seald_sdk_flutter 0.2.0-beta.0 copy "seald_sdk_flutter: ^0.2.0-beta.0" to clipboard
seald_sdk_flutter: ^0.2.0-beta.0 copied to clipboard

Seald SDK for Flutter: simple end-to-end encryption for your app


import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:typed_data';

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'dart:async';

import 'package:seald_sdk_flutter/seald_sdk.dart';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart' as path_provider;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:dart_jsonwebtoken/dart_jsonwebtoken.dart';
import 'package:seald_sdk_flutter_example/ssks_backend.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());

class BlinkingWidget extends StatefulWidget {
  const BlinkingWidget({super.key});

  _BlinkingWidgetState createState() => _BlinkingWidgetState();

class _BlinkingWidgetState extends State<BlinkingWidget> {
  bool _isVisible = true;

  void initState() {
    // start the blinking animation
    Timer.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 500), (timer) {
      setState(() {
        _isVisible = !_isVisible;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return AnimatedOpacity(
      opacity: _isVisible ? 1.0 : 0.0,
      duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 50),
      child: Container(
        width: 20.0,
        height: 20.0,

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  State<MyApp> createState() => _MyAppState();

const Map<String, String> testCredentials = {
  "api_url": "",
  "app_id": "00000000-0000-1000-a000-7ea300000018",
  "domain_validation_key_id": "00000000-0000-1000-a000-d11c00000020",
  "jwt_shared_secret_id": "00000000-0000-1000-a000-7ea300000019",
  "debug_api_secret": "f0r_d3bu6",
  "ssks_url": "",
  "ssks_backend_app_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
  "ssks_backend_app_key": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002",
  "ssks_tmr_challenge": "aaaaaaaa"

// The Seald SDK uses a local database that will persist on disk.
// When instantiating a SealdSDK, it is highly recommended to set a symmetric key to encrypt this database.
// This demo will use a fixed key. In an actual app, it should be generated at signup,
// either on the server and retrieved from your backend at login,
// or on the client-side directly and stored in the system's keychain.
const String databaseEncryptionKeyB64 =

Uint8List randomBuffer(int length) {
  final random =;
  final buffer = Uint8List(length);
  for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    buffer[i] = random.nextInt(256);
  return buffer;

String randomString(int length) {
  const chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
  var random = Random();
  return List.generate(length, (_) => chars[random.nextInt(chars.length)])

String getRegistrationJwt() {
  // Create a json web token
  final JWT jwt = JWT({
    "iss": testCredentials["jwt_shared_secret_id"]!,
    "jti": base64.encode(randomBuffer(16)),
    "iat": ~/ 1000,
    "scopes": [3],
    "join_team": true

  return jwt.sign(SecretKey(testCredentials["jwt_shared_secret"]!),
      algorithm: JWTAlgorithm.HS256);

String getConnectorJwt(customUserId) {
  // Create a json web token
  final JWT jwt = JWT({
    "iss": testCredentials["jwt_shared_secret_id"]!,
    "jti": base64.encode(randomBuffer(16)),
    "iat": ~/ 1000,
    "scopes": [4],
    "connector_add": {
      "type": "AP",
      "value": "$customUserId@${testCredentials["app_id"]}"

  return jwt.sign(SecretKey(testCredentials["jwt_shared_secret"]!),
      algorithm: JWTAlgorithm.HS256);

void assertEqual(actual, expected) {
  if (actual != expected) {
    print('Assert fail: expected $expected, got $actual');
    throw AssertionError('Assertion failed');

void assertListEquals(actual, expected) {
  if (!listEquals(actual, expected)) {
    print('Assert fail: expected $expected, got $actual');
    throw AssertionError('Assertion failed');

void assertNotEqual(actual, expected) {
  if (actual == expected) {
    print('Assert fail: expected to be not equal to $expected, got $actual');
    throw AssertionError('Assertion failed');

void assertThrows(Function func) {
  try {
  } catch (err) {
    return; // Got expected error
  print('Assert fail: expected function to throw, but succeeded');
  throw AssertionError('Assertion failed');

