rust_like_result 2.5.2 copy "rust_like_result: ^2.5.2" to clipboard
rust_like_result: ^2.5.2 copied to clipboard


The Result<T> type implemented in Ok<T> and Err<T> types with unwrap methods.


import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';

import 'package:rust_like_result/rust_like_result.dart';

void main() async {
  // Ok:
  Result<Map> res = Ok({'Forward': 'yes', 'Back': 'no'});
  print(res); // Ok({Forward: yes, Back: no})
  print(res is Ok ? 'Ok' : 'Err'); // Ok
  print(res.unwrap); // {Forward: yes, Back: no}
  print(res.unwrapOrDefault({})); // {Forward: yes, Back: no}
  print(res.unwrapOrElse((e) => {'error': e})); // {Forward: yes, Back: no}

  // Err:
  res = Err(ArgumentError('Bad name'));
  print(res); // Err(Invalid argument(s): Bad name)
  print(res is Ok ? 'Ok' : 'Err'); // Err
  // print(res.unwrap); // raises exception 'Invalid argument(s): Bad name'
  print(res.unwrapOrDefault({})); // {}
      (e) => {'Got error': e})); // {Got error: Invalid argument(s): Bad name}

  // tryAsResult...() - calls function and return result as Ok, or Err if exception was raised:
  // ignore: omit_local_variable_types
  Result ok =
      await tryAsResultAsync(() => File('notExistsFile').rename('newPath'));
  print(ok); // Err(Bad state: FileSystemException: Cannot rename ...

  ok = await tryAsResultAsync(() => Directory('.').list());
  print(ok); // Ok(Instance of '_ControllerStream<FileSystemEntity>')

  ok = tryAsResultSync(() => File('notExistsFile').renameSync('newPath'));
  print(ok); // Err(Bad state: FileSystemException ...

  ok = tryAsResultSync(() => Directory('.').listSync());
  print(ok); // Ok([File:...

  // Pipe operator stays Err as is, but calls right-side function on val of the left-side Ok.
  var r = Err<int>(ArgumentError('Lalala')) | (((x) => x * 2));
  print(r); // Err(Invalid argument(s): Lalala)

  r = Ok(123) | (x) => x * 2;
  print(r); // Ok(246)

  r = (Ok(123) | (x) => x * 2) | (x) => x + 1;
  //  ^----------------------^ - parentheses need to be used. I'm sorry.
  print(r); // Ok(247)

  r = Ok(123).pipe((x) => x * 2).pipe((x) => x + 1);
  //         ^------------------^ it's better, hm?
  print(r); // Ok(247)

  // .pipe() allows a long cascading:
  var r2 = Ok(123)
      .pipe((x) => x * 2)
      .pipe((x) => x + 4)
      .pipe((x) => x * 2)
      .pipe((x) => x / 5)
      .pipe((x) => 'My answer is: $x')
      .unwrapOrElse((e) => 'Was some error:$e');

  print(r2); // My answer is: 100.0

  // .pipe() allows a long cascading:
  var r3 = Err(ArgumentError('Your argument is bad'))
      .pipe((x) => x * 2)
      .pipe((x) => x + 4)
      .pipe((x) => x * 2)
      .pipe((x) => x / 5)
      .pipe((x) => 'My answer is: $x')
      .unwrapOrElse((e) => 'Was some error:$e');

  print(r3); // Was some error:Invalid argument(s): Your argument is bad

  var r4 = Ok(123)
      .pipe((x) => x * 2)
      .pipe((x) => x + 4)
      // You don't need wrap error with Err() like:
      // .pipe((x) => Err(AssertionError('My assertion error')))
      // Be simple:
      .pipe<int>((x) => AssertionError('My assertion error'))
      .pipe<double>((x) => x / 5)
      .pipe((x) => 'My answer is: $x')
      .unwrapOrElse((e) => 'Was some error:$e');

  print(r4); // Was some error:Assertion failed: "My assertion error"

  // --- Realworld cool sample (it will never throw exception): --------
  var addr = Uri(
      scheme: 'https',
      host: '',
      path: '/utc_now'); // <-- try write here some bad addr
  var client = HttpClient();

  // tryAsResultAsync() has suffix ...Async because
  //  client.getUrl(...) returns Future<HttpClientRequest>:
  var dateTime = await tryAsResultAsync(() => client.getUrl(addr))
      // request.close() returns Future<HttpClientResponse> as you know,
      //  that why we use pipeAsync again:
      .pipeAsync((request) => request.close())
      .pipeAsync((response) => response.transform(utf8.decoder).join())
      .pipe((text) => int.tryParse(text))
      .pipe((timestamp) => DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(timestamp));

  print('dateTime: $dateTime');
pub points


unverified uploader

The Result<T> type implemented in Ok<T> and Err<T> types with unwrap methods.



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