scroll_vanisher 1.0.1 copy "scroll_vanisher: ^1.0.1" to clipboard
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Widget, that can make any widget vanish based on scroll direction.

Sure, here is the updated README in Markdown format:

# ScrollVanisher

ScrollVanisher is a Flutter package that allows any widget to vanish while scrolling. This package is perfect for creating a clean and minimalistic user interface by hiding widgets when they are not in use.

## Features

- Hide any widget while scrolling.
- Customize the duration and curve of the hide/show animation.
- Choose the direction of the scroll that triggers the hide/show effect.
- Reset the state of the widget when scrolled to the start.

## Getting Started

To use this package, follow the below instructions.

### Installation

Add this to your package's `pubspec.yaml` file:

  scroll_vanisher: ^1.0.0

Then install packages from the command line:

$ flutter pub get

Now in your Dart code, you can use:

import 'package:scroll_vanisher/scroll_vanisher.dart';

Usage #

Wrap your widget with ScrollVanisher, then your widget will support scroll to hide/show feature. The scroll controller that you give to ScrollVanisher, also must be given to your scrollable widget, It could be ListView, GridView, SingleChildScrollView etc.

Here is a basic example:

  child: AppBar(
    title: Text('Scroll Vanisher'),
  controller: _scrollController,

In the above example, the AppBar will vanish when the user scrolls the ListView, GridView, or SingleChildScrollView that is attached to _scrollController.

Customization #

You can customize the ScrollVanisher with the following parameters:

  • child: The widget you want to add the scroll-to-hide effect to.
  • controller: The main scroll controller to listen to user's scrolls.
  • replacement: The widget that will replace the child when it's hidden.
  • preferredWidgetSize: The preferred size of the ScrollVanisher.
  • childDuration: The duration of the hide/show animation.
  • replacementDuration: The duration of the replacement animation.
  • childCurve: The fade curve of the child.
  • replacementCurve: The fade curve of the replacement.
  • scrollVanisherDirection: The direction of the scroll that triggers the hide/show effect.
  • resetStateWhenScrolledToStart: Whether to reset the state of the widget when scrolled to the start.
  • startingOffset: The starting offset of the scroll.

License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Author #

Shankar Kakumani - GitHub

Acknowledgments #

Thanks to the Flutter community for the continuous support and inspiration.

pub points



Widget, that can make any widget vanish based on scroll direction.

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unknown (LICENSE)




Packages that depend on scroll_vanisher