riverpod 0.6.0 copy "riverpod: ^0.6.0" to clipboard
riverpod: ^0.6.0 copied to clipboard


A simple way to access state from anywhere in your application while robust and testable.

0.6.0 #

  • Merged Computed and Provider. Now, all providers have the ability to rebuild their state when one of the object they listen changed.

    To migrate, change:

    final provider = Provider(...);
    final example = Computed((watch) {
      final value = watch(provider);
      return value;


    final provider = Provider(...);
    final example = Provider((ref) {
      final value = ref.watch(provider);
      return value;
  • Computed (now Provider) no-longer deeply compare collections to avoid rebuilds. Comparing the content of lists is quite expensive and actually rarely useful. Now, a simple == comparison is used.

  • Renamed ProviderStateOwner to ProviderContainer

  • Renamed ProviderStateOwnerObserver to ProviderObserver

  • It is no-longer possible to override a provider anywhere in the widget tree. Providers can only be overriden in the top-most ProviderContainer.

  • Providers can now read values which may change over time using ref.read and ref.watch. When using ref.watch, if the value obtained changes, this will cause the provider to re-create its state.

  • It is no-longer possible to add ProviderObserver anywhere in the widget tree. They can be added only on the top-most ProviderContainer.

  • Added ProviderContainer.refresh(provider). This method allows forcing the refresh of a provider, which can be useful for things like "retry on error" or "pull to refresh".

  • ref.read(StreamProvider<T>) no-longer returns a Stream<T> but an AsyncValue<T> Before:

    final streamProvider = StreamProvider<T>(...);
    final example = Provider((ref) {
      Stream<T> stream = ref.read(streamProvider);


    final streamProvider = StreamProvider<T>(...);
    final example = Provider((ref) {
      Stream<T> stream = ref.watch(streamProvider.steam);
  • ref.read(FutureProvider<T>) no-longer returns a Future<T> but an AsyncValue<T>


    final futureProvider = FutureProvider<T>(...);
    final example = Provider((ref) {
      Future<T> future = ref.read(futureProvider);


    final futureProvider = FutureProvider<T>(...);
    final example = Provider((ref) {
      Future<T> future = ref.watch(futureProvider.future);
  • Removed ref.dependOn. You can now use ref.read/ref.watch to acheive the same effect.


    final streamProvider = StreamProvider<T>(...);
    final example = Provider((ref) {
      Future<T> last = ref.dependOn(streamProvider).last;


    final streamProvider = StreamProvider<T>(...);
    final example = Provider((ref) {
      Future<T> last = ref.watch(streamProvider.last);
  • Provider.readOwner(ProviderStateOwner) is changed into ProviderContainer.read(Provider)

  • Provider.watchOwner(ProviderStateOwner, (value) {}) is changed into:

    ProviderContainer container;
    final provider = Provider((ref) => 0);
    final subscription = container.listen(
      mayHaveChanged: (sub) {},
      didChange: (sub) {}.
  • MyProvider.family.autoDispose now correctly free both the arguments and the associated providers from memory when the provider is no-longer listened.

  • Added ScopedProvider, a new kind of provider that can be overriden anywhere in the widget tree. Normal providers cannot read a ScopedProvider.

0.5.1 #

  • Fixed the documentation of StateNotifierProvider incorrectly showing the documentation of StreamProvider.
  • Improve the documentation of StateProvider.

0.5.0 #

0.4.0 #

Changed the syntax of "AutoDispose*" and "*Family" to use a syntax similar to named constructors instead.


final myProvider = AutoDisposeStateNotifierProviderFamily<MyStateNotifier, int>((ref, id) {
  return MyStateNotifier(id: id);


final myProvider = StateNotifierProvider.autoDispose.family<MyStateNotifier, int>((ref, id) {
  return MyStateNotifier(id: id);

The behavior is the same. Only the syntax changed.

0.3.0 #

  • Added AsyncValue.whenData, syntax sugar for AsyncValue.when to handle only the data case and do nothing for the error/loading cases.

  • Fixed a bug that caused [Computed] to crash if it stopped being listened then was listened again.

0.2.1 #

  • Computed now correctly unsubscribe to a provider when their function stops using a provider.

0.2.0 #

  • ref.read is renamed as ref.dependOn
  • Deprecated ref.dependOn(streamProvider).stream and ref.dependOn(futureProvider).future in favor of a universal ref.dependOn(provider).value.
  • added ref.read(provider), syntax sugar for ref.dependOn(provider).value.

0.1.0 #

Initial release

pub points


verified publisherdash-overflow.net

A simple way to access state from anywhere in your application while robust and testable.



unknown (license)


collection, freezed_annotation, meta, state_notifier


Packages that depend on riverpod