Future<void> assertThrowsAsync(Future<void> Function() func) async {
  try {
    await func();
  } catch (err) {
    return; // Got expected error
  print('Assert fail: expected async function to throw, but succeeded');
  throw AssertionError('Assertion failed');

Future<bool> testSealdSdk() async {
  print('Starting SDK tests...');
  try {
    final Directory tmpDir = await path_provider.getTemporaryDirectory();
    final Directory dbDir = Directory(path.join(tmpDir.path, 'seald-test-db'));
    // Delete local database from previous run
    if (dbDir.existsSync()) {
      dbDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);

    final SealdSdk sdk1 = SealdSdk(
      apiURL: testCredentials["api_url"]!,
      appId: testCredentials["app_id"]!,
      dbPath: Directory(path.join(dbDir.path, 'sdk1')).path,
      logLevel: -1,
      instanceName: "Dart1",
      databaseEncryptionKeyB64: databaseEncryptionKeyB64,
    final SealdSdk sdk2 = SealdSdk(
      apiURL: testCredentials["api_url"]!,
      appId: testCredentials["app_id"]!,
      dbPath: Directory(path.join(dbDir.path, 'sdk2')).path,
      logLevel: -1,
      instanceName: "Dart2",
      databaseEncryptionKeyB64: databaseEncryptionKeyB64,
    final SealdSdk sdk3 = SealdSdk(
      apiURL: testCredentials["api_url"]!,
      appId: testCredentials["app_id"]!,
      dbPath: Directory(path.join(dbDir.path, 'sdk3')).path,
      logLevel: -1,
      instanceName: "Dart3",
      databaseEncryptionKeyB64: databaseEncryptionKeyB64,

    // retrieve info about current user before creating a user should return null
    final SealdAccountInfo? retrieveNoAccount = sdk1.getCurrentAccountInfo();
    assertEqual(retrieveNoAccount, null);

    // Create the 3 accounts. Again, the signupJWT should be generated by your backend
    final SealdAccountInfo user1AccountInfo = await sdk1.createAccountAsync(
        displayName: "User1",
        deviceName: "deviceUser1");
    final SealdAccountInfo user2AccountInfo = await sdk2.createAccountAsync(
        displayName: "User2",
        deviceName: "deviceUser2");
    final SealdAccountInfo user3AccountInfo = await sdk3.createAccountAsync(
        displayName: "User3",
        deviceName: "deviceUser3");

    // retrieve info about current user:
    final SealdAccountInfo? retrieveAccountInfo = sdk1.getCurrentAccountInfo();
    assertNotEqual(retrieveAccountInfo, null);
    assertEqual(retrieveAccountInfo?.userId, user1AccountInfo.userId);
    assertEqual(retrieveAccountInfo?.deviceId, user1AccountInfo.deviceId);
    assertNotEqual(retrieveAccountInfo?.deviceExpires, 0);
        retrieveAccountInfo?.deviceExpires, user1AccountInfo.deviceExpires);

    // Create group:
    final String groupId = await sdk1.createGroupAsync(
        groupName: "group-1",
        members: [user1AccountInfo.userId],
        admins: [user1AccountInfo.userId]);

    // Manage group members and admins
    await sdk1.addGroupMembersAsync(groupId,
        membersToAdd: [user2AccountInfo.userId]); // Add user2 as group member
    await sdk1.addGroupMembersAsync(groupId, membersToAdd: [
    ], adminsToSet: [
    ]); // user1 add user3 as group member and group admin
    await sdk3.removeGroupMembersAsync(groupId,
        membersToRemove: [user2AccountInfo.userId]); // user3 can remove user2
    await sdk3.setGroupAdminsAsync(groupId, addToAdmins: [], removeFromAdmins: [
    ]); // user3 can remove user1 from admins

    // Create encryption session:
    final EncryptionSession es1SDK1 = await sdk1.createEncryptionSessionAsync([
    ]); // user1, user2, and group as recipients

