score_progress_pretty_display 1.0.5
score_progress_pretty_display: ^1.0.5 copied to clipboard
A Flutter package to display and visualize credit card scores, or any other type of score, in a visually appealing way.
A Flutter package to display and visualize credit card scores, or any other type of score, in a visually appealing way.
Previews #
Features #
Customizable: You can customize the appearance of the score visualization, including the color, size, and animation.
Animated: The package includes animations to make the score visualization engaging and interactive.
Easy to Use: Integrating this package into your Flutter project is straightforward and requires minimal setup.
Installation #
Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml
score_progress_pretty_display: ^1.0.0 # Use the latest version
Usage #
score: 77,
maxScore: 100,
arcHeight: 340,
arcWidth: 340,
backgroundArcStrokeThickness: 10,
progressArcStrokeThickness: 10,
enableStepperEffect: false,
isRoundEdges: false,
minScoreTextFontSize: 30,
maxScoreTextFontSize: 50,
isRoundOffScoreWhileProgress: true,
isRoundOffScore: true,
showOutOfScoreFormat: true,
isPrgressCurveFilled: false,
scoreAnimationDuration: Duration(seconds: 2),
scoreTextAnimationDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 500),
scoreTextStyle: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.normal, height: 1),
arcBackgroundColor: Colors.black12,
arcProgressGradientColors: [
Example #
For a complete example, check the example directory included with this package.
Contribution Guide #
Feel free to reach out for feedback/discussions on
Before submit PR, you need to set githook on your machine by paste and run this command from your terminal at root project
git config core.hooksPath .githooks
- When you add new feature/fix issues, please make sure you update the documentation
dart doc .
- If possible, I want to keep this package free from external dependencies.
Roadmap #
- I am planning to add new animations in the next release.