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Extension to ValueNotifier by transparently applying functional reactive programming (TFRP)

rx_notifier #

The ValueNotifier is a simple, native form of Flutter reactivity. This extension aims to transparently apply functional reactive programming (TFRP).

Install #

Add in pubspec.yaml:

  rx_notifier: <version>

Understanding Extension. #

This extension adds a class RxNotifier and a converter ValueNotifier -> RxNotifier so that it can be observed transparently by the function rxObserver() and Widget RxBuilder.

The RxNotifier is directly an extension of ValueListenable then any object that implements it can be converted to RxNotifier

The only difference from RxNofifier to ValueNotifier is the automatic signature function in Observers rxObserver() e RxBuilder, very similar to MobX reactions.

Using #

To start, instantiate an RxNofifier.

final counter = RxNotifier<int>(0);

or convert a ValueNotifier already existing using the .rx() method:

final counter = myValueNotifierCounter.asRx();

IMPORTANT: The rx() method has been added to ValueNotifier using Extension Methods.

We assign a new value:

final counter = RxNotifier<int>(0);


And we hear the changes using rxObserver:

RxDisposer disposer = rxObserver((){


Or we listen in the Widget tree using RxBuilder:

Widget build(BuildContext context){
    return RxBuilder(
        builder: (_) => Text('${counter.value}'),

All declared values in the current scope fn() are observables and can generate a value that is listened in property effect.

RxDisposer disposer = rxObserver<String>((){
    return '${name.value} + ${lastName.value}';
}, effect: (String fullName){


This is the transparent use of individual reactivity, but we can also combine RxNotifier Objects producing new value. This technique is called Computed

Computed: Combining reactive values #

To combine two or more RxNotifier Objects we need to use a getter returning a new combined value:

final num1 = RxNotifier<int>(1);
final num2 = RxNotifier<int>(2);

String get result => 'num1: ${num1.value} + num2: ${num2.value} = ${num1.value + num2.value}';


    print(result); // print´s "num1: 1 + num2: 2 = 3

IMPORTANT: It is really necessary that computed are Getters and not assignments. The reaction will happen when any of the RxNotifier changes the value.

Using Getters #

We can also use getters in reactive values making, let's repeat the example above:

final _num1 = RxNotifier<int>(1);
int get num1 => _num1.value;

final _num2 = RxNotifier<int>(2);
int get num2 => _num2.value;

String get result => 'num1: $num1 + num2: $num2 = ${num1 + num2}';


    print(result); // print´s "num1: 1 + num2: 2 = 3

Filters #

Both rxObserver and RxBuilder have a property filter filter which is a function that returns a bool. Use this to define when (or not) to reflect changes:

Widget build(BuildContext context){
    return RxBuilder(
        filter: () => counter.value < 10,
        builder: (_) => Text('${counter.value}'),

RxMixin for StatelessWidget #

RxMixin exists to make StatelessWidget reactively transparently. Just add the mixin in a StatelessWidget and some reactive variable (RxNotifie) in the builder.

class CounterWidget extends StatelessWidget with RxMixin {
  final RxBuilder<int> counter;

  CounterWidget({Key? key, required this.counter}) : super(key: key);
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Text('${counter.value}');

RxMixin also accepts filters. Just override the filter() method, returning true or false:

class CounterWidget extends StatelessWidget with RxMixin {
  final RxBUilder<int> counter;

  bool filter() => counter.value != 3;

  CounterWidget({Key? key, required this.counter}) : super(key: key);
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Text('${counter.value}');

Collections and Asyncs #


An RxList gives you a deeper level of observability on a list of values. It tracks when items are added, removed or modified and notifies the observers. Use an RxList when a change in the list matters.


An RxMap gives you a deeper level of observability on a map of values. It tracks when keys are added, removed or modified and notifies the observers. Use an RxMap when a change in the map matters.


An RxSet gives you a deeper level of observability on a set of values. It tracks when values are added, removed or modified and notifies the observers. Use an RxSet when a change in the set matters.


The RxFuture is the reactive wrapper around a Future. You can use it to show the UI under various states of a Future, from pending to fulfilled or rejected. The status, result and error fields of an RxFuture are observable and can be consumed on the UI. You can add a new Future using .value

final rxFuture = RxFuture.of(myFuture);

rxFuture.value = newFuture;


The stream that is tracked for status and value changes. T initialValue: The starting value of the stream.

Empower more the ValueNotifier #

The functional_listener add map, where, listen, debounce, combineLatest and several other functions for ValueNotifier. Thank you very much Thomas Burkhart for that!!!

Features and bugs #

Please send feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.

This README was created based on templates made available by Stagehand under a BSD-style license.

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Extension to ValueNotifier by transparently applying functional reactive programming (TFRP)

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