sacco 0.0.1 copy "sacco: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
sacco: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard


What composes a Borsellino.

Sacco #

Sacco, what composes a Borsellino, is a Dart package that allows to easily perform some operations related to the Cosmos ecosystem. This includes:

  1. Creating an HD Wallet.
  2. Creating a transaction.
  3. Signing a transaction.
  4. Broadcasting a transaction.

Usage #

Creating a wallet #

final derivationPath = "m/44'/118'/0'/0/0";
final networkInfo = NetworkInfo(id: "", bech32Hrp: "cosmos", lcdUrl: "");

final mnemonicString = "final random flame cinnamon grunt hazard easily mutual resist pond solution define knife female tongue crime atom jaguar alert library best forum lesson rigid";
final mnemonic = mnemonicString.split(" ");
final wallet = HexWallet.derive(mnemonic, derivationPath, networkInfo);

Creating a transaction #

final message = StdMsg(
  type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgSend",
  value: {
    "from_address": "cosmos1huydeevpz37sd9snkgul6070mstupukw00xkw9",
    "to_address": "cosmos12lla7fg3hjd2zj6uvf4pqj7atx273klc487c5k",
    "amount": [
      {"denom": "uatom", "amount": "100"}

final stdTx = TxBuilder.buildStdTx(stdMsgs: [message]);

Development #

In order to speed up the development process, we used build_runner and json_serializable to easily generate JSON representations of some data.
While this is extremely useful and helps us reduce the development times, it also means that if you want to start playing with this code base you need to perform the following command:

flutter pub run build_runner build

Once the command has successfully run, you will be able to do whatever you prefer.