script_runner 0.1.0 copy "script_runner: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
script_runner: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard


Run all your project-related scripts in a portable, simple config.

script_runner #

A general script runner for dart projects - run all your project-related scripts in a portable, simple config.

Features #

  • Easy: Provides an easy to use config for project-related scripts, similar to what NPM allows in its scripts section of package.json.
  • Portable: The scripts are meant to be portable and can reference each-other, to maximize the flexibility of creating configurable script execution orders & dependencies.
  • Self-documenting: Removes the need to document where and how to load different types of scripts on your project. Unify all your runners into 1 config that lets you freely call everything on-demand, and also supply an auto-generated documentation using dartsc -h.

Getting started #

You can install this package globally for the most easy usage.

pub global activate script_runner

Once activated, you can use the supplied dartsc executable to directly call scripts from any project you are currently in.

Usage #

Add the script_runner config to your pubspec.yaml under script_runner, or alternatively you can use a separate config file named script_runner.yaml at the root of your project.

This is the structure of a config:

# only use this key if you are inside pubspec.yaml. Otherwise, it's not needed
  # The shell to run all of the scripts with. (optional)
  shell: /bin/sh
  # The current working directory to run the scripts in. (optional)
  cwd: .
  # Environment variables to add to the running shells in the scripts. (optional)
    MY_ENV: my-value
    # ...
  # Scripts support either a short-format config, or a more verbose one with
  # more possible argument to pass to each script.
  # Scripts can reference other scripts, e.g. `script1` can reference
  # `script2` by calling it directly in the command:
  # - script1: echo '1'
  # - name: script2
  #   cmd: script1 && echo '2'
  # Running `script1` will echo 1 and then 2.
    # short format - only name + cmd & args:
    - my-short-script: my_scr arg1 arg2 arg3 && echo 'Done!'

    # more verbose config, for extra configuration
    - name: my-script
      # Optional - overrides the root-level config
      cwd: .
      # Optional - overrides the root-level config
        MY_ENV: my-value
        # ...
      # The script to run. You can supply the args directly here, or split into
      # `cmd` and `args` as a list.
      cmd: my_scr 'arg1'
      # Optional - if supplied, will be appended as arguments to `cmd`.
        - arg2
        - arg3
pub points



Run all your project-related scripts in a portable, simple config.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


file, path, yaml


Packages that depend on script_runner