmark/list_grid.dart
Allocate 80x24 grid(RunTime): 15.735960664285184 us.
Iterate 80x24 grid using for-loops and rows(RunTime): 19.53493233680822 us.
Removes the top row and adds at bottom(RunTime): 41.14004523902736 us.

$ dart compile exe ./benchmark/list_grid.dart
$ ./benchmark/list_grid.exe
Allocate 80x24 grid(RunTime): 13.095811723035522 us.
Iterate 80x24 grid using for-loops and rows(RunTime): 20.751487810640235 us.
Removes the top row and adds at bottom(RunTime): 40.39716505669887 us.

Contributing #

To run the tests, run:

dart test

To check code coverage locally, run:

dart tool/coverage.dart

To preview dartdoc output locally, run:

dart tool/dartdoc.dart
pub points



A fast and intuitive 2D Grid API.

Repository (GitHub)
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