script_runner 0.1.5 copy "script_runner: ^0.1.5" to clipboard
script_runner: ^0.1.5 copied to clipboard

Run all your project-related scripts in a portable, simple config.

Dart Script Runner #

A general script runner for dart projects - run all your project-related scripts in a portable, simple config.

Features #

  • Easy: Provides an easy to use config for project-related scripts, similar to what NPM allows in its scripts section of package.json.
  • Portable: The scripts are meant to be portable and can reference each-other, to maximize the flexibility of creating configurable script execution orders & dependencies.
  • Self-documenting: Removes the need to document where and how to load different types of scripts on your project. Unify all your runners into 1 config that lets you freely call everything on-demand, and also supply an auto-generated documentation using scr -h.

Getting started #

You can install this package globally for the most easy usage.

pub global activate script_runner

Once activated, you can use the supplied scr executable to directly call scripts from any project you are currently in.

scr my-script ...args

Usage #

Add the script_runner config to your pubspec.yaml under script_runner, or alternatively you can use a separate config file named script_runner.yaml at the root of your project.

This is the structure of a config:

# only use this key if you are inside pubspec.yaml. Otherwise, it's not needed
  # The shell to run all of the scripts with. (optional - defaults to OS shell)
  shell: /bin/sh
  # Use a map to define shell per OS, when not specified falls back to "default":
  # (optional)
    default: /bin/sh
    windows: cmd.exe
    macos: /bin/sh
    linux: /bin/sh
  # The current working directory to run the scripts in. (optional)
  cwd: .
  # Environment variables to add to the running shells in the scripts. (optional)
    MY_ENV: my-value
    # ...
  # The amount of characters to allow before considering the line over when
  # printing help usage (scr -h)
  line_length: 80
  # Scripts support either a short-format config, or a more verbose one with
  # more possible argument to pass to each script.
  # Scripts can reference other scripts, e.g. `script1` can reference
  # `script2` by calling it directly in the command:
  # - script1: echo '1'
  # - name: script2
  #   cmd: script1 && echo '2'
  # Running `script1` will echo 1 and then 2.
    # short format - only name + cmd & args:
    - my-short-script: my_scr arg1 arg2 arg3 && echo 'Done!'

    # more verbose config, for extra configuration
    - name: my-script
      # Optional - will be used in docs when using `scr -h`.
      description: Run my script
      # Optional - overrides the root-level config
      cwd: .
      # Optional - overrides the root-level config
        MY_ENV: my-value
        # ...
      # The script to run. You can supply the args directly here, or split into
      # `cmd` and `args` as a list.
      cmd: my_scr 'arg1'
      # Optional - if supplied, will be appended as arguments to `cmd`.
        - arg2
        - arg3

For this config, running scr my-script will run the appropriate script, filling the env and changing the working directory as needed.

More arguments can be passed during the call to the script, which will then be piped to the original cmd.

pub points



Run all your project-related scripts in a portable, simple config.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


file, path, yaml


Packages that depend on script_runner