retarget 0.1.1
retarget: ^0.1.1 copied to clipboard
supports conditional compilation of platform-specific Flutter UI code using \#if and \#switch pragmas.
simple configuration #
# retarget.flags
main: *dev *loud # flags
main: .?os .+ios .android .mac .lin .win .web # platform (knob)
flag enables firehose logging code normally not wanted in production app that millions might use+dev
flag to switch between in-house/development backends (URIs/Credentials) and that of production environment in the cloud.os
target platform knob allows us to be sure that large swaths of UI code dealing with target platform specific layouts do not ship for other platforms.
built-in example files #
For the learning (and test) purposes tool can produce example retarget.flags
and example file that contains all pragmas. With these two you can create your own playground:
$ dart create -t package learnrt
$ cd learnrt
$ retarget --init > retarget.flags
$ retarget --sample > lib/rtsample.dart
Content of both files for
// retarget --sample > lib/rtsample.dart
/* // @ :Target:: # @main +dev -loud +lbe -i18n -🦄 -release ᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫|
.os.droid .store.locbe .native.arm ᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫*/
//--- Target info (above) ------------------------ stub: --stubtag @ ---
// always updated with the last applied configuration
/* A few commands to see how code spans below are activated/deactivated:
retarget --init > retarget.flags # sample branch configurations
retarget --sample > lib/rtsample.dart # produces this file
retarget @ # set state defined as 'main:'
retarget @ -i18n # unset i18n @main
retarget @desk +i18n # set i18n @desk
retarget @desk +i18n -dev # set i18n, unset dev @desk
retarget @desk os.web +dev +i18n # set web, set dev, i18n @desk
retarget @desk -dev \=🦄 # override forced -🦄
retarget @desk screen.=mobile # override forbidden !mobile
//--- Line switch --------------------------- stub: --stubli @ +name ---
// single line switch on a single condition
// /* @ +🦄***: # */ import 'unicorns.dart';
/* // @ -🦄***: # */ import 'ponies.dart';
// Line switch recognizes also knob variants:
// /* @ +apos***: # */ import 'rt_cupertino.dart';
// /* @ +apos***: # */ import 'rt_macos_ui.dart';
// /* @ +win****: # */ import 'rt_fluent_ui.dart';
// /* @ +web****: # */ import 'dart:html'
/* // @ -web****: # */ import 'dart:io'
