sealed_generators 1.13.0 sealed_generators: ^1.13.0 copied to clipboard
Dart and Flutter sealed or union class generator and annotations, with match methods and other utilities.
1.13.0 #
- Added referToManifest to source writer
1.12.0 #
- Added hierarchy feature to use sealed classes directly in sealed hierarchies
1.11.0 #
- Added whenOrNull and mapOrNull methods (#12)
- Using fixed version dependencies
- Using lints package instead of pedantic for analysis
- Deprecated partialWhen and partialMap methods (#12)
- Added hashCode generation for distinct equality
1.10.0 #
- Fixed @WithPrefix allowing empty string as argument (#6)
- Added capability of adding common fields (#8)
- Updated docs according to ignore/exclude generated files (#5)
1.9.0 #
- Changed not using
on nullable fields and arguments (#4)
1.8.0 #
- Changed using
for external dependencies
1.7.0 #
- Removed @immutable, @factory and @sealed generation
- Removed meta export from sealed_annotations
- Added support for functional types as field types (#3)
1.6.0 #
- Changed cast methods to getters (#1)
- Downgrade meta to 1.3.0
1.5.0 #
- Removed support for super_enum API
- Removed support for non null-safe projects
- Removed whenOrThrow, whenOrNull and whenOrDefault
- Removed wrapping functionality (#1)
- Rename whenOrElse to maybeWhen (#1)
- Rename whenPartial to partialWhen (#1)
- Refactor partialWhen implementation
- Added map, maybeMap and partialMap methods (#1)
1.4.0 #
- Fix version problems
1.3.0 #
- Using const factories (#1)
- Updated analyzer to 2.0.0
1.2.0 #
- Using factory instead of static methods
- Disabled copy method generation
whenOrNull0 #
- Decoupled super_enum APIs from dart_sealed
1.0.0 #
- Initial version