    // The EncryptionSession object can encrypt and decrypt for user1
    const String initialString = "a message that needs to be encrypted!";
    final String encryptedMessage =
        await es1SDK1.encryptMessageAsync(initialString);
    final String decryptedMessage =
        await es1SDK1.decryptMessageAsync(encryptedMessage);
    assertEqual(decryptedMessage, initialString);

    final Directory directory =
        await path_provider.getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
    await removeAllFilesInDirectory(directory.path);
    final String testFilePath = "${directory.path}/test.txt";
    final File testFile = File(testFilePath);
    await testFile.writeAsString(initialString);

    final String encryptedFilePath =
        await es1SDK1.encryptFileFromPathAsync(testFilePath);
    final String decryptedFilePath =
        await es1SDK1.decryptFileFromPathAsync(encryptedFilePath);
    final File decryptedFile = File(decryptedFilePath);
    assertEqual(await decryptedFile.exists(), true);
    final Uint8List decryptedFileBytes = await decryptedFile.readAsBytes();
    final String decryptedFileString =
        new String.fromCharCodes(decryptedFileBytes);
    assertEqual(decryptedFileString, initialString);

    // user1 can retrieve the EncryptionSession from the encrypted message
    final EncryptionSession es1SDK1RetrieveFromMess =
        await sdk1.retrieveEncryptionSessionAsync(
            message: encryptedMessage, useCache: true);
    final String decryptedMessageFromMess =
        await es1SDK1RetrieveFromMess.decryptMessageAsync(encryptedMessage);
    assertEqual(decryptedMessageFromMess, initialString);

    // user1 can retrieve the EncryptionSession from the encrypted file
    final EncryptionSession es1SDK1RetrieveFromFile =
        await sdk1.retrieveEncryptionSessionAsync(
            filePath: encryptedFilePath, useCache: true);
    final String decryptedMessageFromFile =
        await es1SDK1RetrieveFromFile.decryptMessageAsync(encryptedMessage);
    assertEqual(decryptedMessageFromFile, initialString);

    // user1 can retrieve the EncryptionSession from the encrypted file bytes
    final File encryptedFile = File(encryptedFilePath);
    final Uint8List encryptedFileBytes = await encryptedFile.readAsBytes();
    final EncryptionSession es1SDK1RetrieveFromFileBytes =
        await sdk1.retrieveEncryptionSessionAsync(
            fileBytes: encryptedFileBytes, useCache: true);
    final String decryptedMessageFromFileBytes =
        await es1SDK1RetrieveFromFileBytes
    assertEqual(decryptedMessageFromFileBytes, initialString);

    // user2 and user3 can retrieve the encryptionSession (from the encrypted message or the session ID).
    final EncryptionSession es1SDK2 = await sdk2.retrieveEncryptionSessionAsync(
        sessionId:, useCache: true);
    final String decryptedMessageSDK2 =
        await es1SDK2.decryptMessageAsync(encryptedMessage);
    assertEqual(decryptedMessageSDK2, initialString);

    final EncryptionSession es1SDK3FromGroup =
        await sdk3.retrieveEncryptionSessionAsync(
            message: encryptedMessage, useCache: true);
    final String decryptedMessageSDK3 =
        await es1SDK3FromGroup.decryptMessageAsync(encryptedMessage);
    assertEqual(decryptedMessageSDK3, initialString);

    // user3 removes all members of "group-1". A group without member is deleted.
    await sdk3.removeGroupMembersAsync(groupId,
        membersToRemove: [user1AccountInfo.userId, user3AccountInfo.userId]);

    // user3 could retrieve the previous encryption session only because "group-1" was set as recipient.
    // As the group was deleted, it can no longer access it.
    // user3 still has the encryption session in its cache, but we can disable it.
    await assertThrowsAsync(() async => sdk3.retrieveEncryptionSessionAsync(
        message: encryptedMessage, useCache: false));

    // user2 adds user3 as recipient of the encryption session.
    final Map<String, SealdActionStatus> asMapAdd =
        await es1SDK2.addRecipientsAsync([user3AccountInfo.userId]);
    assertEqual(asMapAdd.length, 1);
        true); // Note that addRecipient return DeviceId, not UserId
    assertEqual(asMapAdd[user3AccountInfo.deviceId]!.success, true);