//--- Simple If ----------------------------- stub: --stubif @branch ---
/* // { zkhuk___: #ifconf +dev *loud +lbe +i18n -🦄 -release
/* Here goes your "condition is true" code. */
*/ // } zkhuk^^^: #efi @@ +dev *loud +lbe +i18n -🦄 -release
//--- If with Else -------------------------- stub: --stubel @branch ---
// // { tmmjj___: #ifconf +dev *loud +lbe -i18n -🦄 -release
/* Here goes your "condition is true" code. */
/* //}{ tmmjj```: #else ! +dev *loud +lbe -i18n -🦄 -release
/* Here goes your "condition is false" code. */
*/ // } tmmjj^^^: #efi @! +dev *loud +lbe -i18n -🦄 -release
//--- Knob switch -------------- stub: --stubsw @branch knob.variant ---
// // { ultmx...: #switch .os.* from
/* Here goes the "default" case code... */
/* //}{ ultmx---: #caseof from .os.apos.droid.lin.WIN.web
/* Here goes your "" variant code... */
*/ // } ultmx^^^: #esw OF
//--- Exhaustive knob switch ------- stub: --stubsw @branch "knob.*" ---
/* // { fystw...: #switch .screen.desk from
/* Here goes your ".screen.desk" variant code... */
*/ //}{ fystw---: #caseof from
/* Here goes your "" variant code... */
/* //}{ fystw---: #caseof from
/* Here goes your "" variant code... */
*/ // } fystw^^^: #esw OF
# retarget --init > retarget.flags
# This sample flags file is for a really big shop. Play a bit with it then
# stick to two flags (eg. +dev +loc) and two knobs (eg. .os, .screen).
# Two plus two equals sixty! Ie. that many integration test cases you might
# need (4 states from two flags, × 5 states of .os knob, × 3 screen sizes).
# This configuration template works with `--sample > lib/filename.dart` test.
# Flags:
# +dev under development - +dev code may have dragonbugs lurking.
# +loud turns on firehose of logs (makes app to crawl on older devices)
# +lbe in-house backend, forced. Unset for flytests on AWS/Azure/GCE
# +18n apply only to the stable parts of the app (after translations
# for a given feature were loaded to the cloud and vetted)
# !🦄 You may not do unicorns until you're able to make ordinary ponies
# happy. Ie. "would be nice to have" big features are behind +🦄.
# !release +release enables production backends, & guards local dev secrets.
# You can not pass code to release signer pipeline unless you
# override forced -release state (set +18n -loud -lbe -dev too).
# Read the docs, and release rules, Luke!
main: +dev *loud =lbe *i18n !🦄 !release # +lbe -🦄 -release forced
main: .?os .apos .+droid .lin .win .web # platform knob
main: .?screen .desk .=mobile .tv # display knob
main: .?store .fibase .icloud .dsql .+locbe # storage knob, +dev uses +locbe
main: .?native .amd .+arm .losong .mips # for NDK includes generator
### iOS/macOS
apdev: +dev *loud =lbe *i18n !🦄 !release #
apdev: .?os .=apos .droid .lin .win .web # iOS/macOS forced
apdev: .?screen .desk .+mobile .tv # phone/tablet
apdev: .?store .!fibase .icloud .!dsql .+locbe # icloud only
apdev: .?native .amd .+arm .!losong .!mips # amd/arm only
### Android
drodev: +dev *loud =lbe *i18n !🦄 !release #
drodev: .?os .!apos .+droid .lin .!win .!web # +lin allowed
drodev: .?screen .desk .+mobile .tv # phone/tablet
drodev: .?store .fibase .!icloud .dsql .+locbe # icloud excluded
drodev: .?native .amd .+arm .losong .mips # all cpus
### DeskOS
desk: +dev *loud =lbe +i18n !🦄 !release #
desk: .?os .apos .droid .+lin .win .web # web is for desk too
desk: .?screen .+desk .!mobile .tv # chromecasted tv
desk: .?store .fibase .icloud .dsql .+locbe # icloud excluded
desk: .?native .+amd .arm .losong .mips # all cpus
### Release ### still require sign-offs to override forced -release
shipit: !dev !loud !lbe =i18n !🦄 !release
shipit: .?os .apos .+droid .lin .win .web
shipit: .?screen .desk .+mobile .tv
shipit: .?store .+fibase .icloud .dsql .!locbe
shipit: .?native .amd .+arm .losong .mips
### --- END ---
# line comments start with a sharp in the first column,
# to EOL comment begins at the # past flags or knob variants bar.
# ------ TL;DR docs -----------------------------------------------------
# bname: tells the branch name (one then summoned with `retarget @bname`)
# next line should provide flags and their default predicates:
# eg. bname: +flagA -flagB *flagC =flagD !flagE %flagF (up to 7)
# + - * tells the stub engine what to put on a new #ifconf pragmas.
# Also informs the apply engine of default state for the branch.
# = ! % forbids to simply override respective +, -, or * on the cli.
# Overrides on the cli must be then forced too.
# Next are knob definitions (up to 7 knobs up to 6 variants each):
# .?name makes a knob, .variant names follow (min:2 max:6, 7th is .*)
# .+variant makes it a default for this knob (in a branch)
# .=variant forces it to be the only default, others may not be chosen
# .!variant forbids user to choose this variant (in a branch)
# All flag and variant names must be unique. Then all defined branches
# must have the same set of flags, knobs, and variants as "main:" has.
# Only predicates ( + - * % ! = ) on flags and variants may differ.
# Thorough the code pragmas must keep order estabilished in "main:".
# Main code configuration itself is one for the bare "retarget @".