robot 0.1.3
robot: ^0.1.3 copied to clipboard
Robot is a robot pattern testing library for Flutter.
Robot #
This library is designed to facilitate the use of the Robot pattern when developing apps using the Flutter framework. The Robot pattern is a software testing technique that aims to encapsulate a repetitive series of user actions into classes that can be re-used efficiently to simulate & test user interaction with the app, allowing the development of higher-quality applications.
Features #
- Provides the Robot class that can be extended to create a Robot for each widget in the app.
Getting started #
1. Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml
file #
robot: ^0.1.3
2. Install it by running the following command at the root of your project #
flutter pub get
3. Import it by adding the following import statement to your Flutter test code #
import 'package:robot/robot.dart';
Usage #
Create a Robot class for each widget in the app that you want to test. The Robot class should extend the Robot class from the Robot package.
class MyWidgetRobot extends Robot<MyWidget> {
late String text;
Finder get textFinder => find.descendant(of: this, matching: find.text(text));
Future<void> show() => tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(home: MyWidget(text: text)));
void expectText() => expect(textFinder, findsOneWidget);
Create a test file for each widget in the app that you want to test. The test file should import the Robot class for the widget and the Flutter test package.
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:robot/robot.dart';
import 'my_widget_robot.dart';
void main() {
group('MyWidget', () {
testWidgets('should show text', (tester) async {
final robot = MyWidgetRobot(tester)..text = 'Hello, World!';
It can be useful to use the Robot class directly.
Robot<Text> get countText => Robot.byKey(tester, const Key('count'));
That can be used like this.
countText.expectText('Count: 0');
See more details on how to use this package in the robot_test.dart file.
MIT License