router_management 3.0.1 copy "router_management: ^3.0.1" to clipboard
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A plugin that wraps the Navigator 2.0 with a syntax sugar for Flutter Developers

Router Management #

A plugin that wraps the Navigator 2.0 with a syntax sugar for Flutter Developers

Getting Started #

  • Installing the package with Flutter CLI:

$ flutter pub add router_management

  • Installing the package manually:

Open the pubspec.yaml file, search for dependencies: and write this below:

   router_management: ^3.0.1

Usage #

  1. Create a NavigationWidgetMixin that builds a Router for example:
class App extends StatelessWidget with NavigationWidgetMixin {
  App({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp.router(
      routeInformationProvider: routeInformationProvider,
      routeInformationParser: routeInformationParser,
      routerDelegate: routerDelegate,
      title: 'Router Management Example',
      localizationsDelegates: GlobalMaterialLocalizations.delegates,
  • Or
class App extends StatefulWidget with NavigationWidgetMixin {
  App({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  _AppState createState() => _AppState();

class _AppState extends State<App> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp.router(
      routeInformationProvider: widget.routeInformationProvider,
      routeInformationParser: widget.routeInformationParser,
      routerDelegate: widget.routerDelegate,
      title: 'Router Management Example',
      localizationsDelegates: GlobalMaterialLocalizations.delegates,
  1. Create a Widget that represents a page for example:
class HomeScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  const HomeScreen({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  // Declare the path as constant
  static const path = '/home/:name';

  // Declare the name as constant
  static const name = 'Home';

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final arguments = context.arguments; // Get the page's arguments

    return Scaffold(
      body: Center(
        child: Text(
          'Welcome ${arguments.params['name']}',
          style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 32, color:,
  1. Implements the NavigationRouter into the void main() method for example:
void main() {
    child: App(), // The NavigationWidgetMixin that builds a Router
    pages: [
        path: SplashScreen.path,
        builder: () => const SplashScreen(),
        path: HomeScreen.path,
        builder: () => const HomeScreen(),
    ], // The pages
    initialPage: SplashScreen.path,  // The initial page's path. Defaults to "/"
    unknownPage: NavigationPage(
      path: NotFound.path,
      builder: () => const NotFound(),
    ), // A page that is built when an unknown path is passed
  1. Use the Navigation instance from NavigationService.instance to controls the Navigator 2.0 with Imperative methods for example:

NavigatorService.instance.pushReplacement('/home/John Doe'); or using Router Management extensions on BuildContext BuildContext.navigator.pushReplacement('/home/John Doe');

  1. To get the path's arguments use the extension on BuildContext for example:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  final arguments = context.arguments;
  1. Keep coding :)


The Router Management has many APIS to ensure that you can handle the Navigator 2.0

Is the widget core for Navigator 2.0 implementation

  • Props
Name Description Required
child Is used to build a Router to handle the Navigator 2.0 implementation true
pages Is used to create pages that can be accessed by the Navigator 2.0 true
initialPage Is used to render the page that has the same path. If the returns a router without a RouteInformationProvider it will not work correctly. Defaults to "/" false
navigatorObservers Is used to observe the Navigator 2.0 when navigating between screens. Defaults to List.empty() false
useHash If it is true then will be used the default url strategy that is a path with hash, for example:, else will be Defaults to false false
restorationScopeId Is used to save and restore the navigator 2.0 state, if it is null then the state will not be saved. Defaults to null false
unknownPage Is used to create an unknown page with the given path. Defaults to null false
transitionDuration Is used to controls the animation transition. Defaults to Duration(milliseconds: 400) false
transitionsBuilder Is used to build a global custom animation transition when navigating to another page. Defaults: If the platform is web then will not has any transition else will be null false
  • Static Methods
Name Description
defaultWebTransition Is used to get the default web transition that means it does not have any transition when navigating between screens

Is used to create a page into the NavigationRouter

  • Props
Name Description Required
path Is the page's path like: /home. To declare a page's param use this pattern "/:param-name" then use the PageArguments.params['param-name'] to get the data from the path like: /profile/:id true
builder Is used to build the page and create an active page true
fullscreenDialog Is used to create a fullscreen dialog page. Defaults to false false
maintainState If it is false the state of the page will be discarded when navigating to another page. Defaults to true false
transitionDuration Is used to controls the animation transition. Defaults to NavigationRouter.transitionDuration false
validators is used to controls the page's activation when it must has more than the basics arguments like an id or something else, if it returns false then the page will be redirect to the initial page or use the Navigation to redirect to another page. Defaults to List.empty() false
restorationId is used to save and restore the page's state, if it is null then the state will not be saved. Defaults to null false
name Is used to name the page. Defaults to null false
transitionsBuilder Is used to create a custom transition to the page. Defaults to System's Animation Transition false

Is the core class that is used to get the actual Navigation instance

  • Static Methods
Name Description
instance Is the implementation of Navigator 2.0

Is the core navigation interface and is used to controls the Navigator 2.0

  • Methods
Name Description
push Is used to navigate to another screen maintaining the previous screen
pushReplacement Is used to navigate to another screen replacing the previous screen
pushAndReplaceUntil Is used to navigate to another screen and replaces the previous screens until the condition returns true
pop Is used to navigate back to the previous screen
popAndPush Is used to navigate back to the previous screen and navigate to another screen
popUntil Is used to navigate back until the condition returns true
pushToUnknownPage Is used to navigate to the unknown page
  • Getters
Name Description
canPop Is used to know when the page can be popped


Is used to get the current page's arguments

  • Props
Name Description
uri Is used to get the path's data
data Is used to get the data that can be passed into the Navigation push methods
params Is used to get the path's params
path Is a shortcut from Uri.path to get the current path
paths Is a shortcut from Uri.pathSegments to get the current paths segments
completePath Is a shortcut from Uri.toString() to get the current complete path
query Is a shortcut from Uri.queryParameters to get the current query as a Map<String,String> object
queries Is a shortcut from Uri.queryParametersAll to get the current list of queries as a Map<String,List<String>> object


Can be used to validate any pages with NavigationPage.validators

  • Methods
Name Description
call If it returns false then the page cannot be activated and can be used to redirect to another page when it is needed

Extensions #

The Router Management has two extensions to maintain a clean code

Is used to get the current Navigation instance on the BuildContext

  • Getters
Name Description
navigator Is used to get the current Navigation instance


Is used to get the current PageArguments on the BuildContext

  • Getters
Name Description
arguments Is used to get the current PageArguments
pub points



A plugin that wraps the Navigator 2.0 with a syntax sugar for Flutter Developers

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, url_strategy


Packages that depend on router_management