sandbox_logger 1.0.0 copy "sandbox_logger: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
sandbox_logger: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

A simple tool for more beautiful and colorful console prints.

Sandbox Logger #

A simple tool for more beautiful and colorful console prints.

Features #

Allows you to create custom log templates to be able to print everything that happens in your application! Likewise, it also allows quick prints just as beautifully!

Getting started #

In the pubspec.yaml of your flutter project, add the following dependency:

  sandbox_logger: ^1.0.0

Import it:

import 'package:sandbox_logger/sandbox_logger.dart';

Usage Exemples #

Exemple of a quick log of object: #

Colors, icons can be changes. And the headler, map and text are optional.

void main() {
  // A model that will be used as exemple
  _ModelForExemple exempleModel = _ModelForExemple(
    name: 'Igor Miranda Souza',
    age: 21,
    hasBugs: true,
    height: 1.82,
    address: Address(
      city: 'Silicon Valley',
      country: 'California',

  // Log in green when your methods have success!
    header: 'Requisição feita com sucesso!',
    text: 'Status code: 200',
    map: exempleModel.toMap(),

  // Log in red in your error handler when you got a error.
  // An error is bad, but an error without a nice log is worse.
    header: 'An error occurred in my request!',
    text: 'ERRO 404! Invalid Route',

  // Log in yellow a warning to be aware when something happends
    header: 'The list coming from the api is huge!\n'
        'Beware of large orders like this...',
    text: ' [ Imagine here a huge value ]',

  // Default log in white to check or see infos.
    text: 'Is this variable correct? let\'s check',
    header: 'The value that came from the api is ${exempleModel.age}',

The console:

Example of a more complex, beautiful and personalized print: #

void main() {
  // A model that will be used as exemple
  _ModelForExemple exempleModel = _ModelForExemple(
    name: 'Igor Miranda Souza',
    age: 21,
    hasBugs: true,
    height: 1.82,
    address: Address(
      city: 'Silicon Valley',
      country: 'California',
  // Build your own template log with beginning, middle and end!
  // The normal sequence is a [headler] first, then an indeterminate
  // number of [middle] and ending with [bottom].that
  // Using only [headler] and ending with [bottom] without [middle]
  // in the sequence is totaly okay to.
    LogStringModel.headler('This is a headler text'),
    LogStringModel.middle('This is a middle text'),
    LogMapModel.middle(exempleModel.toMap(), title: 'My Model:'),
    LogStringModel.bottom('This is a final bottom text'),

The console:

See the complete code in the /example folder.

Important! #

Note: It is dangerous to leave prints of http requests appearing on the console in production. Try creating a flag to only make your prints when in develop mode.

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A simple tool for more beautiful and colorful console prints.





unknown (LICENSE)


Packages that depend on sandbox_logger