    // user3 can now retrieve it.
    final EncryptionSession es1SDK3 = await sdk3.retrieveEncryptionSessionAsync(
        sessionId:, useCache: false);
    final String decryptedMessageAfterAdd =
        await es1SDK3.decryptMessageAsync(encryptedMessage);
    assertEqual(decryptedMessageAfterAdd, initialString);

    // user1 revokes user3 from the encryption session.
    final Map<String, SealdActionStatus> asMapRevoke = await es1SDK1
    ]); // TODO: used to be user2, but new ACLs break it
    assertEqual(asMapRevoke.length, 1);
    assertEqual(asMapRevoke.containsKey(user3AccountInfo.userId), true);
    assertEqual(asMapRevoke[user3AccountInfo.userId]!.success, true);

    // user3 cannot retrieve the session anymore
    await assertThrowsAsync(() async => sdk3.retrieveEncryptionSessionAsync(
        message: encryptedMessage, useCache: false));

    // user1 revokes all other recipients from the session
    final Map<String, SealdActionStatus> asMapRevokeOthers =
        await es1SDK1.revokeOthersAsync();
    assertEqual(asMapRevokeOthers.length, 2);
    assertEqual(asMapRevokeOthers.containsKey(user2AccountInfo.userId), true);
    assertEqual(asMapRevokeOthers[user2AccountInfo.userId]!.success, true);
    assertEqual(asMapRevokeOthers.containsKey(groupId), true);
    assertEqual(asMapRevokeOthers[groupId]!.success, true);

    // user2 cannot retrieve the session anymore
    await assertThrowsAsync(() async => sdk2.retrieveEncryptionSessionAsync(
        message: encryptedMessage, useCache: false));

    // user1 revokes all. It can no longer retrieve it.
    final Map<String, SealdActionStatus> asMapRevokeAll =
        await es1SDK1.revokeAllAsync();
    assertEqual(asMapRevokeAll.length, 1);
    assertEqual(asMapRevokeAll.containsKey(user1AccountInfo.userId), true);
    assertEqual(asMapRevokeAll[user1AccountInfo.userId]!.success, true);
    await assertThrowsAsync(() async => sdk1.retrieveEncryptionSessionAsync(
        message: encryptedMessage, useCache: false));

    // Create additional data for user1
    final EncryptionSession es2SDK1 = await sdk1.createEncryptionSessionAsync(
        useCache: true);
    const String anotherMessage = "nobody should read that!";
    final String secondEncryptedMessage =
        await es2SDK1.encryptMessageAsync(anotherMessage);

    // user1 can renew its key, and still decrypt old messages
    await sdk1.renewKeysAsync(expireAfter: const Duration(days: 365 * 5));
    final EncryptionSession es2SDK1AfterRenew = await sdk1
        .retrieveEncryptionSessionAsync(sessionId:, useCache: false);
    final String decryptedMessageAfterRenew =
        await es2SDK1AfterRenew.decryptMessageAsync(secondEncryptedMessage);
    assertEqual(decryptedMessageAfterRenew, anotherMessage);


    // we can add a custom userId using a JWT
    const String customConnectorJWTValue = "user1-custom-id";
    await sdk1.pushJWTAsync(getConnectorJwt(customConnectorJWTValue));

    final List<SealdConnector> connectors = await sdk1.listConnectorsAsync();
    assertEqual(connectors.length, 1);
    assertEqual(connectors[0].state, "VO");
    assertEqual(connectors[0].type, "AP");
    assertEqual(connectors[0].sealdId, user1AccountInfo.userId);

    // Retrieve connector by its id
    final SealdConnector retrieveConnector =
        await sdk1.retrieveConnectorAsync(connectors[0].id);
    assertEqual(retrieveConnector.sealdId, user1AccountInfo.userId);
    assertEqual(retrieveConnector.state, "VO");
    assertEqual(retrieveConnector.type, "AP");

