scrabble 1.0.0 copy "scrabble: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
scrabble: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

An API and command line tool for finding and scoring legal Scrabble words

Scrabble Library for Dart #

Introduction #

Scrabble provides an API and command line tool for finding and scoring legal Scrabble words defined in the SOWPODS dictionary (see

  • The API includes methods to:
    • lookup legal words, perhaps includng the wildcard '?'.
    • get all legal anagrams of a string, perhaps including the wildcard '?'.
    • get the score for a word.
  • The command line tool provides access to the API from the command line.

Installing Scrabble #

  1. Depend on it

    Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

      scrabble: ^0.1.0
  2. Install it

    You can install packages from the command line:

    $ dart pub get
  3. Import it

    Now in your Dart code, you can use:

    import 'package:scrabble/scrabble.dart';
  4. Install Command Line tool

    Activate the command:

    $ dart pub global activate scrabble

    If this doesn’t work, you might need to set up your path.

Examples #

Command Line Example #

The command line tool has many options as described in the help text, run:

$ dart run scrabble --help

This example does a lookup for three letter words including 'a', 'b' and the wildcard '?'.

$ dart run scrabble lookup --expand ab?
Lookup ab? {aba, abb, abo, abs, aby}
Score aba = 5
Score abb = 7
Score abo = 5
Score abs = 5
Score aby = 8

Dart Example #

See example/example.dart

import 'package:scrabble/scrabble.dart';

void main(List<String> args) {
  final scrabble = Scrabble();
  // Lookup arguments
  for (var word in args) {
    var matches = scrabble.lookup(word, expand: true);
    printMatches(scrabble, 'Lookup', word, matches);
  // Get anagrams of arguments
  for (var word in args) {
    var matches = scrabble.anagram(word, expand: true, sort: true);
    printMatches(scrabble, 'Anagram', word, matches);

// Print matches with scores
void printMatches(
    Scrabble scrabble, String command, String word, Set<String> matches) {
  print('$command $word $matches');
  for (var match in matches) {
    print('Score $match = ${scrabble.score(match)}');

Run the example with one or more sets of letters:

$ cd example
$ dart run example.dart abc
Lookup abc {}
Anagram abc {ab, ba, bac, cab}
Score ab = 4
Score ba = 4
Score bac = 7
Score cab = 7

Web Example #

See example/web/web.dart.

This is a version of the Scrabble example at, modified to use the Scrabble package.

Run the example as follows:

$ cd example
$ webdev serve web
[INFO] There was output on stdout while compiling the build script snapshot, run with `--verbose` to see it (you will ne[WARNING] Throwing away cached asset graph because the build phases have changed. This most commonly would happen as a result of adding a new dependency or updating your dependencies.
[WARNING] Throwing away cached asset graph because the language version of some package(s) changed. This would most commonly happen when updating dependencies or changing your min sdk constraint.
[INFO] Cleaning up outputs from previous builds. completed, took 614ms
[INFO] There was output on stdout while compiling the build script snapshot, run with `--verbose` to see it (you will ne[INFO] Building new asset graph completed, took 2.7s
[INFO] Checking for unexpected pre-existing outputs. completed, took 5ms
[INFO] Serving `web` on
[INFO] Generating SDK summary completed, took 8.2s
[WARNING] No actions completed for 15.0s, waiting on:
  - build_web_compilers:sdk_js on asset:build_web_compilers/$package$
  - build_web_compilers:entrypoint on web/web.dart

[INFO] Running build completed, took 42.4s
[INFO] Caching finalized dependency graph completed, took 305ms
[INFO] Succeeded after 42.7s with 879 outputs (2958 actions)
[INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Injected debugging metadata for entrypoint at http://localhost:8080/web.dart.bootstrap.js

Then open the page

Package Development #

This documentation is not needed to use the package, just for its development.

The package converts the cleartext dictionary file (lib/sowpods.txt) into a compressed string buffer at package development time, using the Dart builder_runner package and the command:

dart run build_runner build

This approach was adopted to provide web client-side access to the dictionary.

pub points


unverified uploader

An API and command line tool for finding and scoring legal Scrabble words

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE)


archive, args, build


Packages that depend on scrabble