reusable_bloc_base 0.0.3+1 reusable_bloc_base: ^0.0.3+1 copied to clipboard
A reusable base for BLoC classes
reusable_bloc_base #
Light-weight extension library for flutter_bloc
Features #
Cover most of the common work flow in a flutter bloc, avoid boilerplate code.
Getting started #
Install the package
flutter pub add reusable_bloc_base
Usage #
// Your state class
final class HelloWorldState extends BaseState<HelloWorldLoading> {
const HelloWorldState({
List<Object> get props => [
factory HelloWorldState.initial() {
return const HelloWorldState();
HelloWorldState copyWith({
AnySuccess? success,
AnyFailure? failure,
bool? isLoading,
Set<HelloWorldLoading>? pendingActions,
}) {
return HelloWorldState(
failure: failure ?? this.failure,
isLoading: isLoading ?? this.isLoading,
pendingActions: pendingActions ?? this.pendingActions,
success: success ?? this.success,
String toString() {
return '''
HelloWorldState {
failure: $failure,
isLoading: $isLoading,
pendingActions: $pendingActions,
success: $success,
// Your bloc class
class HelloWorldBloc extends BaseBloc<HelloWorldLoading,
HelloWorldEvent, HelloWorldState> {
HelloWorldBloc() {
...//Your intialization code
FutureOr<void> _onHelloWorldEvent(
HelloWorldEvent event,
Emitter<HelloWorldState> emit,
) async {
emit(state.beforeLoading()); // <--- you can just call this to set isLoading to true
try {
// Your business logic here ... (synchronous or asynchronous)
emit(state.successState<HelloWorldState>()); // <--- state.successState will set isLoading to false and success to the given value
} catch (e, stack) {
addError(e, stack); // <--- simply call this to set failure state, the details of error will reflect in the state.failure (as long as you are using any_state package)
Additional information #
Feel free to try it out and let me know what you think. I'm open to suggestions and improvements. Contact me at my email