    // Retrieve connectors from a user id.
    final List<SealdConnector> connectorsFromSealdId =
        await sdk1.getConnectorsFromSealdIdAsync(user1AccountInfo.userId);
    assertEqual(connectorsFromSealdId.length, 1);
    assertEqual(connectorsFromSealdId[0].state, "VO");
    assertEqual(connectorsFromSealdId[0].type, "AP");
    assertEqual(connectorsFromSealdId[0].sealdId, user1AccountInfo.userId);

    // Get sealdId of a user from a connector
    final List<String> sealdIds = await sdk2.getSealdIdsFromConnectorsAsync([
          type: "AP",
          value: "$customConnectorJWTValue@${testCredentials['app_id']}")
    assertEqual(sealdIds.length, 1);
    assertEqual(sealdIds[0], user1AccountInfo.userId);

    // user1 can remove a connector
    await sdk1.removeConnectorAsync(connectors[0].id);

    // verify that only one connector left
    final List<SealdConnector> connectorListAfterRevoke =
        await sdk1.listConnectorsAsync();
    assertEqual(connectorListAfterRevoke.length, 0);

    // user1 can export its identity
    final Uint8List exportIdentity = sdk1.exportIdentity();

    // We can instantiate a new SealdSDK, import the exported identity
    final SealdSdk sdk1Exported = SealdSdk(
      apiURL: testCredentials["api_url"]!,
      appId: testCredentials["app_id"]!,
      dbPath: Directory(path.join(dbDir.path, 'sdk1exported')).path,
      logLevel: -1,
      instanceName: "Dart1Exported",
      databaseEncryptionKeyB64: databaseEncryptionKeyB64,
    await sdk1Exported.importIdentityAsync(exportIdentity);

    // SDK with imported identity can decrypt
    final EncryptionSession es2SDK1Exported = await sdk1Exported
        .retrieveEncryptionSessionAsync(message: secondEncryptedMessage);
    final String clearMessageExportedIdentity =
        await es2SDK1Exported.decryptMessageAsync(secondEncryptedMessage);
    assertEqual(clearMessageExportedIdentity, anotherMessage);

    // user1 can create sub identity
    final SealdCreateSubIdentityResponse subIdentity =
        await sdk1.createSubIdentityAsync(deviceName: "SUB-deviceName");
    assertNotEqual(subIdentity.deviceId, "");

    // first device needs to reencrypt for the new device
    await sdk1.massReencryptAsync(subIdentity.deviceId);
    // We can instantiate a new SealdSDK, import the sub-device identity
    final SealdSdk sdk1SubDevice = SealdSdk(
      apiURL: testCredentials["api_url"]!,
      appId: testCredentials["app_id"]!,
      dbPath: Directory(path.join(dbDir.path, 'sdk1SubDevice')).path,
      logLevel: -1,
      instanceName: "Dart1SubDevice",
      databaseEncryptionKeyB64: databaseEncryptionKeyB64,
    await sdk1SubDevice.importIdentityAsync(subIdentity.backupKey);

    // sub device can decrypt
    final EncryptionSession es2SDK1SubDevice =
        await sdk1SubDevice.retrieveEncryptionSessionAsync(
            message: secondEncryptedMessage, useCache: false);
    final String clearMessageSubdIdentity =
        await es2SDK1SubDevice.decryptMessageAsync(secondEncryptedMessage);
    assertEqual(clearMessageSubdIdentity, anotherMessage);

    await sdk1.heartbeatAsync();


    print('SDK tests success!');
    return true;
  } catch (err, stack) {
    print('SDK tests failed');
    return false;

Future<bool> testSsksPassword() async {
  print('Starting SsksPassword tests...');
  try {
    // Simulating a Seald identity with random data, for a simpler example.
    Uint8List dummyIdentity =
        randomBuffer(64); // should be: sdk.exportIdentity()

    SealdSsksPasswordPlugin ssksPlugin = SealdSsksPasswordPlugin(
        testCredentials["ssks_url"]!, testCredentials["app_id"]!);

    // Test with standard password
    String userIdPassword = "user-${randomString(11)}";
    String userPassword = randomString(12);

