riverpod_infinite_scroll_pagination 1.0.1 copy "riverpod_infinite_scroll_pagination: ^1.0.1" to clipboard
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An infinite scroll pagination using Riverpod (Lazy loading pages as the user scrolls to the end of the list).


Coding Examples #

You can see various examples for getting started with the package. Also, you can check the example project in the repository. The code snippets are taken from that project.

Model class and Repository #

Here we need to show movie information from TMDB. So our model class is creatd using freezed package.

import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';

part 'tmdb_movie.freezed.dart';
part 'tmdb_movie.g.dart';

class TmdbMovie with _$TmdbMovie {
  factory TmdbMovie({
    bool? adult,
    @JsonKey(name: 'backdrop_path') String? backdropPath,
    int? id,
    @JsonKey(name: 'original_language') String? originalLanguage,
    @JsonKey(name: 'original_title') String? originalTitle,
    String? overview,
    double? popularity,
    @JsonKey(name: 'poster_path') String? posterPath,
    @JsonKey(name: 'release_date') String? releaseDate,
    String? title,
    bool? video,
    @JsonKey(name: 'vote_average') double? voteAverage,
    @JsonKey(name: 'vote_count') int? voteCount,
  }) = _TmdbMovie;

  factory TmdbMovie.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>

Our repository has a method to fetch the trending movies list.

class TmdbRepository {
 const TmdbRepository({
   required this.dio,
 final Dio dio;

 Future<PaginatedResponse<TmdbMovie>> getTrendingMovies({
   int page = 1,
   String? query,
 }) async {
   final results = await dio.get<Map<String, dynamic>>(
     'trending/movie/day?language=en-US&page=$page${query != null ? '&$query' : ''}',
   return PaginatedResponse.fromJson(
     dataMapper: TmdbMovie.fromJson,
     dataField: 'results',
     paginationParser: (data) => Pagination(
       totalNumber: data['total_results'] as int,
       currentPage: data['page'] as int,
       lastPage: data['total_pages'] as int,

Key things to note:

  1. The repository method accepts two named parameters - page and an optional query. We use this parameters in our API request.
  2. We are using a PaginatedResponse class. It is a simple class used to wrap the data and pagination information.
  3. It has a fromJson method which accepts the json raw data, the dataMapper method for converting Json data to our [TmdbMovie] model, dataField to identify the data from Json data (TMDB API returns paginated data in the results field)

We have created a provider for getting the instance of this repository.

import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:example/src/env/env.dart';
import 'package:example/src/features/movies/data/tmdb_repository.dart';
import 'package:riverpod_annotation/riverpod_annotation.dart';

part 'tmdb_repository_provider.g.dart';

TmdbRepository tmdbRepository(
  TmdbRepositoryRef ref,
) {
  return TmdbRepository(
    dio: Dio(
        baseUrl: 'https://api.themoviedb.org/3/',
        headers: <String, dynamic>{
          'Accept': 'application/json',
          'Authorization': 'Bearer ${Env.tmdbApiKey}',

Here we initialise the dio instance with necessary headers. We're using the envied package to store API key safely.

A simple provider #

This is enough when you only require to show a list of items. You don't have to do any filtering logic.

In this example, we need to show a trending movie list from TMDB.

part 'trending_movies_list_provider.g.dart';

class TrendingMoviesList extends _$TrendingMoviesList
    with PaginatedDataMixin<TmdbMovie>
    implements PaginatedNotifier<TmdbMovie> {
  FutureOr<List<TmdbMovie>> build() async {
    return init(
      dataFetcher: PaginatedDataRepository(
        fetcher: ref.watch(tmdbRepositoryProvider).getTrendingMovies,

The key things to note here are,

  1. We have used the PaginatedDataMixin on the provider
  2. We have implemented the class PaginatedNotifier (We use generics to specify what kind of data we're dealing with - in our case the TmdbMovie model)
  3. Unlike a normal build method, we are calling init method. This is for initializing state and the data fetcher. We are passing the [PaginatedDataRepository] instance initialised with our repository fetching method.

The UI (View) #

We have created a simple ConsumerWidget withour PaginatedListView class.

class MovieList extends ConsumerWidget {
  const MovieList({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    final movies = ref.watch(trendingMoviesListProvider);

    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('Trending Movies')),
      body: PaginatedListView(
        state: movies,
        itemBuilder: (_, data) => MovieItem(movie: data),
        notifier: ref.read(trendingMoviesListProvider.notifier),

This will show a loading screen initially, and then will show the fetched data. Once you scroll to the end of the list, it will show a loading indicator and fetch the next set of data. You don't need to do anything.

