route_generator 0.1.0 copy "route_generator: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
route_generator: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard


这是一个简单的 Flutter 路由生成库,只需要少量的代码,然后利用注解配合源代码生成,自动生成路由表,减去手工管理路由代码的烦恼。

English 简体中文

What is it #

This is a route generation library.Only a small amount of code is required,then use the annotation to match the source code generation, automatically generate the routing table.

Features #

  • Custom route name.
  • Custom route animations.
  • Custom route parameters.
  • Custom route logic.

Depend on it #

  # Your other regular dependencies here
  route_annotation: ^0.0.1

  # Your other dev_dependencies here
  build_runner: ^1.5.0
  route_generator: ^0.0.1

Running the code generation utility #

  • One-time code generation

    By running flutter pub run build_runner build in the project root,you generate routing code for your application whenever they are needed. This triggers a one-time build that goes through the source files, picks the relevant ones, and generates the necessary routing code for them.

    While this is convenient, it would be nice if you did not have to run the build manually every time you make changes in your routing page classes.

  • Generating code continuously

    A watcher makes our source code generation process more convenient. It watches changes in our project files and automatically builds the necessary files when needed. Start the watcher by running flutter pub run build_runner watch in the project root.

    It is safe to start the watcher once and leave it running in the background.

route_annotation #

annotation description
Router This annotation is used to mark a class that is a Flutter App and use this to generate the corresponding routing code.
RoutePage This annotation is used to annotate a routing page
RouteParameter An annotation used to mark page parameters is only designed for optional parameters. Used for RoutePage.
RouteField This annotation is used to mark a completely custom route, and the annotated object must be used as a static field of the route page class.
PageRouteBuilderFuntcion This annotation is used to identify the RouteFactory static method of a routing page.
RoutePageBuilderFunction This annotation is used to identify the RoutePageBuilder static method of a routing page.
RouteTransitionBuilderFunction This annotation is used to identify the TransitionBuilder static method of a routing page.
RouteTransitionDurationField This annotation is used to identify the transition time of a custom routing page.

Example code #

Define routing application #

class DemoApp extends StatefulWidget {
  _DemoAppState createState() => _DemoAppState();

class _DemoAppState extends State<DemoApp> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      initialRoute: "/",
      onGenerateRoute: onGenerateRoute,

Define routing page #

// isInitialRoute为true表示它将作为initial page
@RoutePage(isInitialRoute: true)
class HomePage extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold();

Define routing page parameters #

  • For single parameter

    @RoutePage(params: [RouteParameter("title")])
    class OneArgumentPage extends StatelessWidget {
      final String title;
      const OneArgumentPage({Key key, this.title}) : super(key: key);
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Container();


      arguments: "title is empty",


    For the route of a single parameter, the arguments is the raw argument when navigating with the Navigator.

  • For multiple parameters

    @RoutePage(params: [RouteParameter("title"), RouteParameter("subTitle")])
    class TwoArgumentPage extends StatelessWidget {
      final String title;
      final String subTitle;
      TwoArgumentPage({this.title, Key key, this.subTitle}) : super(key: key);
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Scaffold();


      arguments: {
        "title": _titleController.text.isNotEmpty
            ? _titleController.text
            : "title is empty",
        "subTitle": _subTitleController.text.isNotEmpty
            ? _subTitleController.text
            : "sub title is empty",


    For the route of multiple parameters, the arguments must be Map<string,dynamic> when navigating with Navigator.

If you don't need custom routing, the following sections, you can add nothing, let route_generator automatically generate relevant code for you!

Custom route (priority: 3) #

This method has the highest priority for custom routing. If there are multiple custom routing options at the same time, this plan is selected first.

class CustomRoutePage extends StatelessWidget {
  static Map<String, RouteFactory> route = <String, RouteFactory>{
    'custom_route': (RouteSettings settings) =>
        MaterialPageRoute(builder: (BuildContext context) => CustomRoutePage()),
    'alias_route': (RouteSettings settings) => PageRouteBuilder(
          pageBuilder: (BuildContext context, Animation animation,
                  Animation secondaryAnimation) =>



It will generate the following code:

Map<String, RouteFactory> _customRoutePage = CustomRoutePage.route;

Custom route (priority: 2) #

This method has a lower priority for custom routing. If there are multiple custom routing options at the same time, the plan is selected by priority from large to small.

class CustomRoutePage extends StatelessWidget {
  static Route buildPageRoute(RouteSettings settings) => PageRouteBuilder(
        pageBuilder: (BuildContext context, Animation animation,
                Animation secondaryAnimation) =>



