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“Pragmatic state management for Flutter, based on familiar and platform-native concepts”

Result Notifier #

Pragmatic and magic-free state management for Flutter - simply lagom.

Result Notifier is a simple and modest package for state management, based on familiar and platform-native concepts, rather than introducing new abstractions and mental models. In fact, the package really is little more than a few additions to ValueNotifier and ChangeNotifier. As the name of this package alludes to, one of the most important additions is the concept of a Result type, which can represent either some Data, an Error or a Loading state.

style: lint

Features #

  • Familiar and platform-native concepts, based on ValueNotifier, ChangeNotifier, ValueListenableBuilder etc.
  • Built around a Result type that represents some type of data. The result can be in one of three different states:
    • Data: The result contains some concrete data.
    • Error: Represents an error, along with the previous data, if any.
    • Loading: Represents a loading/reloading state, along with the previous data, if any.
  • The core class ResultNotifier - a ValueNotifier that holds a Result value and provides methods for accessing and mutating the value.
  • Support for updating the data asynchronously (e.g. via an API call) using FutureNotifier.
  • Support for cache expiration and refreshing of data when stale.
  • An easy way to build the UI based on the current state of the result, using ResultBuilder.
  • An auto-disposable store of notifiers, each associated with a key (see ResultStore Makes it easy to support pagination or build a support a parameterised.
  • A ResultNotifierProvider that can be used to handle the lifecycle of a notifier (i.e. creation and disposal), and provide it to a subtree of widgets.
    • There is also ResourceProvider, which can manage the lifecycle and access to arbitrary resources.

Getting Started #

Simply add the dependency and start writing some code:

final notifier = ResultNotifier<String>.future(
  (_) async {
    final response = await http.get(Uri.parse(''));
    final json = jsonDecode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
    return json['activity'] as String;

You can find a more complete example here, and additional examples in the examples directory in the repository.

For an even more real-worldish example, check out this fork of Andrea Bizzotto's TMDB Movie App, which uses Result Notifier instead of Riverpod.

Or... rolling your own 🤷‍️ #

Instead of adding a dependency this package, consider building it yourself. It's really not that hard, especially since you can use the source code of this package as a starting point, and just throw out the parts you don't need/like.

When to use it - and when not to #

Result Notifier is probably most suitable for cases when your state management needs are in the ballpark of "low to moderate", or as we say in Sweden: lagom. If you need more advanced state management, you might want to reach for something more elaborate. But then again, maybe not - as in most cases, this very much depends on your general application architecture and modularization. And remember - excessive use of state management may also be a sign of a flawed architecture or over-engineering.

Things left to do... #

The usual stuff, more tests and more docs 😅.




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“Pragmatic state management for Flutter, based on familiar and platform-native concepts”

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