searchable_listview 2.16.0 searchable_listview: ^2.16.0 copied to clipboard
A new easy way to filter listview with simple implementation with possibilty to customize search field and empty widget
Searchable ListView #
An easy way to filter lists
Features #
- Filter list view easily
- Filter async list
- Filter expansion list
- Sort list items
- Support async callback in rendering list
- Support pagination
- Pull to refresh list
- Sliver scroll animation effect
- Customizable sort widget
- Customizable loading when async callback is loading
- Customizable error widget
- Display custom widget when list is empty
- Customize search text field
- Change keyboard input type and keyboard submit button
- Add focus on search text field
- Add on item pressed callback
- Customize search text style
- Clear icon button in search to easily clear text
- Customizable scroll direction
- Searchable list with seperator builder
- Customizable text field position
- Customizable text style in search field
- Customize autocomplete options
- Customizable secondary widget alongside search
- Close automatically keyboard when scrolling on listview
Getting Started #
In order to add searchable listview package to your project add this line to your pubspec.yaml
searchable_listview: ^2.16.0
Attributes #
/// Initial list of all elements that will be displayed.
/// to filter the [initialList] you need provide [filter] callback
late List<T> initialList;
/// Callback to filter the list based on the given search value.
/// Invoked on changing the text field search if ```searchType == SEARCH_TYPE.onEdit```
/// or invoked when submiting the text field if ```searchType == SEARCH_TYPE.onSubmit```.
/// You should return a list of filtered elements.
List<T> Function(String query)? filter;
/// Async callback that return list to be displayed with future builder
/// to filter the [asyncListCallback] result you need provide [asyncListFilter]
Future<List<T>?> Function()? asyncListCallback;
/// Callback invoked when filtring the searchable list
/// used when providing [asyncListCallback]
/// can't be null when [asyncListCallback] isn't null
late List<T> Function(String, List<T>)? asyncListFilter;
/// Loading widget displayed when [asyncListCallback] is loading
/// if nothing is provided in [loadingWidget] searchable list will display a [CircularProgressIndicator]
Widget? loadingWidget;
/// Error widget displayed when [asyncListCallback] result is null
/// if nothing is provided in [errorWidget] searchable list will display a [Icon]
Widget? errorWidget;
/// Builder function that generates the ListView items
/// based on the returned <T> type item
late Widget Function(T item)? itemBuilder;
/// Builder function that generates the Expansion listView items
/// [expansionGroupIndex] : expansion group index
/// [listItem] the current item model that will be rendered.
/// Used only for expansion list constructor
late Widget Function(int expansionGroupIndex, T listItem)?
/// The widget to be displayed when the filter returns an empty list.
/// Defaults to `const SizedBox.shrink()`.
final Widget? emptyWidget;
/// Text editing controller applied on the search field.
/// Defaults to null.
late TextEditingController? searchTextController;
/// The keyboard action key
/// Defaults to [TextInputAction.done].
final TextInputAction keyboardAction;
/// The text field input decoration
/// Defaults to null.
final InputDecoration? inputDecoration;
/// The style for the input text field
/// Defaults to null.
final TextStyle? textStyle;
/// The keyboard text input type
/// Defaults to [TextInputType.text]
final TextInputType textInputType;
/// Callback function invoked when submiting the search text field
final Function(String?)? onSubmitSearch;
/// The search type on submiting text field or when changing the text field value
/// ```dart
/// SEARCH_TYPE.onEdit,
/// SEARCH_TYPE.onSubmit
/// ```
/// Defaults to [SearchMode.onEdit].
final SearchMode searchMode;
/// Indicate whether the text field input should be obscured or not.
/// Defaults to `false`.
final bool obscureText;
/// Indicate if the search text field is enabled or not.