    // Saving the identity with a password
    await ssksPlugin.saveIdentityFromPasswordAsync(
        userIdPassword, userPassword, dummyIdentity);

    // Retrieving the identity with the password
    Uint8List retrievedIdentityPassword = await ssksPlugin
        .retrieveIdentityFromPasswordAsync(userIdPassword, userPassword);
    assertListEquals(retrievedIdentityPassword, dummyIdentity);

    // Changing the password
    String newPassword = "newPassword";
    await ssksPlugin.changeIdentityPasswordAsync(
        userIdPassword, userPassword, newPassword);

    // The previous password does not work anymore
    await assertThrowsAsync(() async => ssksPlugin
        .retrieveIdentityFromPasswordAsync(userIdPassword, userPassword));

    // Retrieving with the new password works
    Uint8List retrievedIdentityNewPassword = await ssksPlugin
        .retrieveIdentityFromPasswordAsync(userIdPassword, newPassword);
    assertListEquals(retrievedIdentityNewPassword, dummyIdentity);

    // Test with raw keys
    String userIdRawKeys = "user-${randomString(11)}";
    String rawStorageKey = randomString(32);
    Uint8List rawEncryptionKey = randomBuffer(64);

    // Saving identity with raw keys
    await ssksPlugin.saveIdentityFromRawKeysAsync(
        userIdRawKeys, rawStorageKey, rawEncryptionKey, dummyIdentity);

    // Retrieving the identity with raw keys
    Uint8List retrievedIdentityRawKeys =
        await ssksPlugin.retrieveIdentityFromRawKeysAsync(
            userIdRawKeys, rawStorageKey, rawEncryptionKey);
    assertListEquals(retrievedIdentityRawKeys, dummyIdentity);

    // Deleting the identity by saving an empty `Data`
        userIdRawKeys, rawStorageKey, rawEncryptionKey, Uint8List(0));

    // After deleting the identity, cannot retrieve anymore
    await assertThrowsAsync(() async =>
            userIdRawKeys, rawStorageKey, rawEncryptionKey));

    print('SsksPassword tests success!');
    return true;
  } catch (err, stack) {
    print('SsksPassword tests failed');
    return false;

Future<bool> testSsksTMR() async {
  print('Starting SsksTMR tests...');
  try {
    SsksBackend yourCompanyDummyBackend = SsksBackend(

    // Simulating a Seald identity with random data, for a simpler example.
    String userId = "user-${randomString(11)}";
    Uint8List dummyIdentity =
        randomBuffer(64); // should be: sdk.exportIdentity()
    Uint8List rawTMRSymKey = randomBuffer(64);
    String userEM = "email-${randomString(15)}";

    SealdSsksTMRPlugin ssksPlugin = SealdSsksTMRPlugin(
        testCredentials["ssks_url"]!, testCredentials["app_id"]!);

    // The app backend creates a session to save the identity.
    // This is the first time that this email is storing an identity, so `must_authenticate` is false.
    ChallengeSendResponse authSessionSave = await yourCompanyDummyBackend
        .challengeSend(userId, "EM", userEM, true, false);
    assertEqual(authSessionSave.mustAuthenticate, false);

    // Saving the identity. No challenge necessary because `must_authenticate` is false.
    await ssksPlugin.saveIdentityAsync(authSessionSave.sessionId, "EM", userEM,
        "", rawTMRSymKey, dummyIdentity);

    // The app backend creates another session to retrieve the identity.
    // The identity is already saved, so `must_authenticate` is true.
    ChallengeSendResponse authSessionRetrieve = await yourCompanyDummyBackend
        .challengeSend(userId, "EM", userEM, true, false);
    assertEqual(authSessionRetrieve.mustAuthenticate, true);
    SealdSsksTMRPluginRetrieveIdentityResponse retrieveNotAuth =
        await ssksPlugin.retrieveIdentityAsync(authSessionRetrieve.sessionId,
            "EM", userEM, testCredentials["ssks_tmr_challenge"]!, rawTMRSymKey);
    assertEqual(retrieveNotAuth.shouldRenewKey, true);
    assertListEquals(retrieveNotAuth.identity, dummyIdentity);

    // If initial key has been saved without being fully authenticated, you should renew the user's private key, and save it again.

