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High-performance trie-node router. It is based on Trie-Node and supports dynamic, static, parameter, wildcard routing, etc.


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Routing Kit is a High-performance trie-node router.

  • High-performance:Based on Trie tree implementation, efficient performance.
  • Accurate:Using / to split trie-node nodes can accurately match routes.
  • Flexible:Support dynamic routing matching

Installation #

Add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  routingkit: latest

Or install it with pub:

dart pub add routingkit
# or
flutter pub add routingkit

RoutingKit is an open source project based on the MIT license. If your Router implementation uses RoutingKit, or you find my work helpful to you, please sponsor me on GitHub Sponsors. Your support is my biggest motivation.

Getting Started #

RoutingKit improves the performance of route matching and provides a simpler API. Here is a simple example:

import 'package:routingkit/routingkit.dart';

final router = TrieRouter();

router.register(0, '/users/:user_id'.pathComponents);
router.register(1, '/users/:user_id/posts'.pathComponents);
router.register(2, '/users/:user_id/posts/:post_id'.pathComponents);

void main() {

  final zeroParams = Parameters();
  final zeroResult = router.lookup('/users/1'.splitWithSlash(), zeroParams);
  print(zeroResult); // 0
  print(zeroParams.allNames); // {user_id}
  print(zoroParams.get('user_id')); // 1

  final oneParams = Parameters();
  final oneResult = router.lookup('/users/1/posts'.splitWithSlash(), oneParams);
  print(oneResult); // 1

  final twoParams = Parameters();
  final twoResult = router.lookup('/users/1/posts/2'.splitWithSlash(), twoParams);
  print(twoResult); // 2
  print(twoParams.allNames); // {user_id, post_id}
  print(twoParams.get('user_id')); // 1
  print(twoParams.get('post_id')); // 2

Through the above example, you can see that the use of RoutingKit is very simple, just create a TrieRouter instance, then use the register method to register the route, and finally use the lookup method to route matching.

The Parameters class is a parameter container that will save the matched parameters internally after the route is successfully matched. For specific usage, please refer to Parameters.

Path components #

PathComponent is a core concept in RoutingKit. It is an abstract class with four subclasses:

  • ConstantPathComponent: Constant path component, for example /users.
  • ParameterPathComponent: Parameter path component, for example /users/:user_id.
  • AnythingPathComponent: Wildcard path component, for example /users/*.
  • CatchallPathComponent: Catchall path component, for example /users/**.

Of course, you don’t have to care about these classes, because RoutingKit has provided you with some convenient methods, for example:

'/users'.pathComponents; // [ConstantPathComponent('users')]
'/users/:user_id'.pathComponents; // [ConstantPathComponent('users'), ParameterPathComponent('user_id')]
'users'.pathComponent // ConstantPathComponent('users')
'/users/:id/*'.pathComponents; // [ConstantPathComponent('users'), ParameterPathComponent('id'), AnythingPathComponent()]
'/users/**'.pathComponents; // [ConstantPathComponent('users'), CatchallPathComponent()]

You can also directly pass a string to the default constructor factory function of PathComponent, for example:

PathComponent('users'); // ConstantPathComponent('users')
PathComponent(':user_id'); // ParameterPathComponent('user_id')
PathComponent('*'); // AnythingPathComponent()
PathComponent('**'); // CatchallPathComponent()

At the same time, PathComponent also provides literal constructors and static properties:

PathComponent.constant('users'); // ConstantPathComponent('users')
PathComponent.parameter('user_id'); // ParameterPathComponent('user_id')
PathComponent.anything; // AnythingPathComponent()
PathComponent.catchall; // CatchallPathComponent()

PathComponent has only one property description, which is a string used to describe the literal definition of the current path component, for example:

PathComponent.constant('users').description; // users

ConstantPathComponent #

The ConstantPathComponent is a constant path component, and its constant parameter is a constant string, for example:

final component = PathComponent.constant('users');

It returns a component that is a ConstantPathComponent instance that represents the constant string that must be matched in the path segment, for example:

router.register(0, '/users'.pathComponents);

final params = Parameters();
router.lookup('/users'.splitWithSlash(), params); // 0
router.lookup('/posts'.splitWithSlash(), params); // null

ParameterPathComponent #

The ParameterPathComponent is a parameter path component, and its identifier parameter is a string used to represent the name of the current parameter, for example:

final component = PathComponent.parameter('user_id');

It returns a component that is a ParameterPathComponent instance that represents the parameter that must be matched in the path segment, for example:

router.register(0, '/users/:user_id'.pathComponents);

final params = Parameters();

router.lookup('/users/1'.splitWithSlash(), params); // 0
print(params.allNames); // {user_id}
print(params.get('user_id')); // 1

