router_management 2.3.3 copy "router_management: ^2.3.3" to clipboard
router_management: ^2.3.3 copied to clipboard


A plugin that wraps the Navigator 2.0 with a syntax sugar for Flutter Developers

[2.3.3] - Fixed a type error #

  • Fixed a type error

[2.3.2] - Fixed an bug that activate the animation on initial page #

  • Fixed an bug that activate the animation on initial page

[2.3.1] - Fixed Router Observer #

  • Fixed Router Observer

[2.3.0] - Added a transitionDuration param to the NavigationRouter #

  • Added a transitionDuration param to the NavigationRouter, now the NavigationPage.transitionDuration is an optional param and the NavigationRouter.transitionDuration will be used as a globally duration.

[2.2.6] - Lazy argument params #

  • Lazy argument params

[2.2.5] - Fixed iOS navigation #

  • Fixed iOS navigation

[2.2.4] - Improved Performance #

  • Improved Performance on getting the given page

[2.2.3] - Fix #

  • Fixed NavigationObserver

[2.2.2] - Break Change: Removed PageWidget #

  • Break Change: The PageWidget does not exist, use builder instead

[2.2.1] - Removed unnecessary Hero controller #

  • Removed unnecessary Hero Controller. Use the navigatorObservers to add a custom hero controller

[2.2.0] - Added RouteInformationProvider #

  • Added the RouteInformationProvider to improve performance when using initial route

[2.1.1] - Bug Fixes #

  • A bug was fixed when trying to navigate to another screen
  • Performance improvements
  • Added a way to linking pages with the path provided in the navigation

[2.0.0] - Navigator 2.0 #

  • Break Changes: The plugin was refactored in favor of Navigator 2.0 from imperative to declarative
  • Support for Flutter Web and Deep Links

[1.3.3] - Improvements #

  • Optimized the duration of custom animation to run smoothly

[1.3.2] - Improvements #

  • Optimized Fade animation

[1.3.1] - Added DartDoc Comment #

[1.3.0] - Breaking Changes and Bug Fixes #

  • Optimized the custom transition
  • Added semantics to routes
  • Fixed fullscreenDialog with useNativeTransitions false

[1.2.2] - Added shadow to custom transition #

  • Optimized the custom transition with a shadow during the transition between screens

[1.1.1] - Breaking Changes and Bug Fixes #

  • Optimized the custom transition and created compatibility with newer Flutter Versions
  • Now to add a route you need to change from Router.define to Router.addRoute
  • Changed property nativeTransition to useNativeTransitions
  • The plugins does not support initial route anymore for compatibility with newer versions and web
  • Fixed a bug that arguments was null
  • Fixed a bug on some versions of flutter that was not generating new routes

[1.0.0] - Initial Release. #

pub points



A plugin that wraps the Navigator 2.0 with a syntax sugar for Flutter Developers

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


flutter, url_strategy


Packages that depend on router_management