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Simple but powerfull Flutter navigation with riverpod, freezed and Navigator 2.0.

Riverpod navigation #

Simple but powerfull Flutter navigation with riverpod, freezed and Navigator 2.0 that solves the following: #

  • Strictly typed navigation:
    you can use navigate([HomeSegment(),BookSegment(id: 2)]); instead of navigate('home/book;id:2'); in your code
  • asynchronous navigation
    is the case when changing the navigation state requires asynchronous actions (such as loading or saving data from the Internet)
  • multiple providers
    is the case when the navigation state depends on multiple riverpod providers
  • easier coding:
    the problem of navigation is reduced to manipulation an immutable collection
  • better separation of concerns: UI x Model (thanks to riverpod 👍):
    navigation logic can be developed and tested without typing a single flutter widget
  • nested navigation
    just use the nested riverpod ProviderScope() and Flutter Router widget

Terminology used #

Take a look at the following terms related to url path home/book;id=2

  • string-path: final stringPath = 'home/book;id=2';
  • string-segment: the string-path consists of two slash-delimited string-segments (home and book;id=2)
  • typed-segment: (class TypedSegment {}'s descendant) describes coresponding string-segment's (HomeSegment() and BookSegment(id:2))
  • typed-path: (typedef TypedPath = List<TypedSegment>) describes coresponding string-path ([HomeSegment(), BookSegment(id:2)];)
  • Flutter Navigator 2.0 navigation-stack is uniquely determined by the TypedPath (where each TypedSegment instance corresponds to a screen and page instance)
  [MaterialPage (child: HomeScreen(HomeSegment())), MaterialPage (child: BookScreen(BookSegment(id:2)))]


As you can see, changing the Input state starts the async calculation. The result of the calculations is Output state and possibly app specific Side effects. Connecting navigationStackProvider to Flutter Navigator 2.0 is then easy.

Simple example #

Create an application using these simple steps.

Step1 - define imutable classes for the typed-segment #

We use freezed-package to generate immutable TypedSegment descendant classes.

It's a good idea to be familiar with the freezed-package (including support for JSON serialization).

From the following Segments class declaration, the freezed generates two classes: HomeSegment and PageSegment.

class Segments with _$Segments, TypedSegment {
  /// Segments.home() means that the string 'home' appears in the web URL, e.g. '/home'
  factory Segments.home() = HomeSegment;
  /// the Segments.page() means that the string 'page' appeares in web url, e.g. '/page;title=title'
  factory Segments.page({required String title}) = PageSegment;

  factory Segments.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$SegmentsFromJson(json);

Step2 - extends the RNavigator class #

Configure RNavigator:

class AppNavigator extends RNavigator {
  AppNavigator(Ref ref)
      : super(
            RRoutes<Segments>(Segments.fromJson, [ // deserialize HomeSegment or PageSegment
              RRoute<HomeSegment>(HomeScreen.new), // assign HomeScreen builder for HomeSegment
              RRoute<PageSegment>(PageScreen.new), // assign PageScreen builder for PageSegment

Step3 - use the AppNavigator in MaterialApp.router #

If you are familiar with the Flutter Navigator 2.0 and the riverpod, the following code is clear:

class App extends ConsumerWidget {
  const App({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    final navigator = ref.read(riverpodNavigatorProvider) as AppNavigator;
    return MaterialApp.router(
      title: 'Riverpod Navigator Example',
      routerDelegate: navigator.routerDelegate,
      routeInformationParser: navigator.routeInformationParser,
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,

Step4 - main entry point #

Place and configure ProviderScope to app root:

void main() => runApp(
        // home=path and navigator constructor are required
        overrides: RNavigatorCore.providerOverrides([HomeSegment()], AppNavigator.new),
        child: const App(),

And that's all #

Navigation to a specific screen is performed as follows:

// navigation to PageScreen
  onPressed: () => ref.read(riverpodNavigatorProvider).navigate([HomeSegment(), PageSegment(title: 'Page')]),

// navigation to HomeScreen
  onPressed: () => ref.read(riverpodNavigatorProvider).navigate([HomeSegment()]),

Whole source code and test see:

Testing #

Before developing a GUI, it is good practice to develop and test the invisible part of the application (app model and state). It is advantageous to use a dart test environment, see:

  test('navigation test', () async {
    final container = ProviderContainer(overrides: RNavigatorCore.providerOverrides([HomeSegment()], AppNavigator.new));
    final navigator = container.read(riverpodNavigatorProvider);

    Future navigTest(Future action(), String expected) async {
      await action();
      await container.pump();
      expect(navigator.navigationStack2Url, expected);

    await navigTest(() => navigator.navigate([HomeSegment()]), 'home');

    await navigTest(() => navigator.navigate([HomeSegment(), PageSegment(title: 'Page')]), 'home/page;title=Page');

    await navigTest(() => navigator.pop(), 'home');

    await navigTest(() => navigator.push(PageSegment(title: 'Page2')), 'home/page;title=Page2');

    await navigTest(() => navigator.replaceLast<PageSegment>((old) => PageSegment(title: 'X${old.title}')), 'home/page;title=XPage2');

Other features and samples #

Note: The following examples are prepared using a functional_widget package that simplifies writing widgets. The use of functional_widget is optional.

Installation of examples #

After clonning repository, go to examples/doc subdirectory and execute:

  • flutter create .
  • flutter pub get

See the /lib subdirectory for examples.

Roadmap #

I prepared this package for my new project. Its further development depends on whether it will be used by the community.

  • proofreading because my English is not good. Community help is warmly welcomed.
  • BlockGUI widget (block the GUI while asynchronous navigation is waiting to complete)
  • parameterization allowing cupertino
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Simple but powerfull Flutter navigation with riverpod, freezed and Navigator 2.0.

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flutter, flutter_riverpod, meta, riverpod_navigator_core


Packages that depend on riverpod_navigator