AnythingPathComponent #

The AnythingPathComponent is a path wildcard component that matches any string in the current path segment, for example:

router.register(0, '/users/:user_id/*'.pathComponents);

final params = Parameters();

router.lookup('/users/1/posts'.splitWithSlash(), params); // 0
print(params.getCatchall()); // (posts)

CatchallPathComponent #

The CatchallPathComponent is a path capture component that matches all path segments defined after it, for example:

router.register(0, '/users/**'.pathComponents);

final params = Parameters();

router.lookup('/users/1/posts'.splitWithSlash(), params); // 0
print(params.getCatchall()); // (1, posts)

Parameters #

Parameters is a parameter container that will save the matched parameters internally after the route is successfully matched, for example:

router.register(0, '/users/:user_id'.pathComponents);

final params = Parameters();

router.lookup('/users/1'.splitWithSlash(), params); // 0

print(params.get('user_id')); // 1
print(params.allNames); // {user_id}

get #

Parameters provides the get method to get the parameter with the specified name, for example:

params.get('user_id'); // 1

getAs #

Parameters provides the getAs method to get the parameter with the specified name and convert it to the specified type, for example:

params.getAs<int>('user_id', int.parse); // 1

It has two parameters:

  • name: Parameter name.
  • cast: Parameter conversion function.

set #

Parameters provides the set method to set the parameter with the specified name, for example:

params.set('user_id', '1');

RoutingKit saves the matched parameters in Parameters through the set method. You can also set more custom parameters through the set method, for example:

params.set('other', '1');

allNames #

The Parameters provides the allNames property to get all parameter names, for example:

params.allNames; // {user_id, other}

getCatchall #

Parameters provides the getCatchall method to get the captured AnythingPathComponent or CatchallPathComponent parameter, for example:

router.register(0, '/users/:user_id/*'.pathComponents);
router.register(1, '/posts/**'.pathComponents);

final params = Parameters();

router.lookup('/users/1/posts'.splitWithSlash(), params); // 0
print(params.getCatchall()); // (posts)

router.lookup('/posts/1/2/3'.splitWithSlash(), params); // 1
print(params.getCatchall()); // (1, 2, 3)

setCatchall #

The Parameters provides the setCatchall method to set the captured AnythingPathComponent or CatchallPathComponent parameter. You can set the captured parameter by the setCatchall method, for example:

router.register(0, '/users/:user_id/*'.pathComponents);

final params = Parameters();

router.lookup('/users/1/posts'.splitWithSlash(), params); // 0
print(params.getCatchall()); // (posts)

params.setCatchall(['1', '2', '3']);
print(params.getCatchall()); // (1, 2, 3)

Router #

The Router is an interface class that has two abstract methods:

  • register: Register route.
  • lookup: Route matching.

In RoutingKit, TrieRouter is an implementation of Router. It is a router based on Trie tree. Its register method is used to register routes, and its lookup method is used for route matching.

register #

register method is used to register routes, it has two parameters:

  • value: Route value, it is a generic parameter, specified by the generic parameter of Router<T>.
  • path: Route component, it is an Iterable<PathComponent> type parameter.


router.register(0, '/users/:user_id'.pathComponents);

lookup #

lookup method is used for route matching, it has two parameters:

  • path: 路由片段,它是一个 Iterable<String> 类型的参数。

  • parameters: 参数容器,它是一个 Parameters 类型的参数。

  • path: Route segment, it is an Iterable<String> type parameter.

  • parameters: Parameter container, it is a Parameters type parameter.


router.lookup('/users/1'.splitWithSlash(), Parameters());

Case sensitive #

RoutingKit is case sensitive by default, you can set case sensitive through the caseSensitive parameter, for example:

final router = TrieRouter(
  options: ConfigurationOptions(caseSensitive: false), // `false` 表示大小写不敏感

Benchmark #

RoutingKit provides a benchmark test, you can find it in the benchmark/main.dart file, and its test results are as follows:

(caseSensitive: true) Routing match first(RunTime): 0.60953 us.
(caseSensitive: false) Routing match first(RunTime): 0.656843 us.
(caseSensitive: true) Routing match last(RunTime): 0.6479385 us.
(caseSensitive: false) Routing match last(RunTime): 0.7026445 us.
(caseSensitive: true) Routing minimum match(RunTime): 0.26883614654192156 us.
(caseSensitive: false) Routing minimum match(RunTime): 0.2979291527317985 us.
(caseSensitive: true) Router match early fail(RunTime): 0.22558736156240886 us.
(caseSensitive: false) Router match early fail(RunTime): 0.2578717881655905 us.

NOTE: The test result is run through the dart run benchmark/main.dart command, and the test environment is:

Dart SDK version: 3.2.3
OS: macOS 14.1.2 (23B92)
CPU: Apple M1
Memory: 8 GB

License #

RoutingKit is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.




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High-performance trie-node router. It is based on Trie-Node and supports dynamic, static, parameter, wildcard routing, etc.

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