routes 0.1.3
routes: ^0.1.3 copied to clipboard
simple server routing
##ROUTES 0.1.3 #
Is a simple server routing via a single routes.dart file
routes builds on route and params package route and params
add dependencies to pubspec
route: ">=0.4.6 <0.5.0" routes: ">=0.0.1 <0.1.0"
create a routes file ###ROUTES
inside projectRootFolder/routes.dart
part of sampleServerGui;
final Map serverRoutes={
'byeJs':{'url':new UrlPattern(r'/byeJs'),'action': byeJs },
'helloDart':{'url':new UrlPattern(r'/helloDart'),'method':'GET','action': helloDart }
here we see 2 routes 'byeJs' and 'helloDart'
routes always have a
url -> url pattern and an
action -> called method and an optional
method -> that currently handels 'PUT' and 'GET'
- create the simple server with functions for each specified action (helloDart,byeJs) ###SERVER
library sampleServerGui;
import "dart:io";
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:route/url_pattern.dart';
import 'package:routes/server.dart';
part '../routes.dart';
void main() {
HttpServer.bind("", 8079).then((server) {
var router = initRouter(server, serverRoutes);
}, onError: printError);
void printError(error) => print(error);
helloDart(Map params, HttpResponse res){
Map newMap = {"language":params["language"]};
if(params["language"] == "Dart"){
byeJs(Map params, HttpResponse res){
//do stuff
now you can talk to the server eg with
the Magic happens here
var router = initRouter(server, serverRoutes);
it automatically generates a router that will use the specified routes in routes.dart
the action specified inside the routes will recieve 2 parameters
**a Map params **-> including the parameters send in the request **a HTTPResponse res **
Download a working example here