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A custom Dart code generator for localization using GetX.

sai_l10n_generator #

sai_l10n_generator is a custom Dart code generator for Flutter projects that automatically scans your Dart files for .tr strings and generates a Dart file (app_translations.g.dart) for managing localized strings with GetX. It ensures that existing keys in the generated file are preserved, and new keys are added as they are found.

Features #

  • Automatically scans all Dart files in the lib/ directory for .tr strings.
  • Generates or updates a Dart file for localization in the structure required by GetX.
  • Ensures that existing localization keys are not removed, only new keys are added.

Installation #

1. Add the Dependency #

In your pubspec.yaml file, add sai_l10n_generator as a dependency in the dev_dependencies section:

sai_l10n_generator: ^1.0.0
build_runner: ^2.1.7
source_gen: ^1.1.1

2. Configure build.yaml #

Ensure that your package or project includes a build.yaml file with the following configuration:

enabled: true
generate_for: - lib/\*\*/\_.dart

import: "package:sai_l10n_generator/src/l10n_builder.dart"
builder_factories: ["l10nBuilder"]
build_extensions: {".dart": [".g.dart"]}
auto_apply: root_package
build_to: source
applies_builders: ["source_gen|combining_builder"]

This configuration tells the build_runner to process all Dart files in the lib/ folder for .tr strings and generate the appropriate localization file.

Usage #

1. Mark Strings for Localization #

In your Dart files, use .tr to mark strings that need localization. Example:


The .tr extension indicates that this string should be added to the localization files.

2. Run the Generator #

To generate or update your localization Dart file, run the following command in your terminal:

flutter pub run build_runner build

This will scan all Dart files in the lib/ folder and generate or update the lib/core/utils/l10n/app_translations.g.dart file with your localization keys.

3. Generated Localization File #

The generated Dart file will follow the pattern used by GetX for localization. Here’s an example of what the app_translations.g.dart file might look like:

part of 'app_translations.dart';

class \_AppTranslation implements AppTranslation {
Map<String, Map<String, String>> get keys => {
'en': Locales.en,

class Locales {
static const ar = {
"hello": "",
"welcomeMessage": "",
"clickMe": "",
static const en = {
'hello': '',
'welcomeMessage': '',
'clickMe': '',

You can manually populate the translations for both ar (Arabic) and en (English) in the generated file.

4. Retaining Existing Keys #

The generator checks for any existing keys in the app_translations.g.dart file. If the file already contains keys, those keys will not be removed. The generator only adds new keys it discovers in the project. This ensures that your manually populated translations remain intact.

Customization #

By default, the package generates a localization file for Arabic (ar) and English (en). If you need to support additional languages, you can extend the generator to include more localization maps.

Cleaning Build Artifacts #

If you need to clean the generated build artifacts, run:

flutter pub run build_runner clean

This will remove all build caches and force a clean rebuild on the next build_runner command.

Contributing #

Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests if you encounter any bugs or have suggestions for improvements!

License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.




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A custom Dart code generator for localization using GetX.


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MIT (license)


build, glob, source_gen


Packages that depend on sai_l10n_generator