/// Defaults to `true`.
final bool searchFieldEnabled;
/// The focus node applied on the search text field
final FocusNode? focusNode;
/// Indicate whether the clear and search icons will be displayed or not
/// by default it's true, to display the clear icon the inputDecoration should not contains suffix icon
/// otherwise the initial suffix icon will be displayed
final bool displayClearIcon;
/// Indicate whether the search icon will be displayed or not
/// by default it's true, to display the search icon the inputDecoration should not contains suffix icon
/// otherwise the initial suffix icon will be displayed
final bool displaySearchIcon;
/// The color applied on the suffix icon (if `displayClearIcon = true`).
/// Defaults to [Colors.grey].
final Color defaultSuffixIconColor;
/// The size of the suffix icon (if `displayClearIcon = true`).
/// Defaults to 24.
final double defaultSuffixIconSize;
/// An async callback invoked when dragging down the list
/// if onRefresh is nullable the drag to refresh is not applied
late Future<void> Function()? onRefresh;
/// Builder callback required when using [seperated] constructor
/// return the Widget that will seperate all the elements inside the list
late Widget Function(BuildContext context, int index)? seperatorBuilder;
/// The scroll direction of the list
/// by default [Axis.vertical]
Axis scrollDirection = Axis.vertical;
/// The position of the text field (bottom or top)
/// by default the textfield is displayed on top
SearchTextPosition searchTextPosition =;
/// Callback function invoked each time the listview
/// reached the bottom
/// used to create pagination in listview
Future<dynamic> Function()? onPaginate;
/// Space between the search textfield and the list
/// by default the padding is set to 20
final double spaceBetweenSearchAndList;
// A padding applied to search field
final EdgeInsetsGeometry? searchFieldPadding;
/// Cusor color used in the search textfield
final Color? cursorColor;
/// Max lines attribute used in the search textfield
final int? maxLines;
/// Max length attribute used in the search field
final int? maxLength;
/// The text alignement of the search field
/// by default the alignement is start
final TextAlign textAlign;
/// List of strings to display in an auto complete field
/// by default list is empty so a simple text field is displayed
final List<String> autoCompleteHints;
/// Secondary widget will be displayed alongside the search field
/// by default it's null
final Widget? secondaryWidget;
/// Map of data used to build searchable expansion list
/// required when using [expansion] constructor
late Map<dynamic, List<T>> expansionListData;
/// Callback used when filtering the expansion list
/// required when using [expansion] constructor
late Map<dynamic, List<T>> Function(String)? filterExpansionData;
/// The expansion list title widget builder
/// required when using [expansion] constructor
late Widget Function(dynamic) expansionTitleBuilder;
/// Physics attributes used in listview widget
late ScrollPhysics? physics;
/// ShrinkWrap used in listview widget, not used in sliver searchable list
/// by default `shrinkWrap = false`
late bool shrinkWrap;
/// Item extent of the listview
late double? itemExtent;
/// Listview item padding
late EdgeInsetsGeometry? listViewPadding;
/// List items reverse attributes
/// by default `reverse = false`
/// not available for sliver listview constructor
late bool reverse;
/// Predicate callback invoked when sorting list items
/// required when `displaySortWidget` is True
late int Function(T a, T b)? sortPredicate;
/// Widget displayed when sorting list
/// available only if `displaySortWidget` is True
late Widget? sortWidget;
/// Scroll controller passed to listview widget
/// by default listview uses scrollcontroller with a listener for pagination if `onPaginate = true`
/// or `closeKeyboardWhenScrolling = true` to close keyboard when scrolling
ScrollController? scrollController;
/// Indicates whether the keyboard will be closed when scrolling or not
/// by default `closeKeyboardWhenScrolling = true`
final bool closeKeyboardWhenScrolling;
/// Indicate whether the expansion will be shown or not when the expansion group is empty
late bool hideEmptyExpansionItems = false;
/// Indicate whether the expansion tile will be enabled or not
late bool expansionTileEnabled = true;
/// max width of search text field
final double? searchFieldWidth;
/// height of search text field
final double? searchFieldHeight;
// Indicates how list view is rendered if `true` searchable listview
// uses `Listview.Builder` otherwise it uses `Listview`
