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riverpod_navigation: ^0.1.1-prerelease copied to clipboard


Managing Flutter navigation with riverpod.

Navigation for Riverpod #

Managing Flutter navigation with riverpod.

Usage #

Bootstrap #

Replace your root ProviderScope with a RiverpodNavigation widget with your routing hierarchy and give the provided delegate and parser to your MaterialApp.router factory.

  final routes = RouteDefinition(
      template: UriTemplate.parse('/'),
      builder: (context, entry) => MaterialPage(
        child: HomeLayout(),
      next: [
          template: UriTemplate.parse('/articles/:id'),
          builder: (context, entry) => MaterialPage(
            child: ArticleLayout(
              id: entry.parameters['id']!,
    return RiverpodNavigation( // Replaces your root ProviderScope
      routes: routes,
      builder: (context, delegate, parser) => MaterialApp.router(
        title: 'Flutter Demo',
        routerDelegate: delegate,
        routeInformationParser: parser,

From a provider

A navigationProvider is exposed and can be used to read the current navigation state.

To access the underlying notifier that allows various actions, use the navigationProvider.notifier provider.

final myProvider = Provider<MyState>((ref) {
        final navigation = ref.watch(navigationProvider.notifier);
        return MyState(
            navigateToArticles: () {
            pop: () {

From a BuildContext

The notifier can be accessed with the navigation extension method from the BuildContext.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return TextButton(
        child: Text('Articles'),
        onPressed: () {

Pop behaviour #

To customize the behaviour of pops when navigating back, a PopBehavior callback can be provided to the RiverpodNavigation instance. The result indicates whether the current pop action should be updated, cancelled or auto (default behavior which simply replace the route with the parent one).

    popBehaviour: (notifier, stack) {
        if (stack.lastRoute?.key == Key('share-article')) {
          return PopResult.update(Uri.parse('/'));
        return PopResult.auto();
    // ...

URI rewriting #

The uri can be modified before they are processed by the router with the uriRewriter property. This can be useful for redirecting or normalizing uris.

    uriRewriter: (notifier, uri) {
        if (uri == Uri.parse('/home')) {
            return Uri.parse('/');
        const publicPrefix = 'https://example.com';
        final stringUri = uri.toString();
        if (stringUri.startsWith(publicPrefix)) {
            return Uri.parse(stringUri.substring(publicPrefix.length);
        return uri;
    // ...