    // Let's simulate the renew with another random identity
    Uint8List identitySecondKey = randomBuffer(64);
    await ssksPlugin.saveIdentityAsync(
        // to save the newly renewed identity, you can use the `authenticatedSessionId` from the response to `retrieveIdentityAsync`, with no challenge

    // And now let's retrieve this new saved identity
    ChallengeSendResponse authSessionRetrieve2 = await yourCompanyDummyBackend
        .challengeSend(userId, "EM", userEM, false, false);
    assertEqual(authSessionRetrieve2.mustAuthenticate, true);
    SealdSsksTMRPluginRetrieveIdentityResponse retrievedSecondKey =
        await ssksPlugin.retrieveIdentityAsync(authSessionRetrieve2.sessionId,
            "EM", userEM, testCredentials["ssks_tmr_challenge"]!, rawTMRSymKey);
    assertEqual(retrievedSecondKey.shouldRenewKey, false);
    assertListEquals(retrievedSecondKey.identity, identitySecondKey);

    // Try retrieving with another SealdSsksTMRPlugin instance
    SealdSsksTMRPlugin ssksPluginInst2 = SealdSsksTMRPlugin(
        testCredentials["ssks_url"]!, testCredentials["app_id"]!);
    ChallengeSendResponse authSessionRetrieve3 = await yourCompanyDummyBackend
        .challengeSend(userId, "EM", userEM, false, false);
    assertEqual(authSessionRetrieve3.mustAuthenticate, true);
    SealdSsksTMRPluginRetrieveIdentityResponse inst2Retrieve =
        await ssksPluginInst2.retrieveIdentityAsync(
    assertEqual(inst2Retrieve.shouldRenewKey, false);
    assertListEquals(inst2Retrieve.identity, identitySecondKey);

    print('SsksTMR tests success!');
    return true;
  } catch (err, stack) {
    print('SsksTMR tests failed');
    return false;

Future<void> removeAllFilesInDirectory(String directoryPath) async {
  Directory directory = Directory(directoryPath);
  if (await directory.exists()) {
    List<FileSystemEntity> files = directory.listSync();

    for (var file in files) {
      if (file is File) {
        await file.delete();
        print('File deleted: ${file.path}');

    print('All files removed from directory.');
  } else {
    throw Exception('Directory not found.');

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  late Future<bool> sdkTestResult;
  late Future<bool> ssksPasswordTestResult;
  late Future<bool> ssksTMRTestResult;

  void initState() {
    sdkTestResult = testSealdSdk();
    ssksPasswordTestResult = testSsksPassword();
    ssksTMRTestResult = testSsksTMR();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    const textStyle = TextStyle(fontSize: 25);
    const spacerSmall = SizedBox(height: 10);
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: const Text('Native Packages'),
        body: SingleChildScrollView(
          child: Container(
            padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10),
            child: Column(
              children: [
                  future: sdkTestResult,
                  builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<bool> value) {
                    final String displayValue = (value.hasData)
                        ? (! ? 'success' : 'fail')
                        : 'running';
                    return Text(
                      'test SDK: $displayValue',
                      style: textStyle,
                      textAlign: TextAlign.left,
                  future: ssksPasswordTestResult,
                  builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<bool> value) {
                    final String displayValue = (value.hasData)
                        ? (! ? 'success' : 'fail')
                        : 'running';
                    return Text(
                      'test SSKS Password: $displayValue',
                      style: textStyle,
                      textAlign: TextAlign.left,
                  future: ssksTMRTestResult,
                  builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<bool> value) {
                    final String displayValue = (value.hasData)
                        ? (! ? 'success' : 'fail')
                        : 'running';
                    return Text(
                      'test SSKS TMR: $displayValue',
                      style: textStyle,
                      textAlign: TextAlign.left,
pub points



Seald SDK for Flutter: simple end-to-end encryption for your app



unknown (license)


ffi, flutter, plugin_platform_interface


Packages that depend on seald_sdk_flutter