rust_crypto 0.0.1
rust_crypto: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
Hashes, Hmacs, Argon2 Passwords and AES-GCM-SIV encryption. Digests for sha1, sha2, md5, blake3, crc32
rust_crypto #
Hashes, Hmacs, Argon2 Passwords and AES-GCM-SIV encryption. Digests for sha1, sha2, md5, blake3, crc32
Uses for executing WASM.
Example #
You can find a deployed example in and the main file implementation in the Github repository.
Developing #
dart run ../../dart_wit_component/wasm_wit_component/bin/generate.dart rust_crypto_wasm/wit/rust-crypto.wit lib/src/rust_crypto_wit.gen.dart
copied to clipboard
fvm dart run test/rust_crypto_test.dart
copied to clipboard