ripple_color_selection 0.0.2 copy "ripple_color_selection: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
ripple_color_selection: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard


A simple color selection widget with a charming ripple effect

ripple_color_selection #

A simple color selection widget with a charming ripple effect

Standard Widget
class FullPage extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {

    ColorSelectionController _controller = new ColorSelectionController();

    return Scaffold(
      body: Container(
        child: RippleColorSelection(
          controller: _controller,

You can also create your own custom tile:

Custom Tile|1080×2160, 20%

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:ripple_color_selection/controller/color_selection_controller.dart';
import 'package:ripple_color_selection/holder_classes/color_selection_border_animation_holder.dart';
import 'color_selection_tile.dart';

class RectangleTile extends ColorSelectionTile {

  // the path will define the shape of the tile
  Path get path =>
      new Path()
        ..addRect(Rect.fromCenter(width: size.width,
            height: size.height,
            center: Offset(size.width / 2, size.height / 2)));

  CustomClipper get customClipper =>
          path: path

  // the padding between each tile
  double get padding => 5.0;

  // the passed parameter are required. You should include them in your own tile
    @required Color color,
    @required Function onTap,
    @required ColorSelectionBorderAnimationHolder borderAnimation,
    @required ColorSelectionValue colorSelectionValue,
    @required GlobalKey key,
    bool hasShadow = true
  }) : super(
      color: color,
      onTap: onTap,
      key: key,
      borderAnimation: borderAnimation,
      colorSelectionValue: colorSelectionValue,
      hasShadow: hasShadow


And here how you pass the new tile to the actual widget

class CustomTilePage extends StatelessWidget {

  ColorSelectionController _controller = new ColorSelectionController();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Container(
        child: RippleColorSelection.customTile(
            rippleExpandDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 1500),
            controller: _controller,
            // here in this tilebuilder you have to provide the custom tile
            tileBuilder: (key, color, holder, value, onTap){
              return RectangleTile(
                color: color,
                onTap: onTap,
                borderAnimation: holder,
                colorSelectionValue: value,
                key: key,

You're even able to go fully crazy and define a custom ripple :o

Standard Widget|1080×2160, 20%

/// This page has a [CircleTile] as tapable widget
/// and a [RectangleTile] as the expanding widget, that
/// will grow underneath the clicked color
class FullyCustomPage extends StatelessWidget {

  ColorSelectionController _controller = new ColorSelectionController();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Container(
        child: RippleColorSelection.custom(
            rippleExpandDuration: const Duration(seconds: 10),
            controller: _controller,
            tileBuilder: (key, color, holder, value, onTap){
              return RectangleTile(
                color: color,
                onTap: onTap,
                borderAnimation: holder,
                colorSelectionValue: value,
                key: key,
                hasShadow: false,
          rippleTileBuilder: (key, color, holder, value, onTap){
            return StarTile(
              color: color,
              onTap: onTap,
              borderAnimation: holder,
              colorSelectionValue: value,
              key: key,
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A simple color selection widget with a charming ripple effect

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