rive_checkbox 0.1.0 copy "rive_checkbox: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
rive_checkbox: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard

Checkbox widget with two or three state animation with a Rive animation of your choice

rive_checkbox #

pub package

Checkbox widget with two or three state animation with a Rive animation of your choice

Usage #

  animation: 'assets/checkbox.riv',
  value: true,

You can customize the widget with:

animation: path/name to your Rive animation

animationOn: animation name of on state, default to On

animationOff: animation name of off state, default to Off

animationUnknown: animation name of unknown state, default to Unknown

value: null, false or true

width: force width of the animation

height: force height of the animation

tristate: true/false to enable null as an initial value

onChanged: callback whenever to checkbox change his state

useArtboardSize: use Rive artboard size instead of scaling

if tristate is false and value is null, it will be set to false

How it works #

To make your Rive animation compatible with this widget it's simple:

  • when value is true the animation On is called
  • when value is false the animation Off is called
  • when value is null and tristate true the animation Unknown is called
pub points


verified publisherjaumard.com

Checkbox widget with two or three state animation with a Rive animation of your choice

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE)


collection, flutter, rive


Packages that depend on rive_checkbox