Another example with search query #

Here the user can enter movie name and search for it. So, we're adding the below method to our repository.

Future<PaginatedResponse<TmdbMovie>> searchMovies({
    int page = 1,
    String? query = '',
  }) async {
    await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
    final results = await dio.get<Map<String, dynamic>>(
    return PaginatedResponse.fromJson(
      dataMapper: TmdbMovie.fromJson,
      dataField: 'results',
      paginationParser: (data) => Pagination(
        totalNumber: data['total_results'] as int,
        currentPage: data['page'] as int,
        lastPage: data['total_pages'] as int,

Now our provider:

part 'search_movies_provider.g.dart';

class SearchMovies extends _$SearchMovies
    with PaginatedDataMixin<TmdbMovie>
    implements PaginatedNotifier<TmdbMovie> {
  FutureOr<List<TmdbMovie>> build() async {
    final dataFetcher = PaginatedDataRepository(
      queryFilter: queryFilter,

    return init(
      dataFetcher: PaginatedDataRepository(
        fetcher: ref.watch(tmdbRepositoryProvider).searchMovies,
        queryFilter: queryFilter,

One difference here is the queryFilter. We need to initialise the [PaginatedDataRepository] with the queryFilter as well.

Now to se the search query, we will call the setQueryFilter method of the notifier (These methods and variables are all added by the Mixin).

For example, our SearchField widget looks like this.

import 'package:example/src/constants/colors.dart';
import 'package:example/src/features/movies/providers/search_movies_provider.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';

class MovieSearchField extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
  const MovieSearchField({super.key});

  ConsumerState<MovieSearchField> createState() => _MovieSearchFieldState();

class _MovieSearchFieldState extends ConsumerState<MovieSearchField> {
  String searchQuery = '';
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return TextField(
      onChanged: (value) => searchQuery = value,
      onSubmitted: (value) => _onSubmit(),
      textInputAction: TextInputAction.search,
      decoration: InputDecoration(
        hintText: 'Enter a movie name...',
        hintStyle: const TextStyle(color: Colors.white38),
        suffixIcon: IconButton(
          icon: const Icon(Icons.search),
          onPressed: _onSubmit,
      style: const TextStyle(color: tertiaryColor),

  void _onSubmit() {

The _onSubmit() method calls the setQueryFilter with the user entered movie name. The setQueryFilter method will automatically refreshes the provider with new query and our repositorh method will fetch new data.

Example for Slivers #

You just need to set useSliver to true and pass a [ScrollController]. Ofcourse, you need to initialise your [CustomScrollView] with the ScrollController instance.

See the code below.

class MovieListSliver extends ConsumerWidget {
  final scrollController = ScrollController(); //Create a scroll controller

  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    final movies = ref.watch(trendingMoviesListProvider);

    return Scaffold(
      body: CustomScrollView(
        controller: scrollController, //Attach it to the CustomScrollView
        slivers: [
            state: movies,
            itemBuilder: (_, data) => MovieItem(movie: data),
            notifier: ref.read(trendingMoviesListProvider.notifier),
            useSliver: true,
            scrollController: scrollController, // Pass the scroll controller

Skeleton loading #

By passing a skeleton widget (just your widget with dummy data is required. The skeletonizer package will do the rest), you can show skeleton loading animation.

  state: ref.watch(searchMoviesProvider),
  itemBuilder: (data) => MovieItem(movie: data),
  notifier: ref.read(searchMoviesProvider.notifier),
  skeleton: MovieItem(
    movie: TmdbMovie(
      originalTitle: 'Dummy Title',
      overview:'Long text summary \n Another line of text',
  numSkeletons: 8, // The number of skeletons to show

It uses the Skeletonizer dart package for building skeleton animation. If the default animations need to be customised you can include a [SkeletonizerConfig] widget in root level or as a parent widget.


  data: const SkeletonizerConfigData(
    effect: PulseEffect(from: Colors.white10, to: Colors.white24),
  child: <Your child widget tree>
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An infinite scroll pagination using Riverpod (Lazy loading pages as the user scrolls to the end of the list).

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flutter, flutter_riverpod, freezed_annotation, json_annotation, skeletonizer


Packages that depend on riverpod_infinite_scroll_pagination