result_notifier 0.4.1+1 copy "result_notifier: ^0.4.1+1" to clipboard
result_notifier: ^0.4.1+1 copied to clipboard

Pragmatic state management for Flutter, based on familiar and platform-native concepts

0.4.1+1 #

  • Added relevant topics to pubspec.yaml.

0.4.1 #

  • Added updateDataAsync to ResultNotifier, to update the data of a ResultNotifier asynchronously without having to handle potential exceptions (i.e. the returned Future can be safely ignored, or awaited without try/catch).

0.4.0 #

  • Removed ResultNotifierProvider.
  • Updated ResourceProvider to use WatcherContext instead of BuildContext (in builder and build), to make watching easier.

0.3.0+1 #

  • Just documentation updates.

0.3.0 #

  • Added "watch" functionality, i.e. the possibility to observe a ResultNotifier (or any Listenable) in a Widget without using a ResultBuilder or ValueListenableBuilder (a bit similar to how flutter_hooks works).
  • Added extension methods on Iterable<Result> and Iterable<ResultNotifier> for combining multiple Results into a single Result, or just combining the data (similar to CombineLatestNotifier).
  • Added convenience Records extensions for Result and ResultNotifier, enabling typed use of combine and combineData methods (see ResultTuple, ResultListenableTuple, etc).
  • Added extension methods on Iterable<Result> and Iterable<ResultNotifier> for getting combined statuses ( e.g. isLoading, isAllLoading etc).
  • Introduced the abstract type ResultListenable and moved some functionality from ResultNotifier there.
  • Added support for transforming a regular ValueNotifier/ValueListenable to a ResultListenable using ValueListenable.toResultListenable().
  • Deprecated ResultNotifierProvider - use ResourceProvider (along with watch or ResultBuilder) instead.
  • Made some arguments required in ResourceProvider default constructor and added a second constructor (ResourceProvider.custom) for subclasses.
  • Made dispose method in ResourceProvider optional, and added default implementation that calls dispose() on the resource.

0.2.1 #

  • Fixed issue with Result.toData (and thus ResultNotifier.toData) not using the data parameter correctly.

0.2.0 #

  • Updated setResultAsync to always return a Result, even if an error occurs.
  • Method cancel in ResultNotifier no longer accepts a Result as a parameter.
  • Updated API of CombineLatestNotifier (changed constructor and added static factory methods) and removed @expermimental annotation.
  • Renamed ChainedNotifier to EffectNotifier and removed @expermimental annotation.
  • Added effect methods to ResultNotifier.

0.1.1 #

  • Added lint package and fixed analysis warnings.

0.1.0 #

  • Initial release, with basic ResultNotifier functionality.
pub points



Pragmatic state management for Flutter, based on familiar and platform-native concepts

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#state-management #state #reactive #watch #provider


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