final bool lazyLoadingEnabled;
Implementation #
Default constructor #
Used to create simple listview with search field (with other attributes to customize your own listview)
Async constructor #
Used to render listview from a future callback (it require an async callback that return List of objects)
Expansion constructor #
Used to create expansion listview with search field (with other attributes to customize your own expansion list)
Sliver effect constructor #
Used to create a listview with sliver scrolling effect (with other attributes to customize your own listview)
Simple implementation #
initialList: actors,
itemBuilder: (Actor user) => UserItem(user: user),
filter: (value) => actors.where((element) =>,).toList(),
emptyWidget: const EmptyView(),
inputDecoration: InputDecoration(
labelText: "Search Actor",
fillColor: Colors.white,
focusedBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderSide: const BorderSide(
width: 1.0,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),
Expansion list with search implementation #
expansionListData: mapOfActors,
expansionTitleBuilder: (p0) {
return Container(
color: Colors.grey[300],
width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width * 0.8,
height: 30,
child: Center(
child: Text(p0.toString()),
filterExpansionData: (p0) {
final filteredMap = {
for (final entry in mapOfActors.entries)
entry.key: (mapOfActors[entry.key] ?? [])
.where((element) =>
return filteredMap;
style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 25),
expansionListBuilder: (int index, Actor _actor) {
return ActorItem(
actor: _actor,
hideEmptyExpansionItems: true,
emptyWidget: const EmptyView(),
inputDecoration: InputDecoration(
labelText: "Search Actor",
fillColor: Colors.white,
focusedBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderSide: const BorderSide(
width: 1.0,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),
Async callback build implementation #
onPaginate: () async {
await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 1000));
setState(() {
Actor(age: 22, name: 'Fathi', lastName: 'Hadawi'),
Actor(age: 22, name: 'Hichem', lastName: 'Rostom'),
Actor(age: 22, name: 'Kamel', lastName: 'Twati'),
itemBuilder: (Actor actor) => ActorItem(actor: actor),
loadingWidget: Column(
children: const [
height: 20,
Text('Loading actors...')
errorWidget: Column(
children: const [
height: 20,
Text('Error while fetching actors')
asyncListCallback: () async {
await Future.delayed(
const Duration(
milliseconds: 10000,
return actors;
asyncListFilter: (q, list) {
return list
.where((element) =>
emptyWidget: const EmptyView(),
onRefresh: () async {},
onItemSelected: (Actor item) {},
inputDecoration: InputDecoration(
labelText: "Search Actor",
fillColor: Colors.white,
focusedBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderSide: const BorderSide(
width: 1.0,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),
Sliver scroll example #
initialList: actors,
itemBuilder: (Actor user) => UserItem(user: user),
filter: (value) => actors.where((element) =>,).toList(),
emptyWidget: const EmptyView(),
inputDecoration: InputDecoration(
labelText: "Search Actor",
fillColor: Colors.white,
focusedBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderSide: const BorderSide(
width: 1.0,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),
Searchable list with sort widget #
sortWidget: Icon(Icons.sort),
sortPredicate: (a, b) => a.age.compareTo(b.age),
itemBuilder: (item) {
return ActorItem(actor: item);
initialList: actors,
filter: (p0) {
return actors.where((element) =>;
inputDecoration: InputDecoration(
labelText: "Search Actor",
fillColor: Colors.white,
focusedBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderSide: const BorderSide(
width: 1.0,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),
Searchable list with auto closing keyboard when scrolling #
sortWidget: Icon(Icons.sort),
sortPredicate: (a, b) => a.age.compareTo(b.age),
itemBuilder: (item) {
return ActorItem(actor: item);
initialList: actors,
filter: (p0) {
return actors.where((element) =>;
inputDecoration: InputDecoration(
labelText: "Search Actor",
fillColor: Colors.white,
focusedBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderSide: const BorderSide(
width: 1.0,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),
closeKeyboardWhenScrolling: true
Contribution #
Of course the project is open source, and you can contribute to it repository link
- If you found a bug, open an issue.
- If you have a feature request, open an issue.
- If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.