It will generate the following code:

Map<String, RouteFactory> _customRoutePage = <String, RouteFactory>{
  'custom_route_page': CustomRoutePage.buildPageRoute,

Custom route (priority: 1) #

This method has the lowest priority for custom routing. If there are multiple custom routing options at the same time, the plan is selected by priority from large to small.

class CustomRoutePage extends StatelessWidget {
  /// The RoutePageBuilderFunction annotation indicates that this method
  /// is used to define how to return a RoutePage.
  /// It is optional
  static Widget buildPage(BuildContext context, Animation animation,
          Animation secondaryAnimation, RouteSettings settings) =>

  /// The RouteTransitionBuilderFunction annotation indicates that this
  /// method is used to define how to use animations.
  /// It is optional
  static Widget buildTransitions(
          BuildContext context,
          Animation<double> animation,
          Animation<double> secondaryAnimation,
          Widget child,
          RouteSettings settings) =>

  /// The RouteTransitionDurationField annotation indicates that this
  /// field is used to define the length of the page transition. The
  /// default value is 300 milliseconds.
  /// It is optional
  static Duration transitionDuration = Duration(milliseconds: 400);



It will generate the following code:

Map<String, RouteFactory> _customRoutePage = <String, RouteFactory>{
  'custom_route_page': (RouteSettings settings) => PageRouteBuilder(
        pageBuilder: (context, animation, secondaryAnimation) =>
        transitionsBuilder: (context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child) =>
                context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child, settings),
        transitionDuration: CustomRoutePage.transitionDuration,

Warning #

  • Only one initalRoute is allowed
  • initalRoute ignores custom route name,but generates a route name constant named ROUTE_HOME.
  • All custom route methods or getters must be defined in the class of the route page and must be static and public.

Generated code #

The file name is filename.route.dart

Where filename is the file name of the Application class annotated by Router.


// **************************************************************************
// RouteGenerator
// **************************************************************************

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'home_page.dart';
import 'custom_route_page.dart';
import 'custom_route_name_page.dart';
import 'second_page.dart';
import 'one_arguement_page.dart';
import 'two_arguement_page.dart';

const ROUTE_HOME = '/';
const ROUTE_CUSTOM_ROUTE_PAGE = 'custom_route_page';
const ROUTE_CUSTOM = 'custom';
const ROUTE_SECOND_PAGE = 'second_page';
const ROUTE_ONE_ARGUMENT_PAGE = 'one_argument_page';
const ROUTE_TWO_ARGUMENT_PAGE = 'two_argument_page';

RouteFactory onGenerateRoute = (settings) => Map.fromEntries([

Map<String, RouteFactory> _home = <String, RouteFactory>{
  '/': (RouteSettings settings) => MaterialPageRoute(
        builder: (BuildContext context) => HomePage(),
Map<String, RouteFactory> _customRoutePage = <String, RouteFactory>{
  'custom_route_page': (RouteSettings settings) => PageRouteBuilder(
        pageBuilder: (context, animation, secondaryAnimation) =>
                context, animation, secondaryAnimation, settings),
        transitionsBuilder: (context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child) =>
                context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child, settings),
        transitionDuration: CustomRoutePage.transitionDuration,
Map<String, RouteFactory> _custom = <String, RouteFactory>{
  'custom': (RouteSettings settings) => MaterialPageRoute(
        builder: (BuildContext context) => CustomRoutePageName(),
Map<String, RouteFactory> _secondPage = <String, RouteFactory>{
  'second_page': (RouteSettings settings) => MaterialPageRoute(
        builder: (BuildContext context) => SecondPage(),
Map<String, RouteFactory> _oneArgumentPage = <String, RouteFactory>{
  'one_argument_page': (RouteSettings settings) => MaterialPageRoute(
        builder: (BuildContext context) =>
            OneArgumentPage(title: settings.arguments),
Map<String, RouteFactory> _twoArgumentPage = <String, RouteFactory>{
  'two_argument_page': (RouteSettings settings) => MaterialPageRoute(
        builder: (BuildContext context) => TwoArgumentPage(
              title: (settings.arguments as Map<String, dynamic>)['title'],
                  (settings.arguments as Map<String, dynamic>)['subTitle'],

Common problem #

  • No file generated

    Please check if the Router annotation has been added

For more details, please see example

pub points


unverified uploader

这是一个简单的 Flutter 路由生成库,只需要少量的代码,然后利用注解配合源代码生成,自动生成路由表,减去手工管理路由代码的烦恼。

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


analyzer, build, flutter, route_annotation, source_gen


Packages that depend on route_generator